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Category: Nat'l Security

May 15, 2015
Marco Rubio Regurgitates Romney's Foreign Policy Sound Bites

As you may have heard, Florida Senator and 2016 GOP White House hopeful Marco Rubio delivered a major address Wednesday on foreign policy and national security. Wanting to learn more about his so-called "Rubio Doctrine," I visited his web site to see what he had to say. As it turned out, I didn't need to […]

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April 20, 2015
The 20 Percent Solution

On April 15th, Congressional Republicans missed their deadline for the fiscal year 2016 budget resolution. Nevertheless, and despite their differences on defense spending and the voucherization of Medicare (absent from the Senate bill), the GOP conferees aim to balance the budget in 10 years by slashing over $5 trillion in social programs and safety net […]

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April 13, 2015
GOP's 2016 Iran Contrarians Comically Embrace Reagan as Role Model

Every four years, Republican primary voters are treated to the predictable and pathetic spectacle of GOP presidential candidates claiming to be Ronald Reagan's heir. Left unmentioned is that Reagan's actual record as an abortion rights signing, immigration amnesty backing, tax increasing and Earned Income Tax Credit supporting Republican who tripled the national debt would make […]

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April 8, 2015
Did President Obama Just Offer Israel a Security Guarantee?

The New York Times on Sunday featured a fascinating interview with President Obama conducted by columnist Tom Friedman. In the U.S., most analysts focused on the President's salesmanship of the just-concluded Iran nuclear deal and the "Obama Doctrine" behind it. But in Israel, left and right alike zeroed on President Obama's pledge that "if anybody […]

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March 18, 2015
Benjamin Netanyahu, America's Friend without Benefits

Whatever happens in Tuesday's elections in Israel, Americans will have learned two valuable lessons. For starters, when it mattered most on U.S. policy towards Iran, Republicans supported a foreign leader over the President of the United States. Just as important, when that leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, declares, "Israel has no better friend than the U.S and […]

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March 15, 2015
This is What War with Iran Will Look Like

During the 2012 campaign, President Obama had a simple message for his would-be Republican rivals and their tough talk on Iran. "If some of these folks think that it's time to launch a war, they should say so," Obama warned, "And they should explain to the American people exactly why they would do that and […]

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March 12, 2015
Six Years Too Late, Media Call Congressional Republicans "Traitors"

"Traitors." That's the word the New York Daily News, certainly no friend of President Obama, used on Tuesday to describe the 47 Republican Senators who signed an unprecedented letter to the Iranian leadership designed to sabotage the current nuclear negotiations. Sadly, the Daily News and other media outlets are about six years late in reaching […]

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March 3, 2015
Netanyahu's Other U.S. Mission: Invent a Single, Global Islamic Threat

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in Washington with two transparent objectives on his agenda. First, of course, is to secure his reelection back home. The second, aided and abetted by Republicans (and many Democrats) in Congress, is to torpedo a potential deal over Iran's nuclear program. (Should he succeed in scuttling the P5+1 negotiations, […]

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March 3, 2015
Right-wingers Spread Rumor Obama Threatened to Shoot Down Israeli Jets Attacking Iran

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepared for his unprecedented Congressional address, his allies in the U.S. ramped up the hysteria to help him blow up a potential deal to limit the Iranian nuclear program. For the second time in two weeks, Elie Wiesel put his name on full-page newspaper ads, the most recent of […]

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March 2, 2015
Five Questions Americans Must Answer about Iran

On Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will deliver an unprecedented address to the United States Congress. Now, there's nothing new about Netanyahu inserting himself directly into the American political process. In 1998, the Israeli PM met in Washington with American evangelicals to push back on the peace process in a move organizer Jerry Falwell […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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