Whatever ruling the nation's highest court hands down on President Obama's Affordable Care Act, Republican challenger Mitt Romney's prescription for health care is unchanged. "Now if I'm able to repeal it--or if the Supreme Court is able to get that job done for us," he announced last week, "We want to replace it." But what […]
On Tuesday, the National Security Archive released a trove of 120 previously secret documents concerning the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. With revelations about the CIA's budget concerns in 2000 and the unheeded warnings in 2001, the picture they paint isn't a pretty one for either Bill Clinton or George W. Bush. […]
Earlier this month, Team Romney spokesperson Andrea Saul explained her candidate's rule for determining the fairness of press coverage of his Mormon faith. "Our test to see if a similar story would be written about others' religion," Saul declared, "is to substitute 'Jew' or 'Jewish.'" That revelation prompted Jeffrey Goldberg to ask, "What If Mitt […]
On Sunday, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney made two stunning statements about Iran. First, Romney managed to unlearn the entire history of the Cold War by claiming the United State "cannot survive" the advent of a nuclear Iran. Just as jaw-dropping, Governor Romney told Face the Nation that as President he would not need authorization […]
After his reporter Neil Munro's disgraceful performance at the White House Friday, Daily Caller editor-in-chief Tucker Carlson rushed to his defense, complaining "I don't remember Diane Sawyer scolding her colleague Sam Donaldson for heckling President Reagan." Donaldson was quick to respond, countering "I never interrupted any president while he was making a formal presentation of […]
As he turns 88 this week, former President George H.W. Bush is being celebrated for a lifetime of service to his nation. In the HBO documentary 41, Bush the Elder speaks personally about his career as a World War II aviator, member of Congress, CIA director, ambassador to China, vice president and, of course, occupant […]
If nothing else, you have to admire Mitt Romney's persistence. After he formally announced his candidacy a year ago by declaring when President Obama "took office, the economy was in recession, and he made it worse, and he made it last longer," fact checkers quickly demolished Romney's obvious falsehood. But despite his subsequent denial just […]
During a highly charged Senate hearing on Tuesday, Texas Republican John Cornyn demanded the resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder. That Cornyn would emerge from GOP central casting to lead the right-wing witch hunt against Holder comes as no surprise (and not just because of his staunch opposition to man-box turtle marriage). After all, back […]
For Mitt Romney, the love that dare not speak its name is "vouchers." Two weeks after he delivered a major address on education policy in which he never mentioned the V word, the New York Times detailed Romney's proposal to divert $25 billion in taxpayer dollars to religious, private and for-profit schools. But voters don't […]
On Friday, President Obama denounced as "offensive" and "wrong" allegations that he was behind the leaks of U.S. cyber attacks on Iran and the terrorist "kill list," Attorney General Eric Holder announced he was assigning two U.S. attorneys to investigate the classified security breach. Nevertheless, the usual suspect on right are continuing their drumbeat about […]