In December 2004, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld lectured American troops worried about vital equipment shortages plaguing U.S. combat forces in Iraq. "You go to war with the army you have," Rumsfeld pontificated, "not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time." That was a particularly galling statement for Rumsfeld of […]
Among other things, the revelation that some VA facilities used secret waiting lists which may have to needless deaths of American veterans is simply unacceptable, a betrayal and a national disgrace. But you would be hard pressed to find many people who would deem the shameful situation "a gift from God." Unless, that is, you […]
For the first time since the shocking revelations of secret VA patient waiting lists came to light, President Obama on Wednesday seemed to equivocate on his support for Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki. "I know that Rick's attitude is if he doesn't think he can do a good job on this and if he thinks […]
With its shameful backlog and secret waiting lists at some of its facilities, the Veterans Health Administration is facing an urgent crisis. But the only reform certain to make things worse would be to privatize the system of 1,700 VA facilities that serve 8.76 million American vets. Despite its troubles, studies consistently show that VA […]
Last week, a new study published in Social Psychology and Personality Science offered some very timely--if very predictable--findings about women candidates in politics. Even as Republicans were launching vicious attacks about Hillary Clinton's age and health while rushing to the defense of Oregon GOP Senate hopeful and accused stalker Monica Wehby, Dartmouth College professor Eric […]
If nothing else, the Republican Party is a perpetual irony producing machine. Karl Rove, a man nicknamed "Bush's Brain" for guiding an alcoholic to two terms in the White House, suggested 2016 Democratic frontrunner Hilary Clinton suffered brain damage as a result of a December 2012 fall. Rove, who now contends a concussion could be […]
With less than week to go before the Oregon Republican Senate primary, pediatric neurosurgeon Monica Wehby has a healthy 14 point lead over her GOP opponent, Jason Conger. For Republicans hoping to retake the Senate in November, Dr. Wehby, the subject of a fawning New York Times profile, represents their best chance for a blue […]
John McCain on Tuesday declared he would send U.S. special forces into Nigeria "in a New York minute" to free hundreds of school girls held hostage by Boko Haram. McCain's enthusiasm in unsurprising, given his past support for deploying American forces almost anywhere for almost any reason. Except, it turns out, to the place that […]
And now for today's quiz: When is $10 billion greater than $310 billion? When Republicans control the House of Representatives. Yes, the American people got another lesson in GOP math this week when House Republicans refused to budge on a $10 billion, five-month extension of unemployment benefits for 1.3 million long-term jobless workers while the […]
There are tragedies and then there are scandals. The killings of four Americans in Benghazi, as investigations by the State Department and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence have already confirmed, was a tragedy, and likely a preventable one. But the Bush administration's regime of detainee torture was both a tragedy and a scandal. The […]