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Category: Iran

February 18, 2011
For Beck and Fox News, It's the End Times All the Time

Over the past several days, Fox News host Glenn Beck has explained that the unrest sweeping the Middle East augurs a New World Order jointly pursued by a combination of George Soros, radical Islamists and communist unions, all aided, apparently, by Google. But on Thursday, Beck literally turned apocalyptic, warning that the seeming chaos could […]

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January 28, 2011
Iranian Martyrs Book Found on Mexican Border as Beck Film Premieres

They say it's better to be lucky than good. But on Thursday, Fox News host Glenn Beck may have been both. The night before, his pay-for Insider Extreme web site premiered "Rumors of War," an incendiary pseudo-documentary designed to drum up support for conflict with Tehran by claiming, among other things, "now the Iranians are […]

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December 24, 2010
Sarah Palin Gets Ironic on Iran

If nothing else, Sarah Palin is an irony producing machine. Just last week, the propagator-in-chief of the 2009 death panels "Lie of the Year" endorsed Medicare rationing. Now, the ironies are double in her new get-tough-on-Iran op-ed. After all, she not only cites leaked diplomatic cables published by the "treasonous" Australian, Julian Assange. Worse still, […]

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August 17, 2010
Right-Wing Special Offer: Bomb Iran, This Week Only!

From the same people who sold you the American calamity in Iraq comes a new offer. At no cost to you, Israel will bomb Iranian nuclear facilities. But the special promotion ends this week, after which a regional war with Tehran and its proxies returns to its suggested retail price of an American military quagmire […]

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July 30, 2010
It Was the Best of Times, It Was the End of Times

In recent years, Pew Research, Time and others have found that almost half of Americans believe that the Second Coming of Christ and the End Times will occur during their lifetimes. Now, conservatives just need to make up their minds about whether this is a good thing. Because while Left Behind series author Tim Lahaye […]

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April 18, 2010
McCain: "Pull the Trigger" on Iran

On Sunday, the New York Times revealed that Defense Secretary Robert Gates penned a secret memo warning "the United States does not have an effective long-range policy for dealing with Iran's steady progress toward nuclear capability." Predictably, within hours of the story's publication John McCain pounced on the opportunity to bash President Obama on yet […]

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March 8, 2010
Cheney, Romney and the Iran Sanctions Busters

Three weeks ago, CBS 60 Minutes revealed Iran's continued success in acquiring sensitive, weapons-related U.S. technologies despite the American regime of sanctions. Now, the New York Times has documented a long list of multinational American companies receiving billions in federal contracts while they were doing business with Tehran. If that seems like an ironic turn […]

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January 4, 2010
Republicans Now the Party of Armageddon

When the obscure evangelical radio host turned Biblical numerologist Harold Camping predicts the end of the world will arrive on May 21, 2011, it's not a cause for concern. But what about when many of the leading voices of a major American political party not only look forward to the Rapture and the Second Coming […]

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December 24, 2009
Will John Kerry Take Reagan's Cake and Bible to Iran?

Word that Senator John Kerry has suggested to the White House that he undertake a mission to Iran predictably has the conservative commentariat apoplectic. But while many worry that such a high-level U.S. visit could undermine the opposition at a time of growing unrest with - and unease for - the regime, the right-wing doth […]

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October 1, 2009
The Return of Iran/Contra

As the United States begins multiparty talks with Iran over its nuclear program, many of the cast of characters from Tehran fiascos past are coming out of the woodwork to weigh in once again. Jimmy Carter advised President Obama that "the best thing we can do is engage them and stop making these idle threats." […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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