Four years ago, Republicans led by then -new House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) began taking credit for the economic progress made since the Bush recession began in December 2007. Just 19 days after the GOP had assumed control of the House, Cantor issued a statement declaring, "THERE ARE THE JOBS: Republicans Prevent Massive Tax […]
Here are three quick pieces of advice for Jeb Bush. First, if you want to announce your new Super PAC by bemoaning "the playing field is no longer fair or level" for middle class Americans, don't film your video in front of Wall Street investment firm, Black Rock. Second; when your brother the 43rd President […]
As 2015 opens, the American economy seems poised for robust economic expansion. Strong GDP growth and job creation, falling first-time jobless claims, surging stocks and (finally) rising wages show the Obama recovery from the Bush recession which began in late 2007 is starting to hit on all cylinders. And to be sure, it is the […]
As 2015 begins, there is much to be optimistic about for the new year. The American economy is really starting to take off. The private sector has created new jobs for a record 57 months, driving down the unemployment rate and finally beginning to put upward pressure on wages. Plummeting global energy costs are putting […]
Many leaders in the Republican Party and its amen corner are shocked--SHOCKED!--to learn that one of its top figures in Congress addressed a white supremacist group in 2002. But Rep. Steve Scalise's outreach to the white power crowd shouldn't have come as a surprise to the likes of Erick Erickson or Jennifer Rubin or anyone […]
The sun does not rise in the west and set in the east. Gravity does not make objects fall upwards. The earth is not flat. And tax cut do not pay for themselves. Despite four decades of bitter experience--and incontrovertible data--to the contrary, Heritage Foundation chief economist Stephen Moore nevertheless took to the op-ed pages […]
As 2014 comes to a close, the American economy is finally starting to take off. U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) surged by 5 percent in the third quarter, the best performance since 2003. Employers hired 321,000 more workers in November, marking the 57th consecutive month of private sector job gains. With unemployment down to 5.8 […]
December 27, 1964 is a holy day. Holy, that is, if you live in Northeastern Ohio or, like me, long ago made the exodus to join the large diaspora of Clevelanders now wandering the nation in search of a championship in any sport. That's right. Fifty years ago this Saturday, the Cleveland Browns crushed the […]
New polls from CBS News and the Washington Post shows the American people overwhelmingly support President Obama's decision to reestablish diplomatic relations with Cuba. That common sense consensus to end a failed Cold War policy which has outlived the Soviet Union by a generation has produced some pretty stunning responses from a furious hodge-podge of […]
After President Obama's decision to resume diplomatic relations with Cuba, the response from the usual suspects on the right has been (pun intended) fast and furious. At the forefront is Florida GOP Senator and 2016 presidential wannabe Marco Rubio. Rubio, who previously fabricated a story of his family's heroic exile from the Castro regime, called […]