Perrspectives - Bringing light to Darkness

Abramoff: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

November 1, 2006

While all eyes have been focused on the collateral damage from the FoleyGate scandal on Republicans' midterm prospects, convicted GOP uber lobbyist Jack Abramoff continues to be the gift that keeps on giving for Democrats.
A flurry of stories over the past two weeks highlighted the Abramoff taint that keeps spreading across Republican ranks in Congress and the White House. GOP nerves no doubt grew more agitated with the news that Jack will be ensconced in the nearby federal prison in Cumberland, Maryland while he cooperates with the Justice Department.
On Capitol Hill, Ohio Representative Bob Ney pleaded guilty to conspiracy and making false statements after receiving gifts and golf trips in exchange for favors for Abramoff clients. Meanwhile, California Congressman Richard Pombo, best known for his intent to gut the Endangered Species Act, held a dozen meetings with Abramoff's team in the 1990's, pocketing over $35,000 in contributions for his work on behalf of the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe of Massachusetts. And in the Senate, Montana's Conrad Burns is fighting for his political life amidst allegations that his staff would have "starved to death" without free meals at Abramoff's trendy DC restaurant.
Over at the White House, the fetid stench of Abramoff continues to fester. Hot on the heels of a House Government Reform Committee report detailing 400 visits between Bush and Abramoff staffers came the resignation of Karl Rove's assistant Susan Ralston. Ralston, Abramoff's former admin at Greenberg Traurig LP, scheduled dozens of meetings between White House personnel and friends of Jack. The House report also detailed the critical role of former White House player and current RNC chairman Ken Mehlman in currying favors for Abramoff. Among Mehlman's hatchet jobs was the firing of Allen Stayman, the State Department's point person urging labor regulations for the Northern Marianas islands opposed by Abramoff clients. And just last week, former Bush GSA administrator David Safavian cried like a baby after a judge sentenced him to 18 months in prison for lying to federal investigators regarding his role in Abramoff procurement scandals.
For more of the latest news, reports and documents in the Abramoff affair, see the Abramoff/Delay Scandal Resource Center.


Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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