Perrspectives - Bringing light to Darkness

Month: May 2008

May 10, 2008
Adviser Black: McCain "Slightly Right of Center"

Just in case you needed any more evidence that John McCain is planning to run away from his party and president in the November election, senior adviser Charlie Black put any doubts to rest this weekend. In Sunday's New York Times, Black described McCain, as "slightly right-of-center." Apparently, with the Republican nomination now safely secured, […]

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May 10, 2008
Mothers' Day, Global Warming and McCain's Character Campaign

What do Mothers' Day and global warming have in common? Both, as it turns out, are essential ingredients in John McCain's "character" campaign for the White House. That is, given the staggering unpopularity of his party's platform and president, John McCain is now running away from both. From here on out, the McCain campaign will […]

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May 9, 2008
McCain to Bush in 2000: "Don't Give Me That Sh*t. And Take Your Hands Off Me."

Four days after Arianna Huffington first reported it, John McCain's 2000 VoteGate has become the election issue du jour. The New York Times, the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times have all run stories confirming Huffington's account that in 2000 a still steaming McCain did not vote for George W. Bush, the man who […]

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May 9, 2008
John McCain's Top 10 Out-of-Touch Moments

In another sign of the media's sheepish acceptance of the Barack Obama "elitist" story line, the New York Times on Tuesday described the Illinois Senator as "tagged as elitist." But just as disturbing as the Republicans' apparent success in establishing the "out of touch" narrative as a fixture in campaign coverage is John McCain's seeming […]

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May 8, 2008
Polls, 2004 GOP Say Cindy McCain Wrong Not to Disclose Taxes

Today, John McCain's wife Cindy declared she would never release her tax returns. Unfortunately, the McCains are bucking the tide of public opinion regarding her income and $100 million fortune. The American people by lopsided margins overwhelmingly believe presidential candidates should disclose their tax returns. And as they showed four years ago in the imbroglio […]

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May 8, 2008
McCain Voting Record Contradicts Maverick Myth

On Wednesday, John McCain's home state Arizona Republic did some good excavation work in the ongoing demolition of the GOP nominee's maverick myth. Analyzing his Senate voting record since 1999, the paper found McCain rarely strayed from the Republican Party line. But that's only a small part of the unraveling of the McCain maverick fable. […]

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May 6, 2008
Meet the McCain Court. Same as the Bush Court.

Speaking at Wake Forest University today, Republican presidential nominee John McCain reassured his party's conservative base that he has adopted George W. Bush's judicial philosophy hook, line and sinker. The same John McCain who once expressed doubts about judges in the mold of Samuel Alito today extolled him as a model for the Supreme Court, […]

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May 6, 2008
Laura Bush Replaces Husband at Burma Cyclone Press Briefing

On Monday, a nation led by a ruler with dictatorial tendencies was devastated by a storm of biblical proportions for which its government was woefully unprepared. Which may explain why the White House trotted out First Lady Laura Bush rather than her husband the president to answer questions at a press conference yesterday about the […]

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May 5, 2008
Take the Lindsey Graham Challenge: "Good Luck Making McCain George Bush"

The record of politicians issuing challenges to the press is not a happy one. Just before his Donna Rice scandal broke in 1987, Democratic frontrunner Gary Hart dared the media to "follow me around." The rest, as they say, is history. Now, South Carolina Senator and John McCain water carrier Lindsey Graham has issued a […]

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May 5, 2008
GOP: Baghdad Still Safer Than U.S. Cities

From the outset of the Iraq war, Republican leaders and their amen corner in the right-wing media have sought to calm squeamish Americans by favorably comparing the violence there to life in U.S. cities. Now, John March, a developer planning (believe it or not) a "Disneyland-style" theme park in Baghdad, says the carnage in the […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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