Perrspectives in the
News |
"The 9 Biggest Conservative Lies About Taxes and Public
December 19, 2010
"Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, R-Texas, claimed that “Every
major tax cut we've had in history has created more
revenue," and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-KY
said earlier this year that the myth represented “the view
of virtually every Republican on that subject. It's also
complete nonsense..."
"In Defense of Alan Simpson"
September 4, 2010
"One of the most significant developments in the U.S. is the
rapidly and severely increasing rich-poor gap. A middle
class standard of living is being suffocated and even slowly
eliminated, as budget cuts cause an elimination of services
that are hallmarks of first-world living..."
"Every Picture Tells a Story, Don't It? (Part II)"
Philadelphia Daily News
August 23, 2010
"The Bush tax cuts in pictures. Very well done, and very
Has the Post Series Created So Little Reaction?"
July 23, 2010
"This is an extraordinary graph, showing the explosion
in the rich-poor gap in the U.S. over the last 30 years, by
illustrating what has happened to the average household
income for the Top 1% versus those in the middle 60% and
bottom 20%. Several more equally glaring charts and facts
are here..."
"RT @Perrspectives"
July 19, 2010
"RT @Perrspectives: Cut @SarahPalinUSA a break for saying "refudiate."
It's just her self-defecating humor..."
"Mid-Day Round Up"
The Hill
July 22, 2010
"Bush lawyers escape justice. Again. - Jon Perr, Crooks
& Liars."
"Day's End Round Up"
The Hill
July 7, 2010
"Thanks to GOP, doomsday arrives for state budgets -
John Perr, Crooks & Liars."
"For Republicans, Impeachment Isn't a Joke"
May 28, 2010
"As the point man for Republican attacks on the Obama
presidency, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., is a laughable
character. His billing of the deflated Sestak affair as
"Obama's Watergate," replete with insinuations of "witness
tampering," sounds like partisan hysteria..."
"Undermining Trust in Government: A Cynical, But Winning,
for the American Way
April 20, 2010
"John Perr wrote what I consider a must-read post over
at Crooks and Liars about how Republicans, when in power,
fail miserably at governing and seem to do their best art
destroying our country. The results of their policies --
economic or otherwise -- inevitably force them out of
office, but last long enough that they are able to pin the
woes on their democratic successors and make "Government"
the scapegoat for all the nation's problems, with particular
anger being directed at the then-incumbents: Democrats..."
"Remainders: Chutzpah"
February 3, 2010
"Sarah Palin picks up political correctness..."
"The Degrading Effects of Terrorism Fears"
January 2, 2010
"Republican leaders have spent the decade preaching
that only Government-provided Safety, not the Constitution,
matters. All in response to this week's single failed
terrorist attack, there are -- as always -- hysterical calls
that we start more wars, initiate racial profiling, imprison
innocent people indefinitely, and torture even more
"Why Health Care (and Reality) Will Defer the Republican
December 22, 2009
"This fantasy world doesn't mean Republicans are
hypocrites who spend just as much as Democrats do, although
they are — Ronald Reagan doubled the national debt and
George W. Bush raised the budget from Clinton's $1.9
trillion to $3.1 trillion, — a $1.2 trillion increase that
outpaces Obama's by more than double (his budget was $3.45
trillion) without the threat of a global economic collapse
to justify it..."
"Crooks and Liars"
The Hill
December 18, 2009
"It's odd for Alan Greenspan to complain about budget
deficits now after having been relatively quiet about their
dangers during the Bush administration, Jon Perr notes at
Crooks and Liars..."
"Chart of the Day"
December 13, 2009
"Building off the Dish's discussion of war-time taxes
this week, Jon Perr provides the above chart and re-quotes
"Palin Thinks WWII was Entirely Funded by Sale of War Bonds"
Register Star
December 10, 2009
"Palin’s point, of course, was that we didn’t need any big
tax increases to pay for World War II — and we don’t need
taxes to pay for our current wars. Jon Perr sets the matter
straight HERE..."
"The Surprisingly Exciting Life of Medicare's Chief Actuary"
Washington Post
November 17, 2009
"The CMS report that's caused House Democrats some
trouble this week was authored by Richard Foster, the chief
actuary of Medicare. But this isn't the first time he's
prepared a troubling report on a major new program...Thanks
to Jon Perr for reminding me of Foster's history..."
"Health Reform's Senior Moment"
November 16, 2009
"Bloggers John Perr and Ezra Klein note that Foster was
the guy whom Medicare administrator Tom Scully threatened to
fire in 2003 if Foster made public his report predicting the
new Medicare drug benefit then before Congress would cost
$156 billion more than advertised by the Bush administration..."
"The Southern Health Conundrum"
CBS News
November 16, 2009
"Here's how Jon Perr for noticing first that nine of
the top 10 healthiest states supported Barack Obama for
president during the 2008 elections. Meanwhile, 9 of the 10
of the states ranked with the worst health scores backed
John McCain. Perr also noted that "four years earlier, the
15 unhealthiest states voted for George W. Bush for
"The 2009 Nobel Prizes for Conservatives"
Register Star
October 12, 2009
"Literature: Sarah Palin. Medicine: Mitch McConnell,
George Bush, Tom Delay and Paul Broun..."
"Liberals and Taxes: The Big Question"
October 11, 2009
"Like many Americans who watched their savings nosedive in
the market crash of '08, I've had to retrench, rethink and
re-strategize my retirement plans. One course I've
considered is to spend less and save more. The second is,
somehow, to get a nickel for every time some Liberal said or
wrote something like this..."
October 6, 2009
"Thanks to Cato for pointing me to a website of a scholar
devoted to cataloguing Mike Huckabee’s extremism. It’s not
light work to keep up with Huckawhoppers. Much of it’s
familiar: His approval of discrimination against gay people;
his calls for the U.S. to leave the UN and abolish the IRS.
I’d missed this one..."
"Tea Baggers Want to Bring 1909 Back"
September 16, 2009
"As Jon Perr notes, The Bush tax cuts delivered a third
of their total benefits to the wealthiest 1% of Americans.
And the staggering $2 trillion price tag for Bush's giveaway
to the richest needing it least dwarfs the estimated $900
billion cost over 10 years of President Obama's health care
"Sanford Invokes God, and Sarah Palin"
September 3, 2009
"Citing the line about fooling 'some of the people, all
of the time' often attributed to Abraham Lincoln, John Perr
on Crooks and Liars sarcastically suggested Sanford was
seeking to draw support from the famous president by turning
his 'my greatest concern is to be on God's side' maxim 'on
its head' ..."
"The Rundown"
Washington Post
July 27, 2009
"One critic noted the irony that a governor of Alaska --
which arguably benefits from federal help more than any
other state -- would warn against taking "government
largesse" ..."
"The Republican
Ten-Point Plan for Health Care"
July 25, 2009
"Of course, the Republican plan as in 1993 is to stop health
care reform at all costs to prevent an enduring Democratic
majority. Bill Kristol, who told Republicans 16 years ago
that there was 'no crisis' justifying health care reform
then, now simply calls on his party to 'kill it' ..."
"Top 10 Reasons Sarah Palin's 'Outrage' is a Misplaced and a
Little Late"
Huffington Post
June 15, 2009
"'Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is
Janet Reno.'--John McCain, Sarah Palin's running mate.
Should McCain apologize to every young woman in America?..."
"Another Club Gitmo Guest Kills Himself"
June 2, 2009
"Some of the most cartoonish pseudo-tough-guy,
play-acting-warrior-low-lifes of the Right -- Rush Limbaugh,
The Weekly Standard, National Review's Andy McCarthy -- have
long referred to Guantanamo as "Club Gitmo." Many leading
national Republican politicians have (as usual) followed
"More About the Unbearable Lightness of Abortion Polls"
Thirty Eight
May 15, 2009
"It's an article of faith among right-to-lifers, of course,
that a 'health exception' makes a mockery of any abortion
restrictions. And that's why in a famous moment in one of
the presidential debates last year, John McCain sneered and
held up 'quote marks' when referring to a 'health exception'..."
"The Big Hole in the 'Pro-Life' Tilt"
Democratic Strategist
May 13, 2009
"The public reaction to John McCain's mocking reference to
the "health exception" in a 2008 debate with Barack Obama
was quite negative..."
"Sharing Tea Bags with Right-Wing Extremists"
Huffington Post
April 15, 2009
"Whatever happened to Rush Limbaugh's maxim: 'Our civil
liberties are worthless if we are dead!' Or Senator Big John
Cornyn's words of wisdom: 'None of your civil liberties
matter much after you're dead'.."
"Memo to Jeb Bush: Your Brother's Administration Blamed
Clinton for 9/11 and the Economic Crisis"
April 10, 2009
"The Bush administration loved to blame the Clinton
administration for the 2001 recession. Bush did so up until
his last days in office..."
"What If the Press Did Context?"
February 17, 2009
"Over at Crook and Liars, Jon Perr adds more context to the
1993 vote: As it turns out, Obama wasn't the first Democrat
to learn the hard way that bipartisanship is a one-way
street for the GOP when it comes to the economy. In 1993,
Bill Clinton's $496 billion stimulus and deficit-cutting
program passed without a single Republican vote..."
"Obama and the Dow: A Boom on the Horizon"
November 5, 2008
"See also this page and this study (pdf) for proof that
GDP, employment, and corporate profits are all higher under
Democratic leadership..."
"If You're John McCain, You Might Be a Rich Guy"
Huffington Post
August 22, 2008
"If your annual expenses for servants are five times
the median income per person in America, you might be a rich
"Rep. Darrell Issa Politicizes Tim Russert's Death"
June 17, 2008
"Flashback: Issa said 9/11 was 'simply' a plane crash.
John Perr documents Issa's Hall of Shame..."
"The Missing African-American Republican Presidential
American Conservative
June 6, 2008
"Sounds to me that not unlike the case of Obama, Allen
could have chosen to call himself an African-American and
would have been 'accused' of being a Jew. And if one
considers his southern pride, he could have been seen as the
first African-American/Jewish/Redneck candidate..."
"Debating History"
May 28, 2008
Crooks and Liars' Jon Perr: "When it comes to Pastor John
Hagee, John McCain and Joe Lieberman have a lot in common.
Both men addressed the 2007 convention of Hagee's
organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). McCain
and Lieberman each voiced support for a pre-emptive strike
against Iran. But while John McCain aggressively sought
Hagee's endorsement, only Joe Lieberman compared the Texas
pastor to Moses. And judging by his agreement to speak at
CUFI's upcoming 2008 conference, Joe Lieberman still
believes it..."
"Cindy McCain: Like Hubby, Not So Charitable"
May 26, 2008
"Last Friday, wife Cindy — heiress to Hensley & Co. and
a major Anheuser-Busch distributor—whose net worth is
approximately $100 million — “cav[ed] to overwhelming
pressure…and finally released a two page summary of her 2006
tax return,” reports “A quick glance at
the filing explains her hesitation to let her tax returns
see the light of day. As it turns out, Mrs. McCain gave only
1% of her $6 million income to charity in 2006..."
"Barack Obama's Gary Hart Moment?"
Angeles Times
April 14, 2008
"With that race in mind, blogger Jon Perr offers an
interesting historical precedent on Barack Obama's San
Francisco comments on small-town Pennsylvanians. In his
Perrspectives blog, Perr likens Obama's remarks to something
Hart said about Pennsylvania's neighboring state, New Jersey..."
"Roots of the Embassy Attack"
New York
February 21, 2008
"John Perr at Perrspectives blames the current White
House occupant. The real warning signs that Bush knew little
– and cared less – about the impact of Kosovo’s looming
declaration of independence came last June during his visit
to neighboring Albania..."
"Compare and Contrast"
February 17, 2008
"I should note that Huckabee isn't the first to joke
about waterboarding. Giuliani made similar statements when
he was still running..."
"'Til Tuesday"
February 4, 2008
"Occam's Razor, the notion that the simplest
explanation is the usually the best one, would suggest that
Hillary Clinton actually was emotional about her return the
Yale Child Study Center where she worked during law school
in the 1970's..."
"What's On Your Mind? You've Got Five Minutes"
January 26, 2008
"The next one — it happens that Feb. 5 is Super
Tuesday. Jon Perr, who worked on Gary Hart’s campaign in
1984, is giving a talk on politics as theater. It’s apropos
for the night..."
"Mitt Romney's Pursuit of Tyrannical Power, Literally"
December 23, 2007
"'Our most basic civil liberty is the right to be kept
alive.' Romney recited that cowardly platitude -- what has
now become the shameful flagship of the Republican Party --
in response to being asked whether the President has the
power to eavesdrop on Americans without warrants even in the
face of a law that makes it a crime to do so..."
"The FundamentaList (Vol. 14): Huck-a-Muck Edition"
American Prospect
December 19, 2007
"John Perr compiles a top-ten (actually a bit more than
ten) list of Huckabee's wingnuttery..."
"What's Good for Romney"
The New
York Times
August 8, 2007
"The responses, while predictable, have been pretty amusing:
“Mitt Romney, as you’ll recall, avoided combat duty in the
rice fields of Vietnam by getting multiple deferments to
perform his Mormon mission in the vineyards of France,”
writes Jon Perr, at his Perrspectives blog..."
"Did Blog Comments Lead Feds to Raid Ex-Justice Lawyer in
NSA Spy Leak Investigation?"
August 6, 2007
"Jon Perr has a great left-right rundown, and I particularly
love the link to AJ Strata's post which leads the reader
through a couple of internet searches and then deep into a
rabbit hole of Soros-funded conspiracies tied together with
the last name Tamm..."
"Democrats' Plans for Universal Health Care Helps Red States
June 21, 2007
"That's right -- a new study shows that the red states
(mostly in the South) consistently rate at the bottom of the
country in terms of health care for residents. The
Commonwealth Fund report ranked states according to 32
indicators of health care access, quality, outcomes, and
hospital use. Consider the political leanings of the top ten
and the bottom ten..."
"Culture War 2.0"
The Los
Angeles Times
February 14, 2007
"Romney's religious beliefs, however, haven't caused as much
of a stir as his brand-new rightward views on abortion and
gay rights. It's tempting to say his views have evolved
since Romney's Bay State heyday, but we want to give equal
time to the theory that it was intelligent design..."
"Pat Roberts, Bedwetter"
May 16, 2006
"This would be one thing if Roberts was flustered and
winging it to defend the nominee. But he's said the same
thing multiple times this year. He said it on March 26 and
February 3. Senators Jeff Sessions and John 'I miss Harriet
Miers' Cornyn have used the same line of, uh, argumentation,
but Roberts alone thinks it's clever enough to keep
"Banana Republicans"
The Randi
Rhodes Show
April 4, 2006
"The list of Republican miscreants below is by no means
complete. But it should provide plenty of ammunition for
Democrats running on platform of clean government and ethics
reform in Washington, in the states, and on K Street..."
BlueOregon and Perrspectives"
the Gate Book Site
April 4, 2006
"Markos and Jerome see a party beset by a three-headed
beast that keeps the Democrats out of the majority..."
Reading: GM and the War on Labor"
Economics 1812: The U.S.
Labor Market
February 22, 2006
"You can learn a lot about the state of class warfare
in America just by reviewing the reaction to General Motors'
recent announcement that it will lay off 30,000 workers and
shutter a dozen plants in North America..."
"Liberty and the Culture of Living"
March 28, 2005
"Ours is -- or should be -- a culture that sees preserving
individual autonomy as vital to liberty. Call it "the
culture of living." It is a culture that values the privacy,
personal freedom and unique path to happiness of each
American. A woman's body and the decisions she and her
partner make regarding their reproductive choices are no
one's business but their own, and certainly not the
government's. A society that values personal autonomy sees
in emerging stem cell technologies the potential to free its
members from the prospect of currently incurable diseases.
As Oregonians have insisted, a "culture of living" does not
condemn the terminally ill to the enslavement of their own
bodies. And that culture certainly should respect the
decision a woman freely made as to how and whether her life,
no longer free, shall be continued."
"The Poor? They're Inconvenient"
Philadelphia Daily News
February 15, 2005
"No wonder Jon Perr, a Democratic activist,
has dubbed it the "Opt Out Society," in which the healthy
and wealthy are not only allowed, but encouraged, to make
their own side deals. If you already have enough assets for
your retirement, you aren't worried about possibly losing
guaranteed Social Security benefits in the stock market -
and might make a profit."
"Google for President"
October 13, 2004
"Google apparently has a policy that bans ads
that include "language that advocates against an individual,
group or organization"—so attack ads won't fly. But the
Google advertising department assured me that the kind of
issue ads we're talking about here wouldn't violate their
standard guidelines."
"Google's Haphazard Ad Policy"
August 12, 2004
"One of the latest sites to fall victim to
Google's advertising hatchet is the progressive website
PERRspectives, which features political commentary and
satire. Its ads were pulled in June; a Google representative
told the owner that his site contains "unacceptable
content." All three cases suggest that Google, in a move
seemingly designed to placate potential corporate clients,
has implemented a policy that goes too far in keeping
advertisers from reaching the consumers who have made Google
the most popular search engine on the Internet."