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Category: Media

May 24, 2008
McCain's Friday Document - and Pastor - Dump

Now for a pop quiz. What will the main media story about John McCain be on Tuesday after the long Memorial Day break? If you guessed John McCain's limited health disclosure, Cindy McCain's limited tax disclosure, or the meaning of the supposed maverick's failed pandering to madmen ministers Hagee and Parsley, you're probably wrong. By […]

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May 21, 2008
Scorned on the Issues, GOP Tries to Manufacture "Character Gap"

A flood of recent polls suggests the 2008 election will once again display the "Iron Law" of 21st century Republican presidential politics. That is, with Americans showing an overwhelming preference for Democratic positions across virtually the entire spectrum of issues, the GOP has to make the race about something else. This year as in 2000 […]

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May 18, 2008
McCain's 2004 SNL Appearance Still His Best

Pundits and bloggers alike are buzzing about John McCain's appearance yesterday on Saturday Night Live. Without once mentioning his standard stump punchlines "I'm older than dirt" and "I have more scars than Frankenstein," the 71 year old Republican nominee riffed on his age. While he was at it, McCain got in a few jokes while […]

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May 17, 2008
Washington Times, Post Agree Cindy McCain Must Release Taxes

They may not agree on much, but this week the editors of the Washington Times and the Washington Post joined forces in demanding that Cindy McCain make public her tax returns. One day after the Post declared "it won't do," the reliably right-wing Times insisted "Mrs. McCain needs to end the 'privacy' charade and release […]

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May 9, 2008
McCain to Bush in 2000: "Don't Give Me That Sh*t. And Take Your Hands Off Me."

Four days after Arianna Huffington first reported it, John McCain's 2000 VoteGate has become the election issue du jour. The New York Times, the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times have all run stories confirming Huffington's account that in 2000 a still steaming McCain did not vote for George W. Bush, the man who […]

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May 9, 2008
John McCain's Top 10 Out-of-Touch Moments

In another sign of the media's sheepish acceptance of the Barack Obama "elitist" story line, the New York Times on Tuesday described the Illinois Senator as "tagged as elitist." But just as disturbing as the Republicans' apparent success in establishing the "out of touch" narrative as a fixture in campaign coverage is John McCain's seeming […]

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May 8, 2008
McCain Voting Record Contradicts Maverick Myth

On Wednesday, John McCain's home state Arizona Republic did some good excavation work in the ongoing demolition of the GOP nominee's maverick myth. Analyzing his Senate voting record since 1999, the paper found McCain rarely strayed from the Republican Party line. But that's only a small part of the unraveling of the McCain maverick fable. […]

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May 5, 2008
GOP: Baghdad Still Safer Than U.S. Cities

From the outset of the Iraq war, Republican leaders and their amen corner in the right-wing media have sought to calm squeamish Americans by favorably comparing the violence there to life in U.S. cities. Now, John March, a developer planning (believe it or not) a "Disneyland-style" theme park in Baghdad, says the carnage in the […]

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May 4, 2008
Townsend Joins Snow on Conservative News Network (CNN)

Politico is reporting that President Bush's former homeland security adviser and current intelligence advisory board member Fran Townsend is joining CNN as a contributor. Joining former White House press secretary Tony Snow as the second Bush sycophant to join the network in the last two weeks, Townsend's addition is apparently designed to help make CNN […]

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May 3, 2008
McCain Advertises Next to "McCain Idiocy Watch"

While reading Kevin Drum's latest over at Political Animal today, I couldn't help but notice that John McCain had fallen victim to the quirks of Internet advertising. Just below a graphic proclaiming "Advertise Liberally," the McCain campaign placed an elegant ad asking Washington Monthly readers to "Join Our Team." Sadly, the McCain ad was displayed […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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