About Perrspectives
Created by Jon Perr, Perrspectives has a simple though immodest mission: to help renew the American social contract and restore national unity.
Facing turbulent economic change and an ascendant conservative ideology that undermines public institutions and a sense of shared national purpose, Americans' commitment to their schools, communities, government, country and each other is weakening under this dual, withering assault. Abroad, our rebel yell, post-9/11 foreign policy is leading to an America that is feared and resented, not admired and respected. Ever more divided at home and isolated in the world, Americans see a United States that is increasingly unrecognizable.
Perrspectives.com will contribute to the public debate with analysis, commentary and satire across the gamut of issues of the day. Politics, culture, sports and religion are in play, with national defense, economic growth, and social issues the main battleground. Occasionally, some of the writing will be shockingly profound. Other content may be utter rubbish, and some no doubt sophomoric. (We are not above scatology and body parts references in the service of a higher good.) While our viewpoint is generally progressive, the zealots of the right and the sacred cows of the left are all fair game here.
So, check out Perrspectives.com. Sign up for the "In Perrspective" newsletter to get the latest truth and light in your email inbox. And by all means, send us your feedback.