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10 Lessons for Tea Baggers

September 14, 2009

Back in April, the Daily Show's Jon Stewart offered some sound advice for frothing at the mouth Tea Baggers, "I think you might be confusing tyranny with losing." Now five months after their Tax Day outburst, thousands of vein-popping Obama opponents descended Saturday on Washington for Tea Party II. But while Glenn Beck's furious followers alternately slandered the President as a "fascist," a "communist" and worse, they remained unencumbered by either the thought process - or the truth.
Here, then, are 10 Lessons for Tea Baggers:

  1. President Obama Cut Your Taxes
  2. The Stimulus is Working
  3. First Ronald Reagan Tripled the National Debt...
  4. ...Then George W. Bush Doubled It Again
  5. Republican States Have the Worst Health Care
  6. Medicare is a Government Program
  7. Barack Obama is Not a Muslim
  8. Barack Obama was Born in the United States
  9. 70,000 Does Not Equal 2,000,000
  10. The Economy Almost Always Does Better Under Democrats

1. President Obama Cut Your Taxes
As in April, the Tea Baggers continued to display their fundamental misunderstanding of U.S. history and the American Revolution. Apparently, the right-wing zealots are outraged by no taxation with representation.
As promised, Barack Obama in the stimulus package delivered on his pledge of tax relief for 95% of American households. Obama's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) didn't only jump start gross domestic product and refill empty state coffers in the second quarter of 2009. As Nate Silver thoroughly documented, "Obama has cut taxes for 98.6% of working households."
Nevertheless, raging Tea Baggers spouting Republican Tax Day lies took to the streets not to thank the President, but to blame him for the tax cuts they received.
2. The Stimulus is Working
A prime target of Bagger bashing, the $787 billion stimulus package passed over the near-total obstructionism of Congressional Republicans is already paying huge dividends for the economy.
To be sure, at 9.7% the unemployment rate remains dismal. But the impact of ARRA and other government actions extends well beyond the Obama administration's claim it has created or preserved one million jobs to date. As I documented in August:

After steep declines of 5.4% and 6.4% in the previous two quarters, gross domestic product fell only 1% in the last three months. And while the ARRA overall added "up to 3 full percentage points of annualized growth in the quarter," President Obama's stimulus helped precisely where it was needed most - rescuing devastated state budgets.

Earlier this month, the reliably Republican Wall Street Journal agreed the Obama administration has helped stem the bleeding from the Bush Recession:

Many forecasters say stimulus spending is adding two to three percentage points to economic growth in the second and third quarters, when measured at an annual rate. The impact in the second quarter, calculated by analyzing how the extra funds flowing into the economy boost consumption, investment and spending, helped slow the rate of decline and will lay the groundwork for positive growth in the third quarter -- something that seemed almost implausible just a few months ago. Some economists say the 1% contraction in the second quarter would have been far worse, possibly as much as 3.2%, if not for the stimulus.

For the third quarter, economists at Goldman Sachs & Co. predict the U.S. economy will grow by 3.3%. "Without that extra stimulus, we would be somewhere around zero," said Jan Hatzius, chief U.S. economist for Goldman.

3. First Reagan Tripled the National Debt...
For Tea Baggers supposedly concerned that "deficit spending is out of hand," history apparently began only on January 20, 2009. Because while President Obama rightly resorted to massive deficit spending to rescue the American economy from calamity, it was Ronald Reagan who ushered in the now-standard Republican practice of "spending our children's inheritance."
As Steve Benen rightly noted, it was not Reagan but President Obama whose stimulus plan delivered the largest two-year tax cut in history. And as it turns out, what Saint Ronnie giveth, he also taketh away.
As predicted, Reagan's massive $749 billion supply-side tax cuts in 1981 quickly produced even more massive annual budget deficits. Combined with his rapid increase in defense spending, Reagan delivered not the balanced budgets he promised, but record-settings deficits. Ultimately, Reagan was forced to raise taxes twice to avert financial catastrophe (a fact John McCain learned the hard way from Tom Brokaw last October). By the time he left office in 1989, Ronald Reagan nonetheless more than equaled the entire debt burden produced by the previous 200 years of American history.
4. ...Then Bush Doubled It Again
Following in Reagan's footsteps, George W. Bush buried the myth of Republican fiscal discipline.
Inheriting a federal budget in the black and CBO forecast for a $5.6 trillion surplus over 10 years, President George W. Bush quickly set about dismantling the progress made under Bill Clinton. Bush's $1.4 trillion tax cut in 2001, followed by a $550 billion second round in 2003, accounted for the bulk of the yawning budget deficits he produced.
Like Reagan and Stockman before him, Bush resorted to the rosy scenario to claim he would halve the budget deficit by 2009. Before the financial system meltdown last fall, Bush's deficit already reached $490 billion. (And even before the passage of the Wall Street bailout, Bush had presided over a $4 trillion increase in the national debt, a staggering 71% jump.) By this January, the mind-numbing deficit figure reached $1.2 trillion, forcing President Bush to raise the debt ceiling to $11.3 trillion.
Tea Baggers take note: the Bush tax cuts delivered a third of their total benefits to the wealthiest 1% of Americans. And the staggering $2 trillion price tag for Bush's giveaway to the richest needing it least dwarfs the estimated $900 billion cost over 10 years of President Obama's health care proposals.
5. Republican States Have the Worst Health Care
George W. Bush didn't merely spend the health care money on a windfall for America's rich and famous. He helped ensure red states continued to provide the worst health care in the nation.
Call it the Iron Law of Birtherism: the movement which denies President Obama's Hawaiian birth is strongest precisely in those states where Republicans poll best and health care is worst.
A 2007 Commonwealth Fund report, "Aiming Higher: Results from a State Scorecard on Health System Performance," examined states' performance across 32 indicators of health care access, quality, outcomes and hospital use. Topping the list were Hawaii, Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine. Bringing up the rear were the Bush bastions of Kentucky, Louisiana, Nevada, Arkansas, Texas, with Mississippi and Oklahoma. The 10 worst performing states were all solidly Republican in 2004. (8 voted for McCain in 2008.)
The extremes in health care performance are startling. For example, 30% of adults and 20% of children in Texas lacked health insurance, compared to 11% in Minnesota and 5% in Vermont, respectively. Premature death rates from preventable conditions were almost double (141.7 per 100,000 people) in Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi compared to the top performing states (74.1 per 100,000). Adults over 50 receiving preventative care topped 50% in Minnesota compared to only 33% in Idaho. Childhood immunizations reached 94% in Massachusetts, compared to just 75% in the bottom five states. As the report details, federal and state policies, such as insurance requirements and Medicaid incentives, clearly impact health care outcomes.
(In May, the Washington Post rightly noted it would be blue state residents funding health care reform for their red state brethren in an article titled, "A Red State Booster Shot." The grandstanding of Sarah Palin, Bobby Jindal et al notwithstanding, the same one-way flow of taxpayer dollars from Washington to red states, of course, is a permanent feature of federal spending in general. And yet a 2008 survey predictably showed 68% of Republicans believe the U.S. has the best health system in the world, compared to only three in 10 Democrats.)
6. Medicare is a Government Program
Among the greatest ironies of the health care debate is the specter of Republicans feigning concern over Medicare. The same party that opposed Medicare in the 1960's and tried to slash its budget in the 1990's now scares the bejesus out of 46 million American elderly recipients by warning of bogus death panels and Democrats "sticking it to seniors with cuts to Medicare."
Even more ironic is that a majority of the GP faithful do not seem to know that Medicare is a government-run program. As I noted previously:

In July, Rep. Bob Inglis (R-SC) described an angry constituent who confronted him at a South Carolina town hall meeting, "keep your government hands off my Medicare." Despite his best efforts to explain that Medicare is a government program, the voter, Inglis lamented, "wasn't having any of it."

But as recent data from Public Policy Polling revealed, that same cognitive failure is now far more widespread than swine flu. While 39% of all Americans responded that the government should "stay out of Medicare," 59% of self-identified conservatives and 62% of McCain voters hold that oxymoronic view.
7. Barack Obama is Not a Muslim
An April survey by the Pew Research Center showed that 11% of Americans believe Barack Obama is a Muslim, a figure largely unchanged since its polling started in March 2008. Yet 17% of Republicans and 19% of white evangelicals (74% of whom voted for John McCain) insist the President is an adherent of Islam, despite his repeated pronouncements and decades of church attendance to the contrary.
Judging from their signs, a much larger percentage of Tea Baggers maintain this error.
8. Barack Obama was Born in the United States
As it turns out, the Tea Bagging faithful are even worse at basic geography than comparative religion. The Birther contagion is running rampant among the ranks of Republicans. And even with repeated treatments of birth certificates and Hawaiian newspaper announcements from 1961, there is apparently no cure.
A DailyKos/Research 2000 poll found that a stunning 58% of Republicans did not believe (28%) or were unsure (30%) that President Barack Obama was in fact born in the United States. To be sure, this is a Southern pathology, a region home to 69% of all birthers and the only part of the country to increase its Republican presidential vote in 2008. The PPP survey only confirmed the chronic birtherism plaguing the Republican Party:

Only 62% of respondents reported believing that Obama was born in the United States. 10% thought he was born in Indonesia, 7% thought he was born in Kenya, 1% thought he was born in the Philippines, and 20% weren't sure. Among Republicans 44% think he was not born here while just 36% believe that he was.

(In a promising development, only 10% of respondents weren't sure if Hawaii is part of the United States. On this score, conservatives were only slightly more confused than liberals and moderates.)
9. 70,000 Does Not Equal 2,000,000
Math, too, provides another stumbling block for the masterminds and acolytes of Tea Party movement.
After FreedomWorks president Matt Kibbe wrongly inflated the estimates of the 9/12 crowd in Washington DC at 2,000,000, ABC and others corrected the fraud. But that didn't stop the conservative blogosphere from parroting the charade debunked by both DC police - and simple comparative photography.
As Nat Silver concluded, "Size Matters; So Do Lies."

The way this false estimate came into being is relatively simple: Matt Kibbe, the president of FreedomWorks, lied, claiming that ABC News had reported numbers of between 1.0 and 1.5 million when they never did anything of the sort. A few tweets later, the numbers had been exaggerated still further to 2 million. Kibbe wasn't "in error", as Malkin gently puts it. He lied. He did the equivalent of telling people that his penis is 53 inches long.

10. The Economy Almost Always Does Better Under Democrats
If the extended Pinocchio nose and a similarly over-inflated phallus are the apt symbols of the Tea Party movement, the Tea Baggers are in for one final, rude awakening. For all of their histrionics about "socialism" and "communism", the historical record clearly shows the economy overall and the stock market in particular almost always do better under Democratic presidents.
Just days after the Washington Post documented that George W. Bush presided over the worst eight-year economic performance in the modern American presidency, the New York Times in January featured an analysis comparing presidential performance going back to Eisenhower. As the Times showed, George W. Bush, the first MBA president, was a historic failure when it came to expanding GDP, producing jobs and fueling stock market growth. And across almost every indicator (article here, charts here), Democrats outperformed their Republican counterparts.
The superior performance of Democratic presidents covers virtually the entire spectrum of economic indicators. As Elliott Parker of the University of Nevada, Reno detailed in a 2006 paper, since 1949 Democratic administrations have done better than Republican ones when it comes to unemployment (5.2% to 6.0%), job creation (-.0.4% decrease in unemployment, compared to 0.3% increase), GDP growth rate (4.2% to 2.9%), and even corporate profits as a share of GDP. And to be sure, he found the Dow benefits from Democrats in the White House.
There's no shortage of studies to show that stock market returns are higher under Democratic leadership. (As it turns out, Wall Street's performance is also better when Democrats control Congress.) In 2000, Pedro Santa-Clara and Rossen Valkanov of UCLA's Anderson School of Business concluded that "that the average excess return in the stock market is higher under Democratic than Republican presidents - a difference of 9 percent per year for the value-weighted portfolio and 16 percent for the equal-weighted portfolio." As the New York Times noted of UCLA study in 2003:

"It's not even close. The stock market does far better under Democrats...

As the spent Tea Baggers wipe the spittle from their lips at they trudge home from Washington, they would do well to remember one final truth. The words of Harry Truman, the man Sarah Palin cited as her model, are as true today as when he uttered them generations ago:

"If you want to live like a Republican, vote Democratic."

UPDATE: The Satirical Political Report adds two more history lessons for Tea Baggers here and here.

6 comments on “10 Lessons for Tea Baggers”

  1. Why you even waste time writing about these half-wits?
    They're a pimple on the ass of the body politic.

  2. The writer of the bs supporting Hussein's kidnapping of the U.S. is brain washed or brain dead.
    These people are niddering parasites, like their leader, whose philosophy of life is like a spoiled teenager who thinks someone else owes them For Just Being Born! Healthy countries end when the idiots and parasites appoint their wills by outnumbering.
    You are a gravy sucking pig, you know it, and worse, you don't care as long as it serves you. Honorable principles are not part of your core.

  3. On point 1:
    I don't smoke, but if I did, my taxes went up. There is a whole slew of incremental taxes hitting like this. Also, with an approaching 9 trillion$ deficit coming and a expensive health care package looming, how ya think that is going to be paid for? Monopoly money? Just print more.
    On point 2:
    No stimulus would be needed if the free market were left to do its thing. Imagine, if AIG was allowed to fail. You think people would stop buying insurance? No. The local insurance markets would boom.
    Imagine if the auto industry was allowed to fail. So what. You think people will no longer need cars?
    We could've seen the CEO's of these companies get really punished when they couldn't get a job anywhere due to the fact that they ran a huge company into the ground (that is bad for your resume BTW). Instead, they got bailed out (rewarded) and came out looking like champs, ready to screw us over another day.
    Bailouts...pssss....Any company, no matter its size should sink or swim on its own -like the rest of us. Instead, tax-payer money from ALL states will go to the UAW to pay for contracts we never negotiated, or approved of, or benefited from. Bye bye money. Don't worry. "YES WE CAN" -print more (hello mass inflation).
    On points 3 and 4:
    So, what are you saying? Bush and Reagan did it right and Obama is just following their example x10? Or are you saying that Bush and Reagan got it wrong and Obama is just following their example x10?
    In either case, if running up a deficit=political points, Obama beats both of them -easy. You did fail to mention that Reagan fought inflation harder than any president we have seen in a long time. The way we have been printing and borrowing money lately, we are due for some record inflation marks in the near future. I am not a smarty-pants economist and I can see that.
    On point 5:
    No one in those states care. If they did, they would buy into socialized medicine. So someone from a blue state is shocked at the healthcare in red states. Well, red states are shocked at the tax burdens and social programs of blue states. Big whoop. Different strokes dude. Your argument only matters to those who should have no say in those red states. Another fine example of one state dictating what another state should do with itself.
    On point 6:
    Medicare is another whopping, inefficient, government program that we have to buy into as mandatory. I am all for helping people, but this whole welfare/medical government-run garbage has to go. If you feel like people HAVE to be forced to take care of other people, then how about killing medicare and instead FORCE people contribute to charities that do the same thing as medicare. That way, if a charity is run poorly or is corrupt (like our government), a person can change their contributions to a better charity. Likewise, a person receiving from a bad charity, can opt to getting care from a better charity. The way it is now...we are locked into this federal monopoly on medical care (and if this is any indication of what we will get, it is about to get a LOT worse). Those who pay into are robbed. Those who receive from it are not given the best care. It is broken on both ends and it is both partys' fault.
    On point 7:
    Who cares if he is Muslim? I don't long as he is for America. However, I can tell you he is not Christian by word and deed. Neither is that church of hate he attended for the last two decades. If you don't think it is a hate filled church, go listen to some of the sermons. It isn't a Jesus church (at least, not the Jesus of the Bible).
    On point 8:
    Both sides (shocking) can prove each other false in this. about we focus on if he was raised as an American or not and if he has the mentality of an American; ya know...does he have American values that were passed to him by his parents, peers or mentors? I know many people come from many places to live here and prosper. If this is the case with him, why are many of his friends race haters (like his pastor), or domestic Marxist terrorists or straight up self-proclaiming communists? Hmm...Nuff said about that.
    On point 9:
    It was more like 500,000. Both sides got the number wrong. Where do I get my info? Look at all of the footage (time lapse, photos, etc...). Then goto Google Earth and use the ruler and take some measurements. With some simple math and rough approximations, you will land at well over 70,000 and well under 2 million. You will end up in the half million range, which oddly enough would allow for the "fake" picture of the promise keepers to have 1.2 million while at the same time allow for the DC Tea Party to have around 500,000. The photo comparisons and the numbers will line up at about 500,000 for the DC Tea Party. The righties are "stupid" right? So it is no wonder they got it wrong. However the lefties are the "smart" ones right? They should have figured this out already.
    On point 10:
    You said "almost" in your title. - LOL - I wonder who the repubs were that caused you to use that word "almost". You forgot to list them.
    Anyhow, it is funny to note that you have GWBush presiding over "the worst 8 year economic performance." I forget, how long was he in office? Oh yeah, EIGHT years. I guess a buffoon like myself can't understand how he didn't inherit this mess from the guy before. He just automatically had the worst eight year performance from day 1. Wow. No wonder he was hated. Odd how Obama is given a pass on his day 1 to now. What does everyone say? Oh yeah...he "inherited" this bad economy.
    I find it even more funny that you reference Bush on his ability to drive up the debt in an effort to prop up Obama (point 4). Kind of a conflicting loop when you consider that Obama's debt growth ate Bush's debt growth several times over in less than a year.
    How about, you quit worshiping Obama and see him for what he is, a politician. He isn't black/white/red or blue. He is a politician. Just like the rest of the oligarchy, he is only interested in power and greed. This right vs. left faux war is nothing more than a ploy to keep us busy fighting each other. Wake up! Stop being a mindless pundit. The dems and repubs,... ALL of them are not in this for you or me, but for themselves. The quicker we all realize this, the sooner we will stop fighting our fellow Americans and then we can get rid of this oligarchy system and restore our republic.

  4. I think that the repubs. and the Tea baggers will be "tea baggin" each other until the election and if the repubs. win, then none of these issues will matter anymore.

  5. Point 0:
    The Tea Party is _not_ Grassroots
    the money for those bus trips comes from a marketing firm; the same one that installed Arnold S. as governor of California, leading to a 12% unemployment rate here.

  6. hahahahahaha Obama cut my taxes? uh NO he actually raised them and put several folks out of work by taxing small business. You assclowns don't have a clue. When taxes go up on business who pays? WE do, businesses pass the cost on to you or go out of business.
    IF he stops the Bush tax cuts as he says they will, look for unemployment to raise by at least 2%..
    Yep Reagan raised the debt, and Bush did too..BUT it took them two terms to screw us your hero has done it in one and dwarfed the other two already.
    Medi care and SS have been paid into (Forced to pay into) by 99% of the tea party folks, so it is not surprising they want to benefit from it.
    All you guys need to do is look at California to see where we are headed as a nation...DOWN! 3rd world country here we come...
    Obama is a muslim? who cares
    Obama is an American? Ok
    And that's all you got to teach? No wonder you liberpukes have to resort to name calling....


Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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