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Category: Barking Mad

May 15, 2013
GOP Yawns at AP Story Because "You Don't Have Any Civil Liberties If You're Dead"

Revelations that the Justice Department authorized the seizure of Associated Press phone records have produced condemnation from Congressional Democrats and other Obama allies. But while Capitol Hill Democrats decried the tactics as "inexcusable" (Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid), "troubling" (Senator Pat Leahy) and having "impaired the First Amendment" (Rep. Zoe Lofgren), Congressional Republicans have been […]

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May 13, 2013
Here's How the IRS Scandal Could Cost Uncle Sam Billions

Revelations that IRS civil servants used biased criteria to target conservative groups seeking tax exempt status is rightly drawing bipartisan outrage. President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) and Investigations Subcommittee Chair Carl Levin (D-MI) voiced their strong support for probes of what Obama deemed the "outrageous" […]

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August 24, 2007
Barking Mad, Vietnam Do Over Edition

These are just some of the developments this week that made me barking mad: A new Iraq National Intelligence Assessment was conveniently released just before General David Petraeus is conveniently supposed to testify to Congress on September 11th. Despite the report's findings that the Iraqi government teeters on the brink of collapse and will experience […]

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August 17, 2007
Barking Mad, Giuliani Narcissism Edition

These are just some of the things that made me barking mad this week: Despite the pompous claim by Rudy Giuliani that he was at Ground Zero "as often, if not more, than most of the workers," a review of his mayoral archive showed he was at the Word Trade Center site only 29 hours […]

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May 18, 2007
Barking Mad, Mittmo Edition

The past week produced another torrent of conservative outrages. The revelations of Alberto Gonzales' hospital visit to browbeat John Ashcroft, the celebration of the late Jerry Falwell, and the implosion of Paul Wolfowitz at the World Bank were just some of the developments that made me barking mad. Alberto Gonzales continued to dissemble over the […]

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May 11, 2007
Barking Mad, Gonzo Edition

Beginning this Friday, Perrspectives is introducing a new feature, Barking Mad. While others offer Friday cat blogging (for example, here and here), Barking Mad combines a quick survey of the outrages of the week with photos of my ill-tempered Corgi, Zoe. These are just some of the people and issues that, well, pissed me off […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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