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Boehner: The American People Embolden the Enemy

February 13, 2007

The House of Representatives began its debate on Iraq today. And almost on cue, House Republican leader John Boehner offered up the "embolden the enemy" talking point, still #1 on the list of Top 10 GOP Sound Bites.
As the AP reported, Boehner put on an Oscar-worthy performance:

"We will embolden terrorists in every corner in the world. We will give Iran free access to the Middle East. And who doesn't believe the terrorists will just follow our troops home?"
Boehner teared up before reporters as he listened to Rep. Sam Johnson, R-Texas, describe being a prisoner of war in Vietnam and learning of U.S. protests back home.

Sadly for the Republican minority in Congress, a new USA Today/Gallup poll suggests John Boehner is accusing the American people of "emboldening the terrorists." 60% of those polled oppose Bush's Iraq surge plan and two-thirds expressed frustration that the Senate did not hold a debate on Iraq strategy. In addition, CBS News reports that 63% of Americans stand against President Bush's troop escalation for Iraq.
The opposition of the American people did not stop John Boehner from recycling the now-discarded Republican mantra of "better to fight them there than here." Boehner's histrionics will no doubt garner him plenty of air time on the evening news.
For more of the Republican talking points du jour, see the Top 10 GOP Sound Bites List.


Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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