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McCain's 2004 SNL Appearance Still His Best

May 18, 2008

Pundits and bloggers alike are buzzing about John McCain's appearance yesterday on Saturday Night Live. Without once mentioning his standard stump punchlines "I'm older than dirt" and "I have more scars than Frankenstein," the 71 year old Republican nominee riffed on his age. While he was at it, McCain got in a few jokes while providing some advice for his Democratic colleagues.
Still, McCain's best performance by far on SNL came neither last night nor during his 2002 rendition of a Barbara Streisand medley. Instead, McCain was most animated - literally - during a fall 2004 episode of the NBC comedy which ran just prior to the reelection of George W. Bush.
In October 2004, Saturday Night Live animator Robert Smigel created "John McCain's Speech," a TV Funhouse cartoon that comically depicted McCain's anguish in stumping for President Bush after all the slurs he had endured at Bush's hands back in 2000.

As it turns out, the only thing John McCain hates more than George W. Bush is the thought of not becoming president himself in 2008.

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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