With the deadlines looming for Americans to enroll in health insurance plans for 2014, conservatives are shocked--shocked!--that the Obama administration is "strongly urging" insurance companies to start coverage on January 1 even in advance of receiving new subscribers' premium payments. For the Wall Street Journal and Forbes' Avik Roy, these and other HHS contingency measures […]
Category: Media
If any American public figure has completely disqualified himself from weighing in on President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran, it is former Vice President Dick Cheney. After all, as a quick look back at his statements about the Iraq war shows ("Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass […]
Over the past couple of days, Jonathan Chait's "12 Years a Slave and the Obama Era" seems to have struck a nerve among the conservative commentariat. In it, Chait responded to the Obama caricature of the National Review's Quin HIllyer depicting the President with "chin jutting out, countenance haughty, voice dripping with disdain for conservatives... […]
Karl Marx famously said that historical events occur twice, first as tragedy and then as farce. So it would seem with the reaction of American conservatives to Evangelii Gaudium, the new 85-page apostolic exhortation issued by Pope Francis. Just days after Sarah Palin fretted that some of the Pope's statements "sound kind of liberal," Rush […]
Despite the massive--and tightly scripted--Republican effort to dominate the media reporting about the troubled launch of the Affordable Care Act, slowly but surely success stories are beginning to appear in the headlines. Just this week, articles detailed the growing Obamacare enrollment momentum--and lives changed for the better--in Kentucky, California and other states. Meanwhile, the pressure […]
Last week, Americans learned about the GOP playbook laying out the strategies, tactics and talking points the Republican faithful should use to demagogue the Affordable Care Act. A quick glance at Monday's headlines from the Chicago Tribune ("Employers could drop health care"), the Wall Street Journal ("Companies Prepare to Pass More Health Costs to Workers") […]
The following transcript is from "Yes He Kenyan" which is scheduled to air on November 17, 2013. The correspondent is Lara Logan. Max McClellan, producer. A follow-up segment, also included below, is slated for broadcast on Sunday, November 24, 2013. From the moment he announced his candidacy for president, Barack Obama has been surrounded by […]
And now for today's memo for Republicans and the media outlets determined to amplify GOP talking points. The troubled launch of the Affordable Care Act's enrollment period is neither Barack Obama's Iraq nor his Katrina (New York Times). Leave aside for the moment that one program is designed to reduce America's unnecessary body count while […]
While the conservative Washington Times terminated Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul's weekly column in response to his mushrooming plagiarism scandal, the right-wing web site Breitbart.com quickly offered him a new outlet. Here is a sneak peak at a draft of Rand Paul's first piece for Breitbart. I Have a Dream about the Better Angels of […]
For Republicans, nothing succeeds like failure. For proof, look no further than your television screen or the pages of the Washington Post. There, you will find George W. Bush's Iraq war salesman Andrew Card and speechwriter turned torture enthusiast Marc Thiessen calling President Obama a liar over his pledge that Americans could keep their current […]