Why the Senate Went to a Closed Session
November 2, 2005
In case you were wondering, this is why Harry Reid forced the Senate into a closed session.
Republican Chairman Pat Roberts on the Phase 2 Report on possible Bush White House manipulation of Iraq WMD intelligence:
- "I don't think there should be any doubt that we have now heard it all regarding prewar intelligence. I think that it would be a monumental waste of time to replow this ground any further." (March 31, 2005)
- "To go though that exercise, it seems to me, in a post-election environment--we didn't see how we could do that and achieve any possible progress. I think everybody pretty well gets it." (March 31, 2005)
- "[Phase 2] is basically on the back burner." (March 10, 2005)
For the full story, see "Fitzgerald, Iraq and the Truth About Pre-War Intelligence."