Dick Cheney is the herpes of American politics: he never goes away and periodically resurfaces only to subject the nation to painful and embarrassing flare-ups. So it is with his latest irritating tirade about a supposedly underfunded U.S. military unready to fight. His latest rant that "we have four combat-ready brigades out of 40 in […]
In the wake of September's strong jobs report, Megan Thee-Brenan and E.J. Dionne (among others) have concluded "Obama is unlikely to get credit for falling unemployment rate" and "Democrats aren't getting credit for the economy." The question is why. After all, when it comes to cutting unemployment, spurring investment and driving economic growth, Barack Obama […]
News of the first reported case of Ebola virus in the United States is an even more virulent strain of right-wing outrage. While GOP Senator and 2016 White House hopeful Rand Paul worried that President is doing too much to help contain Ebola in West Africa ("Can you imagine if a whole ship full of […]
Mitt Romney's resurrection may now be the most hyped since Jesus Christ. Just days after conservative columnist Byron York announced "Romney 2016 is for real," the Washington Post, Vox and now the New York Times declared that "Mitt Romney isn't ready to call it quits." So, after Mitt Romney's repeated promises that "we're not doing […]
Former Vice President Dick Cheney is outraged--outraged!--that Barack Obama felt compelled to mention the national shame of Ferguson, Missouri during the President's powerful address to the United Nations. Accusing of Obama of comparing the killing of Michael Brown to the butchery of ISIS, Cheney declared, "I am stunned." But he shouldn't have been. Most Presidents […]
As the Washington Post explained Wednesday, Kansas Republican Senator Pat Roberts is in real trouble. And the consistently ineffective Senate veteran didn't help his reelection cause when he called Senate Minority Harry Reid (D-NV) a "dictator" and accused President Obama of leading the United States down the path of "national socialism." After all, it was […]
Back in the spring of 2012, right-wingers began foaming at the mouth when the late Andrew Breitbart revealed that then Illinois State Senator Obama was part of panel discussion after a 1998 play about 1960's radical organizer Saul Alinsky. Now, the same conservatives are hyperventilating about the correspondence between the young Hillary Clinton and Alinsky, […]
With NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell under fire for the league's reprehensible handling of the Ray Rice domestic violence case, the names of potential successors are already being bandied about. But one of them--Condoleezza Rice--would be among the very worst choices the National Football League could make. After all, the NFL's credibility is at risk for […]
There was plenty not to like in President Obama address on ISIS Wednesday night. His claim to have authority to wage an open-ended military campaign without Congressional action doesn't pass the smell test. To the degree that "success" in restoring regional stability can even be defined, it is contingent on building and sustaining a staggeringly […]
Until her current Oregon Senate run this year, millionaire neurosurgeon Monica Wehby's political career consisted of appearing in anti-Obamacare ads and pushing a ballot measure to limit medical malpractice awards. Now, Dr. Wehby is calling for upper class tax cuts, a balanced budget amendment and the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, the same Republican […]