Perrspectives - Bringing light to Darkness

10 Republican Lies for Tax Day

April 15, 2009

The truth may set you free, but not if you're a Republican and the subject is taxes. After all, 95% of American families as promised received a tax cut from the Obama stimulus package. And while three-quarters of Americans support President Obama's proposal to roll back the Bush tax cuts for those earning over $250,000 to their Clinton-era levels, it turns out that affluent voters, too, chose Barack Obama over John McCain. Making matters worse, a Gallup poll Monday revealed that Americans' "views of income taxes among most positive since 1956."
So as their furious followers head off to their April 15th orgy of tea-bagging, the leadership of the GOP and its amen corner in the right-wing media have instead turned to tall tales on taxes.
Here, then, are 10 Republican Tax Day lies:

  1. President Obama will raise taxes on small businesses.
  2. The estate tax devastates small businesses and family farms.
  3. 40% of Americans pay no taxes
  4. Tax cuts always increase revenue.
  5. The GOP is the party of fiscal discipline.
  6. Ronald Reagan was the greatest tax cutter of all time.
  7. FDR caused the Great Depression, or at least made it worse.
  8. Obama's cap-and-trade plan will cost each American family $3,100 a year.
  9. Obama's tax proposals will undermine charitable giving.
  10. The rich pay too much in taxes already.

Lie #1: President Obama will raise taxes on small businesses.
John McCain introduced this fraud along with Joe the Plumber during the 2008 campaign. McCain proclaimed Obama's plan to restore 1990's tax rates for taxpayers making over $250,000 meant "the small businesses that we're talking about would receive an increase in their taxes right now." In February, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) regurgitated the long-debunked talking point:

"I don't think raising taxes is a great idea, and when our good friends on the other side of the aisle say raising the taxes on the wealthy, what they are really talking about is small business."

Of course, they're not talking about small business. As CNN concluded in October, "fewer than 2% of small business owners would pay more under Obama's plan." But in case there was any doubt about the Republicans' deception on the point, the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center quickly put it to rest:

Out of 34.7 million filers with business income on Schedules C, E or F, 479,000 filers fall into the top two brackets, according to an analysis of projected 2009 filings by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

The other 34.3 million - or 98.6% - would be unaffected by Obama's proposed rate hike.

Lie #2: The estate tax devastates small businesses and family farms.
This Republican scam over the so-called "death tax" is as bogus now as it was when President Bush first perpetrated it eight years ago. The House GOP budget, fittingly unveiled by Rep. Paul Ryan on April Fool's Day, would eliminate the estate tax altogether. While Nevada Senator John Ensign recently griped, "It destroys a lot of small businesses and a lot of family farms and ranches in America," House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) groused:

"People who aren't wealthy, who may have built up value in land over generations and many family farms find themselves in situations where they've got to sell the farm in order the pay the taxes."

But as the Washington Post explained, under President Obama budget, 99.76% of estates would pay no taxes whatsoever:

The estate tax is scheduled to disappear in 2010, only to be resurrected the following year at its 2001 level, when it applied only to estates worth over $2 million per couple at a rate of 55 percent. In fact, no one expects it to return to that level -- although letting it do so would be a far more rational response to the current crisis than the Lincoln-Kyl approach. Rather, President Obama has proposed holding the tax at this year's level: an exemption of $7 million per couple, with a 45 percent rate for amounts beyond that; this would cost $484 billion over 10 years. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) has endorsed this solution, with indexing for inflation. This would hardly be punitive. At that level, 99.76 percent of estates would incur no tax whatsoever. Those who owe would pay, on average, $2.25 million less than they would have paid at the 2001 exemption level. Why in the world should these folks get more of a tax cut?

Why? Because even in a time of national economic calamity, the Republican Party remains committed to dramatically shifting the tax burden away from the wealthiest Americans. (And unfortunately, Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) and nine other Democrats are aiding and abetting that transfer by supporting a lower tax rate of 35% for estates starting at $10 million per couple. The price tag? $250 billion.)
Last week, the Tax Policy Center quantified just how few family farms or small businesses are actually impacted by the estate tax proposals under consideration:

We estimate that under the Obama proposal, 100 family farms and businesses would owe tax. (We define such estates as those where farm or business assets are valued at under $5 million and comprise the majority of estate assets.) The Lincoln-Kyl proposal would cut the number to 40. Even under current law, fewer than 2,700 family farms and businesses would owe tax.

Lie #3: 40% of Americans pay no taxes.
This canard, too, has been in circulation since last summer. Parroting right-wing papers including the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Times and Richard Mellon Scaife's Pittsburgh Tribune Review, the McCain campaign argued, "Obama raises taxes on seniors, hard working families to give 'welfare' to those who pay none." While Sean Hannity and Rudy Giuliani echoed the "welfare" charge in January, on Monday, former Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer kept up the drum beat, deeming Obama's middle class tax cuts a "moral problem" when "50% of the country gets benefits without paying for them."
Alas, they do pay for them. As FactCheck among others noted, Republican conveniently ignore sales, excise and most of all, payroll taxes. Starting with the first dollar they earn, virtually all American workers pay the 6.2% Social Security tax (on income up to $97,000) and another 1.45% for Medicare. An analysis by the Tax Policy Center concluded, "three quarters of filers pay more in payroll taxes than in income taxes."
That millions of hard working American families pay no income taxes is due in large measure to the Earned Income Tax Credit. Created in 1975, the EITC "a refundable federal income tax credit for low-income working individuals and families" that results in a tax refund to those who claim and qualify for the credit when the EITC exceeds the amount of taxes owed. As the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities detailed in 2005, the EITC has not only been extremely successful in reducing poverty, it has enjoyed broad bipartisan support. None other than Ronald Reagan called it, "the best anti-poverty, the best pro-family, the best job creation measure to come out of Congress."
As a new Gallup poll released today suggests, the American people seem to agree. In the wake of the new Obama tax cuts, Gallup found, "more say low-income Americans paying fair share of taxes."
Lie #4: Tax cuts always increase revenue.
Thanks to supply-side snake oil salesman Arthur Laffer and his magical Laffer Curve, conservatives have been peddling this myth since the age of Reagan. Tax cuts, which GOP doctrine now claims is the universal cure-all for surpluses and deficits, male pattern baldness and erectile dysfunction, are at the center of every Republican economic program. As John McCain put it during the campaign, "tax cuts, starting with Kennedy, as we all know, increase revenues." And in February, Texas Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison offered the purest statement of Arthur Laffer's fantasy:

"Every major tax cut we've had in history has created more revenue."

As it turns out, not so much. The claim, as ThinkProgress neatly summed it up, is empirically and historically false:

The notion that cutting taxes somehow - magically - increases government revenues is a myth that won't die. "The claim that tax cuts pay for contradicted by the historical record," reported the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, which showed that revenues grew twice as fast in the 1990s, when taxes were raised, than in the 1980s, when taxes were cut. called a claim like Hutchison's "highly misleading" and stated the obvious fact that "we can't have both lower taxes and fatter government coffers."

Lie #5: The GOP is the party of fiscal discipline.
Back in February, AP reporter and John McCain donut server Liz Sidoti wrote of beaten and battered Republicans trying to find their way back from the political wilderness in a piece titled, "GOP tries to restore image of fiscal discipline."
Of course, that would constitute a return to a time that never was. Far from the deficit hawks of Republican legend, the modern Republican Party from Reagan forward devastated the U.S. treasury, leaving mounting debt and hemorrhaging red ink for as far as the eye can see. As it turns out, U.S. national debt tripled under Ronald Reagan, only to double again under George W. Bush. As this eye-popping chart shows, under recent Republican presidents the debt exploded as a percentage of GDP, interrupted only by the all-too-brief fiscal sanity of the Clinton years.
"Reagan," Dick Cheney once famously declared, "proved that deficits don't matter." Apparently, that rule only applies when a Republican is sitting in the Oval Office
Lie #6: Ronald Reagan was the greatest tax cutter of all time.
Through thick and thin, this hagiography of Ronald Reagan is central to Republican identity. But as Steve Benen rightly noted, it is President Obama whose stimulus plan delivered the largest two-year tax cut in history. And as it turns out, what Saint Ronnie giveth, he also taketh away.
As predicted, Reagan's massive $749 billion supply-side tax cuts in 1981 quickly produced even more massive annual budget deficits. Combined with his rapid increase in defense spending, Reagan delivered not the balanced budgets he promised, but record-settings deficits. Even his OMB alchemist David Stockman could not obscure the disaster with his famous "rosy scenarios."
Ultimately, Reagan was forced to raise taxes twice to avert financial catastrophe (a fact John McCain learned the hard way from Tom Brokaw last October). By the time he left office in 1989, Ronald Reagan nonetheless more than equaled the entire debt burden produced by the previous 200 years of American history.
Lie #7: FDR caused the Great Depression, or at least made it worse.
Desperate to change their miserable present, Republicans are traveling back in time to rewrite the past. Despite the easily debunked claim (for example, here and here), Republican leaders including John McCain and Mitch McConnell still insist FDR made the Great Depression worse. Others, such as Rep. Steve Austria (R-OH) went so far as to blame FDR's programs launched four years after the 1929 stock market crash for causing it in the first place:

"When (President Franklin) Roosevelt did this, he put our country into a Great Depression," Austria said. "He tried to borrow and spend, he tried to use the Keynesian approach, and our country ended up in a Great Depression. That's just history."

Of course, that's not history. As Jonathan Chait documented in his devastating demolition of conservative propagandist Amity Schlaes' revisionist attack on the New Deal, FDR slashed unemployment by more than half and largely restored industrial production and GDP growth even before the onset of World War II. Only when Roosevelt wavered in the face of conservative pressure in 1937 did his New Deal temporarily falter.
Lie #8. Obama's cap-and-trade plan will cost each American family $3,100 a year.
Having failed to either block President Obama's middle class tax cuts or to successfully demagogue his proposals for upper income and estate taxes, the Republican leadership turned to a new scare tactic. John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and at least 17 other Congressional Republicans falsely claimed that Obama's proposed $650 billion cap-and-trade system constitutes a $3,100 a year tax on every American family. As Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) put it:

"The Democratic budget is proposing a national energy tax which according to studies at MIT could pose a $3,128 burden on every working family in America."

But as MIT professor and co-author of the study Assessment of U.S. Cap-and-Trade Proposals John Reilly pointed out, the research "has been misrepresented in recent press releases distributed by the National Republican Congressional Committee." As he wrote in a letter to John Boehner:

"The press release claims our report estimates an average cost per family of a carbon cap and trade program that would meet targets now being discussed in Congress to be over $3,000, but that is nearly 10 times the correct estimate which is approximately $340. [...] Our Report 160 shows that the costs on lower and middle income households can be completely offset by returning allowance revenue to these households."

For his part, Boehner responded by insisting he would stand by his discredited talking point. As they show time and again, the utter falsehood of a statement is no barrier to Republicans repeating it.
Lie #9. Obama's tax proposals will undermine charitable giving.
In his budget, President Obama has proposed raising $318 billion over the next decade by trimming wealthier taxpayers' deductions for charitable giving to 28% from its current 35%. Predictably, Republicans (joined by some Democrats) forecast an apocalypse for donations to charities. As John Boehner ominously warned:

"It will also deliver a sharp blow to charities at a time when they are hurting during the economic downturn."

But as Bloomberg and The Chronicle of Philanthropy each reported, Obama's proposal for 2011 would likely have little to no impact on charitable giving. As Bloomberg noted:

Not necessarily, say tax and philanthropy experts. They say altruistic or religious motives outweigh tax-shelter considerations among such donors, and cite previous limitations placed on deductions for high earners that they say haven't hurt donations.

Among those previous limitations, as OMB director Peter Orszag among others recalled, was the same upper income 28% deduction during Ronald Reagan's first term. As Orszag told reporters on February 26th, the record shows that "what drives charitable contributions is overall economic growth."
Ironically, what might have a more serious impact on charitable giving is Republican plans to scrap the estate tax. As then CBO head and later chief McCain economic adviser Douglas Holtz-Eakin wrote in a 2004 study by the agency:

Furthermore, the estate tax provides an incentive to make charitable contributions during life. The paper finds that increasing the amount exempted from the estate tax from $675,000 to either $2 million or $3.5 million would reduce charitable giving by less than 3 percent. However, repealing the tax would have a larger impact, decreasing donations to charity by 6 percent to 12 percent.

Lie #10: The rich pay too much in taxes already.
While 60% of Americans in recent Gallup polls believe upper-income people are "paying too little" in taxes, it is an article of faith among Republicans that the reverse is true.
In one variant of this argument, Arthur Laffer claims Barack Obama will have to raise taxes on lower and middle income Americans because "it cannot be done at the high end because those people can get away from it." That assessment echoes George W. Bush, who similarly argued in 2004, "The really rich people figure out how to dodge taxes anyway." (They are right in one sense; thanks to the GOP's gutting of the IRS in the 1990's, by 2007 the amount of federal revenue lost to fraud and unpaid taxes catapulted to $300 billion.)
Leave it to Bush's former flunkie Ari Fleischer to make even more comical Tax Week plea on behalf of the nation's bedraggled wealthy. The top 10% of taxpayers, Fleischer argued, are "supporting virtually everyone and everything" and "their burden keeps getting heavier." As he put it:

"It's also what's called redistribution of income, and it is getting out of hand."

Oh, it's gotten out of hand all right, just not in the direction Fleischer claims.
As the Center for American Progress noted, the Bush tax cuts delivered a third of their total benefits to the wealthiest 1% of Americans. And to be sure, their payday was staggering. As the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities detailed, by 2007 millionaires on average pocketed $120,000 from the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003. Those in the top 1% stashed an extra $45,000 a year. As a result, millionaires saw their after-tax incomes rise by 7.6%, while the gains for the middle quintile and bottom 20% of Americans were a paltry 2.3% and 0.4%, respectively. (Another CBPP study demonstrated that the Bush tax cuts accounted for half of the mushrooming deficits during his tenure in the White House.)
And as the New York Times revealed in 2006, the 2003 Bush dividend and capital gains tax cuts offered almost nothing to taxpayers earning below $100,000 a year. Instead, those windfalls reduced taxes "on incomes of more than $10 million by an average of about $500,000." As the Times revealed in a jaw-dropping chart, "the top 2 percent of taxpayers, those making more than $200,000, received more than 70% of the increased tax savings from those cuts in investment income." So it should come as no surprise that the income share of the 400 richest Americans doubled over the past decade.
There is, of course, one final GOP meta-myth for Tax Day. Despite their best efforts to portray Republicans as the best economic stewards for America, the record clearly shows that the stock market and the economy over all almost always do better under Democratic presidents.

24 comments on “10 Republican Lies for Tax Day”

  1. That's an amazing compilation. I don't think I heard much about any of this on Tea Bag day.

  2. Thanks, well done and timely. We need to stand up and keep the truth in front of all those who would prefer to live a twisted distortion of today and yesterday. History will be clear, it's the future I worry about. "Knowledge is power."I look forward to checking back to your blog often.


  4. excellent debunking of the bunkable.
    i too blogged about this but in a much less sophisticated way (the link is provided above).
    while i think it is a fair position to be concerned about the growing deficit, this lower taxes mantra is stale and void of any reason (unless of course you are making the kind of bucks hannity and limbaugh are piling up from their propaganda).

  5. Statistics are great but sometimes don't paint the whole picture. I don't doubt the statistics used by the Center for American Progress. Yes they show those rotten rich folks getting the most total dollar cuts. But take a look at another set of statistics compiled directly from IRS source information by The Tax Foundation at
    Yes, it shows that the rich got richer, but it also shows that they proportionately paid more taxes than the middle class and lower. I am a conservative but I am not "rich", I just don't buy into the class envy rhetoric. We're not all lunatics or extremist like some would make us out to be. If you were to really try to understand the motivations of most conservative Americans, you would find that most believe that the enormous and about to become even more enormous deficit is the number one political issue. And most acknowledge that both parties played a role in the deficit expansion. We just don't see how the government can run this high of a deficit and not raise taxes, on everyone, to pay for it. We actually believe that the government has got to be held responsible for its debt, and the federal budgets are becoming so astronomically high we don't know how we (read: government) are going to pay for it. We support a limited government that actually lives within its means and pays for all of its bills.


  7. Overall a good post, but I have to take issue with #1.
    As a small business owner, I have been keenly looking at the Obama tax plan with my accountant, and even though I clear less than $60,000 a year I will pay significantly more in taxes next year. Though I don't know if this has more to do with the Dems in congress but the Obama plan does not in fact help me and again I don't make more nor does my business do more than $250,000 in business a year. It's the extra social security taxes and the fact that I get bumped into the 25% bracket for making a whopping $60,000 a year.
    Obama will raise my taxes.
    My accountant has been preparing me for this. It's a shame as I'm doing everything right and these guys give out handouts to big corporations but I have to pay more. That's why small business owners are upset. It's too bad I had hoped for something better.

  8. I say reinstate the military draft. Now ALL Americans have something more than just money invested. Congressmen Rangle got that one RIGHT.

  9. MassGuy,
    Are you sure you will get taxed more? I know that those netting 60, 000 as working employees will make more take home than they did under bush by around 5, 000. But I too have a small business, and we do pay more than we should with the self employment tax. It's really ridiculous.
    Please check this source:
    From the above source:
    "McCain has repeatedly claimed that Obama would raise tax rates for 23 million small-business owners. It's a false and preposterously inflated figure.
    We find that the overwhelming majority of those small-business owners would see no increase, because they earn too little to be affected. Obama's tax proposal would raise rates only on couples making more than $250,000 or singles earning more than $200,000."
    So make 249, 000 and make more money. Is it that hard? True, they should not treat business owners NET any different than any wage earners.

  10. Sadly, I first heard #2 from a Democrat. When I was living in California, I wrote to my senator, Barbara Feinstein, asking her not to repeal or reduce the inheritance tax. She responded in a form e-mail with the claim that the inheritance tax was hurting small businesses and family farms. Even then, I knew it wasn't true.
    That was when I first began to wonder if the Democratic Party had become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Republicans.

  11. You claim "American workers pay the 6.2% Social Security tax (on income up to $97,000) and another 1.45% for Medicare". Why do you liberals continue to promulgate this fiction about payroll taxes? I don't see how it helps your case. Wage earners pay 15.3% in payroll taxes on their gross earnings, period. Your employer doesn't give a rat's ass whether he writes the check for 7.65% to you or the federal treasury, you're gonna have to earn it either way. Just ask the small business owners who posted above..

  12. I just discovered your site. Your coverage of events and commentary are outstanding. Finally, the idea that we are even debating tax increases while running multi-trillion dollar deficits shows just how far gone this country is.

  13. You post a bunch or irrelevant statistics here to promote a rich hating agenda.
    Here are the facts.
    1) The tax revenue as a percentage of the GDP has remained consistent, around 20% over time.
    2) The percentage of that tax revenue paid by the wealthy has INCREASED over time, including after JFK's tax cuts, Reagan's tax cuts, and even Bush's tax cuts (for the rich).
    So the Democrat lie that the tax burden has been shifting off the rich is demonstrably false.

    In the beginning both white Republicans and white Democrats greeted blacks in the same way! With hatred and discrimination and fear! Then Former Republican President Richard Nixon came and the Republican Party start to play fear and blame games! Blacks where to be fear and blame for all financial wrong in America and all crime! Then Former President Reagan took that mentality to a different level! He refuse to speak to any so-call white elected black leadership! I believe because of his Alzheimer he just didn't know to care about black issue! Under Reagan hatred in America went to a new level!The Republicans also under Reagan high jack Christianity and spoke as if they where the higher moral party! So they told the public to fear Russia and black people then to fear Hispanic and black people! Then Americans where told to fear Arab and black people Afghan and black Iraqis and black people! Now today with the first black President Republican are telling the public to fear President Obama! They started while he was running for President. They attack his father mother grandparent his Pastor they totally demonize him. They attack and harass church members and members that where shut in with death sickness! The Republican Tea Party who said nothing under President Bush when he turn a surplus into debt for America and cause American troops death for NOTHING in Iraq ( NO-WOMD)! There was no Tea Party but under President Obama who is trying to clean up and re-start the country! The Tea Party want America to fear President Obama. They have called him a socailist a racist a idiot weak. They have made statement that "President Obama does not listen to the people' We want our country back "President Obama is the worst President ever" President has done nothing in two years in office" Keep the Government out of my social security" No new Taxes" Stop the Spending!

    NOTE: If you believe the Republican Party and the white control media President Obama has done NOTHING in the two years he has been President! LIE LIE LIE!!! There plan is to lie to the public and demonize President Obama effort for recovery! Like the stimulus package that they voted for under Bush/Cheney and President Obama increase! Or immigration a plan was wrote up by Senator John Mc Cain and Senator Teddy Kennedy! Now Mc Cain is against a plan for immigration under President Obama!Republican hold up unemployment benefits for American citizen JUST BECAUSE! President Obama put together a plan for small businesses and Republican that said all along we need a plan for small businesses vote against President Obama's plan!
    1. President Obama change healthcare better then any of the 43 pass Presidents!Got a bill past that seven decade of politician could not do! Healthcare benefits cover adult children under their parent policy until 26 years of age! Before you where cut off at 22years old!
    2. President Obama is closing the prison in Cuba prosecuting inmates that former President Bush claim where trying to kill Americans!
    3. President Obama is closing down the needless war in Iraq bringing American troops home!A war started for NOTHING causing over 4,400 Americans troops deaths for NOTHING!
    4. President Obama is investing billions into sending Americans to college thought taxes cut and funding
    5. President Obama has successfully negotiate with Russia reducing arms for a better America and a better world for the future.
    6. President Obama has started talk with other country on Global warming for a better America!
    7 President Obama sign a stimulus package that kept millions American from losing their job kept police and firefighter employed company in businesses and stabilize the country headed for a recession!
    8. President Obama gave $4,000 deduction if you purchase a new energy efficient new car !
    9. President Obama gave tax deduction to American citizen that purchase energy efficient applicants.
    10. President Obama sign a bill to start off shore drilling that will bring jobs to Americans! And reduce dependents on oversea oil! Because of BP oil spill President Obama secure 20 billion…when the cap was 75 million!
    11. President Obama approve 30,0000 more troops in Afghanistan and smartly put a time table on their return home. Even after the idiot Republican called him stupid for setting a deadline! SHOWING TRUE LEADERSHIP! He has a plan Bush &Cheney DID NOT!
    12. President Obama pass the best credit card reform bill in America history!
    13. President Obama put more regulation on the banking industry then any other President before him!
    14.President Obama put together a plan for small businesses and Republican that said all along we need a plan for small businesses vote against President Obama's plan!
    15. Under President Obama fraud in healthcare has been expose and many people prosecute and the Buddy System under past Presidents crush!

  16. I write many posts on many blogs and sometime I'm called angry and a black racist! Or because I'm black playing the victim! This is a big lie and far far from the truth I'm not angry nor racist nor a victim! I love all GOD's people but I call it like I see it and I'm doing what whites will not do! TELL THE TRUTH! I'm doing what the white control media will never do! TELL THE TRUTH!!!! The truth is in many incident in America that result in the downfall of America. The present of WHITE GREED ..WHITE RACISM..and THE LACK OF WHITE LEADERSHIP and THE WHITE BUDDY SYSTEM is responsible! Take WHITE GREED I believe is responsible for America's financial downfall! The protest against the building of the Mosque in New York is because the LACK OF WHITE LEADERSHIP and the disrespect for the Constitution! Then the most evil of all is WHITE RACISM that is responsible for disrespect of America's Constitution and lead to white racist cops murdering unarmed black children and adults! These evils are responsible for making America rank 10th in the world from number one in the world! For making America a third rate country and hated in most other counties! Then THE WHITE BUDDY SYSTEM responsible for many scams and cons and fraud against American citizen! Just in case you didn't know the Federal Reserve is a private company of bankers with twelve branch banks that confiscate American money and they have been doing this for almost a hundred years,--- this time! They are not part of the United States Government. Yet today they collect hundreds of billions of dollars from American taxpayers every year. The white Republican politicians of the past set this up and today take many kickback so that this practice can continue! Not from just minority but all Americans especially white Americans! The Madoff family business seemed to be an inspiring success -- until its patriarch revealed himself to be a con man for the history books.But this white con artist had help from The White Buddy System that looked the other way for many many years! This is why the white Republican Party are attacking President Obama's recovery plan for America! They must keep the rich and the super rich richer and they could not care if the country is suffering! Bernie Madoff was able to con many America most if not all WHITE out of billions over 33 years because many white politician helped! And it took the Obama administration to out and arrest the con artist! Just like the healthcare fraud expose by the Obama's administration where many American had set up storefront and billed medicare for equipment they never had! This fraud was allowed under many white President many members of The White Buddy System!

    In the beginning both white Republicans and white Democrats greeted blacks in the same way! With hatred and discrimination and fear! Then Former Republican President Richard Nixon came and the Republican Party start to play fear and blame games! Blacks where to be fear and blame for all financial wrong in America and all crime! Then Former President Reagan took that mentality to a different level! He refuse to speak to any so-call white elected black leadership! I believe because of his Alzheimer he just didn't know to care about black issue! Under Reagan hatred in America went to a new level!The Republicans also under Reagan high jack Christianity and spoke as if they where the higher moral party! So they told the public to fear Russia and black people then to fear Hispanic and black people! Then Americans where told to fear Arab and black people Afghan and black Iraqis and black people! Now today with the first black President Republican are telling the public to fear President Obama! They started while he was running for President. They attack his father mother grandparent his Pastor they totally demonize him. They attack and harass church members and members that where shut in with death sickness! The Republican Tea Party who said nothing under President Bush when he turn a surplus into debt for America and cause American troops death for NOTHING in Iraq ( NO-WOMD)! There was no Tea Party but under President Obama who is trying to clean up and re-start the country! The Tea Party want America to fear President Obama. They have called him a socailist a racist a idiot weak. They have made statement that "President Obama does not listen to the people' We want our country back "President Obama is the worst President ever" President has done nothing in two years in office" Keep the Government out of my social security" No new Taxes" Stop the Spending!

  18. Six weeks before midterm elections, House Republicans vowed to cut taxes and federal spending, repeal President Barack Obama's health care law and ban federal funding of abortion as part of a campaign manifesto designed to propel them to victory in November and a majority in the next Congress. What they don't say to America is that their policy of the past create the horrible condition President Obama inherit and they criticize! They don't say why all their proposals in there" Republicans' 'Pledge to America' " where kept secrete for the last two years! They also don't tell America why they are the party of "NO" especially on issue that they propose under President Bush! They also don't tell America why they criticize President Obama stimulus package but past a stimulus package under President G. W Bush! They don't explain senator John Mc Cain flip flop from agreeing and writing a immigrant bill with the late Senator Ted Kennedy. Then fighting against it! Or the fact that Mc Cain said he would vote to appeal " don't asked don't tell" if the top military wanted it appeal! Then Mc Cain gets on the floor of the senate and fight against it! The Republican also don't tell America in this stupid " Republicans' 'Pledge to America' " how they turn a surplus into a debt! Or why they continue the war in Iraq after finding out there where no WOMD ( Weapon of Mass Destruction)? That cause the needless death of 4,400 plus American troops! Republican never told America why they didn't purchase proper upper body armor at the beginning of the Iraq War! That the "9/11 Report" stated could have save 750 American troops life's! They don't explain why parent of America troops had to find and purchase armor for their children because under Republican rule THEY DID NOT! " Republicans' 'Pledge to America' " is a joke as was The Contract With America" JUST PROMISE AND LIES! Why would any American reward any Republicans with there vote knowing they cause needless death of American troops and turn a surplus into a debt! Causing the financial downfall of the country!


Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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