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Category: Business

October 1, 2012
How Bain is Bilking Taxpayers and Making Americans Sick

Last week, Attorney General Eric Holder and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius sent a letter to five hospital trade organizations warning against the abuse of electronic medical record systems to seek inflated Medicare reimbursements. The Obama administration's concern is well-founded. Earlier this month, both the Washington Post and New York Times documented the use of techniques […]

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September 3, 2012
Labor Day Greetings from Mitt Romney

The labor movement, as its supporters rightly say, is just the folks who brought you the weekend. Now as Americans mark this Labor Day, it seems that Mitt Romney wants to take it back. After all, the man who said that "corporations are people, my friend" routinely decries the "crony capitalism" of "union stooges." A […]

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August 29, 2012
How We Built Bain Capital

Among the things absent thus far from the 2012 Republican National Convention has been any mention of Bain Capital and any fidelity to the truth. After just the first day, the GOP's twin frauds about welfare and "we built that" were once again demolished, prompting Team Romney to protest that "we're not going to let […]

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August 20, 2012
Global Business Leaders See Obama as Stronger on Economy

Financial engineer turned Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has boasted for years that "I know how the economy works." Unfortunately for Mitt, global business leaders aren't buying what he's selling. A recent survey of executives around the world found that by a 2 to 1 margin, they believe President Obama be better for the global […]

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July 26, 2012
How the U.S. Government Helped Mitt Romney Build His Fortune

At events across the country, Mitt Romney's presidential campaign is trying to convince voters that small business owners in fact build the roads and bridges they use every day. Unfortunately, Romney's "We Did Build It" gatherings have hit some potholes, with many participants revealed to be the recipients of government contracts and subsidies and others […]

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July 21, 2012
Romney Will Put Walmart in the White House

Even at a time of record income inequality, the lowest federal tax burden in 60 years and plummeting effective tax rates for the top one percent of earners, it is often difficult to put a face on the yawning chasm between the super-rich and everyone else. But now we have six. New data from the […]

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July 14, 2012
Whorehouse Morals and Business Ethics

In May, Mitt Romney suggested a new eligibility test in the U.S. Constitution requiring that the President first "spend at least three years working in business." It was bad enough that America's would-be second Harvard MBA President forgot the disastrous record of the first. Now, Mitt has chosen the worst possible week to announce that […]

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July 2, 2012
For Romney, There is No Life After Bain

In recent weeks, Mitt Romney's presidential campaign has tried to redefine the calendar by inserting the new milestone "AB"--or "After Bain"-- into the timeline of human history. Defending its man from damaging reports that he profited when Bain Capital invested in companies that shipped jobs overseas, extracted massive dividends and fees from firms that later […]

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June 23, 2012
Romney "Sick at Heart" Over Bain Job Losses

Back in 2007, Republican White House hopeful Mitt Romney declared that taking a big payment from a company that later failed "would make me sick, sick at heart." If so, Romney by now must be badly in need of a quadruple by-pass. Because as the New York Times became just the latest to report, through […]

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June 14, 2012
Romney's Big Lie on the Economy Now Bigger than Ever

If nothing else, you have to admire Mitt Romney's persistence. After he formally announced his candidacy a year ago by declaring when President Obama "took office, the economy was in recession, and he made it worse, and he made it last longer," fact checkers quickly demolished Romney's obvious falsehood. But despite his subsequent denial just […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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