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Category: Donald Trump

July 24, 2024
All Americans Must Denounce This Violent Political Rhetoric

There is much we still don’t know in the wake of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. The shooter’s motives and mental state remain a mystery. Exactly how the Secret Service and local authorities failed to secure the would-be assassin’s location and prevent his deadly fire is still undetermined. An authoritative ballistics assessment of the […]

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March 7, 2024
GOP’s “Human Life” Platform Could Ban All Abortions and Current IVF Treatments

Republicans are learning that IVF is, to borrow from Joe Biden, a BFD. In the two weeks since the Alabama Supreme Court shockingly ruled that frozen embryos are children, polls show that the American people overwhelmingly disagree. A CBS News/YouGov survey found that 86% believe in vitro fertilization must remain legal. In response to that […]

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May 23, 2023
Past GOP Speakers, Ratings Agencies Warned of Republican Debt Ceiling “Disaster”

Virtually alone among major world economies, the United States has a debt ceiling which limits how much money the government can borrow to pay the bills it has already incurred. From the time Congress created the debt limit in 1917 to simply the massive borrowing need to fund the U.S effort in World War I […]

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May 12, 2022
Republicans Have No Problem Threatening the Judges They Oppose

In the wake of the leaked draft of Justice Samuel Alito’s draft Dobbs opinion eviscerating reproductive rights in the United States, opponents took to the streets to protest in front of several of the conservative justices’ homes. And Republicans are none too happy about it. Despite existing federal law likely prohibiting such protests and unanimous […]

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October 6, 2021
REMINDER: President Trump Would Have to Raise the Debt Ceiling, Too

To my Republican friends willing to trigger a global economic catastrophe by refusing to raise the federal government’s debt ceiling, let’s engage in a little thought exercise. Imagine for the moment that Donald Trump actually won reelection in November 2020. (That shouldn’t be hard, given polling that shows that 66% of Republicans already wrongly believe […]

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August 13, 2021
Trump Put 5,000 Taliban Fighters Back in Battle and Tied Biden’s Hands in Afghanistan

It’s amazing how America’s national security landscape changed in just four years. With the Islamic State on the ropes after the fall of Mosul, in February 2017 defense expert Andrew Exum proclaimed, “Donald Trump will defeat ISIS and it will mostly be due to the work of his predecessor.” But with Trump’s successor just weeks […]

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January 6, 2021
“It’s Not True, and You Know It’s Not True”

History will record that on January 6, 2021, the President of the United States, 140 Republican House members and a dozen GOP Senators sought to overturn the results of the free and fair vote of the American people. But how these Republicans would seek to deny the will of the voters and trigger a failed […]

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November 6, 2020
A Brief History of the 2020 Presidential Election

DEMOCRATS: Coronavirus is coming to the USA. We have to prepare the country for the pandemic and massively mobilize national resources for hospitalizations, testing, tracing and isolation. REPUBLICANS: The Wuhan flu? Like a miracle it will disappear. Besides, you can’t infringe on my liberties. DEMOCRATS: But hundreds of thousands of Americans will die— REPUBLICANS: You […]

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November 2, 2020
Donald Trump’s Presidency in Three Pictures

As President, Donald Trump broke a long list of promises he made to the American people. He didn’t build a big, beautiful wall, and certainly did not get Mexico to pay for it. Far from being on track to eliminate the entire national debt “over a period of eight years,” Trump only added to the […]

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September 18, 2020
Five Thoughts on the Supreme Court After Ginsburg

Like many of you, I am devastated by the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg. She was not only a giant of the Court, but a true American hero who fought to help bring the promise of the Constitution to all Americans. It is a disgusting reality of our present national crisis that our […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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