The Perrspectives Bush-GOP Scandal Document Library has been expanded to include the latest news, key reports, document releases and other essential materials surrounding Bush administration and GOP wrong-doing. From Plamegate and the Scooter Libby commutation, the U.S. attorneys purge and illegal NSA domestic surveillance to Iraq intelligence manipulation, torture scandals and the ongoing Jack Abramoff […]
On the same day that the AP's John Solomon once again tried to perpetuate the tale of John Edwards' $400 haircut, a real story of tragedy promises to draw attention to Edwards' past. In Minneapolis, the powerful suction from a drain in a wading pool partially ripped out the small intestine of a six-year old […]
Back in May, I contrasted the Watergate legend of Fred Thompson with his current role as a fundraiser and spokesman for the Scooter Libby Legal Defense Fund. As a Republican counsel to the Senate Watergate committee, Thompson famously asked Nixon aide Alexander Butterfield if there were listening devices in the White House. In 2007, he […]
Over at, Political Humor editor Daniel Kurtzman maintains one of the web's most comprehensive collections of political jokes, cartoons and images. (Full disclosure: some are them are from Perrspectives.) Now, he has come out with a fun-loving how-to book for liberals, "How to Win a Fight with a Conservative." In addition to his new […]
Enough has been made by this (and virtually every other center-left) blog about President Bush's outrageous endorsement of his administration's law-breaking and ongoing obstruction of justice with the Libby commutation. But it is worth remembering that this is merely Bush being Bush, consistent in his own inconsistency. That is, a gleeful vengeance towards criminals occupies […]
As Scooter Libby awoke this morning to find God in his heaven and all right with the world, his apologists were fast at work in regurgitating the trusty Republican "criminalization of politics defense" to fend off criticism of President Bush's shocking endorsement of law-breaking. Of course, that's what the conservative movement has been reduced to. […]
As expected, President Bush chose loyalty over the rule of law and commuted the sentence of Scooter Libby. While Vice President Cheney's former chief-of-staff still must face a two year probation and a $250,000 fine, the President sent a clear but cowardly message that breaking the law in the service of his agenda is the […]
This week, the U.S. Census released its latest population estimates for American cities. And for my old hometown of Cleveland, Ohio, the news was grim indeed. Now down to 444,000 people, the city that once proclaimed itself the "Best Location in the Nation" has lost over half its population since 1950. There is simply no […]
Just days after leaving 10 Downing Street for his new role as Middle East envoy, former Prime Minister Tony Blair gave vent to his frustration over the festering threat of homegrown terrorism in the U.K. In his remarks, recorded before both his departure from office and the latest terror episodes in London and Glasgow, Blair […]
Despite polls numbers now reaching into the 20's for President Bush, the Conservative Threat Level has been raised to Orange/High (Church and State to Merge). Like a trapped rat, events this week showed the conservative movement remains rabid - and dangerous. The latest UK terror attacks in London and Glascow guarantee a new wave of […]