They say it's better to be lucky than good. And after eight straight lopsided primary losses, Hillary Clinton is about to start making that point in earnest about Barack Obama. The four-year U.S. Senator isn't merely inexperienced, her campaign will no doubt argue, but he's led a charmed political life not of his own making. […]
As the Carpetbagger Report details, the conservative blogosphere has its panties in a twist over word that an office used by some Obama volunteers in Texas displayed a flag featuring the likeness of Che Guevara. (As even the local Fox station notes, that office is unaffiliated with the official Obama campaign.) But lost in the […]
Faced with the dismaying prospect of Democratic unity and Republican schism during the 2008 nominating contests, conservative columnist David Brooks today turned time traveler. Taking a journey through his own space-time continuum, Brooks argues that Democrats are not unified now because they not might be in the future. In 2009 as in 1993, he claims, […]
In case there was any remaining uncertainty, Ted Olson reminded Americans today why he must never be on the Supreme Court. The former Bush Solicitor General and 2000 Florida recount mastermind took the pages of the Wall Street Journal to crow about the ultra-tight Democratic nominating process which he prays ends up in the courts. […]
On Sunday, President Bush left his self-proclaimed "bubble" in the White House for a little Democrat bashing over at his Fox News safe haven. Comically daring Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to attack him during the 2008 campaign, President Bush returned to his childish mispronunciation of their party's name. Yes, a year after acknowledging his […]
As the war of words between Rush Limbaugh and John McCain reached a fever pitch this week, it took MSNBC reporter David Schuster to remind Americans that the two right-wing titans share some common values. For all of their current disagreements over the direction of the Republican Party, Limbaugh and McCain agreed on one thing. […]
A new Time poll on Thursday added ammunition to Barack Obama's case that he is the more electable Democratic candidate. In head to head match-up against the presumptive GOP nominee John McCain, Obama scores a 48% to 41% victory, while Hillary Clinton produces only a 46% to 46% draw. But while Barack Obama certainly has […]
At the CPAC conference today, Mitt Romney mercifully brought his campaign of gymnastic flip-flops to an end. Yielding to the inevitability of John McCain's nomination, Romney shuffled off into the Republican sunset. But before exiting the stage (no doubt to return in 2012), Romney regurgitated the bromides, mean-spirited attacks and downright ignorance that characterized his […]
In Washington today, President Bush launched Operation Stay Relevant II. Following up on his October strategy to wield the veto pen to "ensure that I am relevant," the wildly unpopular lame duck is holding 84 of his executive nominees hostage until he gets Senate blessing for the recess appointment of torture advocate Steven Bradbury. This […]
One of the more fascinating story lines in the wake of the Super Tuesday primaries involves rumors that GOP frontrunner John McCain is considering Mike Huckabee as his VP choice. The two didn't merely combine in Tuesday's nationwide vote to send Mitt Romney to the Republican equivalent of the glue factory. Throughout the primaries, McCain […]