Perrspectives - Bringing light to Darkness

Month: March 2015

March 31, 2015
The Iran Regime Change Act of 2015

When it comes to the Iranian nuclear program, the United States is rapidly approaching a point of no return as the P5+1 talks are coming down to the wire. But if the negotiations in Geneva fail or if their opponents in Congress succeed in blowing them up, leaders of both U.S. political parties will have […]

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March 30, 2015
American Religious Freedom is a Shield, Not a Sword

Indiana Governor Mike Pence is not the first Republican to use the First Amendment as a weapon to deny equal rights for some Americans. And Pence won't be the last conservative caught in the blowback from civil rights groups, corporate leaders and even some Christian churches. That's because as marriage equality continues to win in […]

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March 24, 2015

Last week, House and Senate Republicans unveiled their respective budget resolutions for fiscal year 2016. As a quick glance at the documents shows, what is old is new again for the GOP. Each claims to balance the budget within 10 years. Despite the national debt's share of GDP forecast to remain stable over the next […]

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March 23, 2015
Loretta Lynch Isn't Rosa Parks; She's Michael Mukasey

Illinois Democratic Senator Dick Durbin created quite the uproar when he condemned Senate Republicans for sending Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch to "the back of the bus." But Durbin didn't need to reach all the way back to Rosa Parks in 1955 to denounce the GOP's grotesque obstructionism. The story of Judge Michael Mukasey in […]

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March 22, 2015
Paul Ryan: No to Obamacare Exchanges, Yes to Medicare Exchanges

Monday, March 23 isn't just the fifth anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act. The day also marks five years since then Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) promised the GOP response would be "'repeal and replace,' 'repeal and replace.'" But with the possibility that a Supreme Court ruling in the King v. […]

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March 18, 2015
Benjamin Netanyahu, America's Friend without Benefits

Whatever happens in Tuesday's elections in Israel, Americans will have learned two valuable lessons. For starters, when it mattered most on U.S. policy towards Iran, Republicans supported a foreign leader over the President of the United States. Just as important, when that leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, declares, "Israel has no better friend than the U.S and […]

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March 17, 2015
New Senate GOP Medicare Budget Will "Just Have Figures in There"

This week, House and Senate Republicans will unveil their respective budget blueprints for fiscal year 2016. To Chuck Grassley (R-IA) of the Senate Budget Committee tell it, the Republican plan for Medicare should be among the most intriguing areas to inspect. That's because after 50 years of warning that Medicare would end the days "when […]

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March 15, 2015
This is What War with Iran Will Look Like

During the 2012 campaign, President Obama had a simple message for his would-be Republican rivals and their tough talk on Iran. "If some of these folks think that it's time to launch a war, they should say so," Obama warned, "And they should explain to the American people exactly why they would do that and […]

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March 14, 2015
The Coming Republican Budget Blow Up

This week, Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its assessment of President Obama's proposed budget for fiscal year 2016. For those of us prioritizing economic growth over deficit reduction, the picture is a pretty good one. Despite new investments in education and infrastructure, the Obama budget will reduce the projected national debt by $1.2 trillion over […]

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March 12, 2015
Six Years Too Late, Media Call Congressional Republicans "Traitors"

"Traitors." That's the word the New York Daily News, certainly no friend of President Obama, used on Tuesday to describe the 47 Republican Senators who signed an unprecedented letter to the Iranian leadership designed to sabotage the current nuclear negotiations. Sadly, the Daily News and other media outlets are about six years late in reaching […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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