Perrspectives - Bringing light to Darkness

Month: July 2004

July 12, 2004
Don't Be Evil: A Google Freedom of Information Act

2004 could be a big year for Internet search giant Google. Its IPO will be one of the biggest crossover business, technology and social news stories of the year. The launch of its Gmail service could put the company in the forefront of web-based email services while creating a major new revenue stream. Its pervasiveness among users (“to Google”) and advertisers […]

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July 8, 2004
The Trial of John Edwards: A Democratic Strategy for Populist Tort Reform

Within minutes of Senator John Edwards’ selection by John Kerry as his running mate, the Republicans started their predictable onslaught of attacks on his national security experience and high-profile career as a trial lawyer. An instantaneously updated GOP web site called Edwards “a disingenuous, unaccomplished liberal and friend to personal injury trial lawyers.” Trent Lott (whose wistful, […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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