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Category: Obama Admin.

June 13, 2012
John Cornyn is the Very Model of a Modern Major Republican

During a highly charged Senate hearing on Tuesday, Texas Republican John Cornyn demanded the resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder. That Cornyn would emerge from GOP central casting to lead the right-wing witch hunt against Holder comes as no surprise (and not just because of his staunch opposition to man-box turtle marriage). After all, back […]

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June 11, 2012
The Hilarious Hypocrisy of the Bush League Leakers

On Friday, President Obama denounced as "offensive" and "wrong" allegations that he was behind the leaks of U.S. cyber attacks on Iran and the terrorist "kill list," Attorney General Eric Holder announced he was assigning two U.S. attorneys to investigate the classified security breach. Nevertheless, the usual suspect on right are continuing their drumbeat about […]

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June 10, 2012
Romney Adviser Attacks President Obama in Germany

"Politics," Republican Senator Arthur Vandenberg declared during Harry Truman's presidency decades ago, "stops at the water's edge." Not, it turns out, for Mitt Romney. Three years ago, Romney blasted Obama's "apology tour" even as the President was visiting Cairo, Ankara and other capitals. (For that slander, the Washington Post fact-checker gave Romney a "Four Pinocchio" […]

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June 7, 2012
CBO Director Demolishes GOP's Stimulus Myth

For months, Mitt Romney and his Republican allies have been falsely claiming that President Obama "made the economy worse." This week, Romney preposterously declared Obama "knowingly slowed down our recovery." And today in Missouri, the Republican nominee doubled-down, charging that the President "slowed the recovery and harmed our economy," a result Romney insisted constituted "a […]

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May 31, 2012
Mitt's Massachusetts Excuse: I Inherited a Recession

For months, GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney has falsely claimed that President Obama "did not cause this recession, but he made it worse." This week, Romney charged that Obama "started off by blaming George Bush, and that worked for a while but, you know, after three and a half years that wears kind of thin." […]

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May 29, 2012
Romney Campaign Attacks Stimulus Mitt Once Supported

Tuesday's Politico headline shouting "Mitt Romney camp to attack stimulus" may not be surprising, but it is more than a little ironic. After all, the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act worked; most economists - including the nonpartisan CBO and some of John McCain's own 2008 advisers - believe President Obama saved the American free-enterprise […]

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May 24, 2012
Obama Presided Over a Tax Revenue Drought, Not a Spending Binge

This week, Rex Nutting of the MarketWatch caused a stir with his analysis correctly showing that federal spending has hardly budged under President Obama, rising at the slowest pace since the Dwight Eisenhower was in the White House. Predictably, James Pethokoukis of the conservative American Enterprise Institute cited the jump in Washington's spending as a […]

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May 23, 2012
Guilty as Charged: How the GOP Killed Washington

It's rare that a criminal publicly announces his intent to commit a felony. But when it came to their scorched-earth campaign of obstructionism to destroy the Obama presidency, GOP leaders weren't shy about their plans. While 15 top Republicans schemed in private on the night of Obama's inauguration to "challenge them on every single bill […]

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May 22, 2012
Debate Over Two Visions of Capitalism Has One Clear Winner

When President Obama suggested Monday that private gain does not always equal the public good and maximizing shareholder value is not necessarily a qualification for the White House, Mitt Romney branded those self-evident truths "attacks on the free enterprise system." But if Romney's experience at Bain Capital was the story of the day, the candidates' […]

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May 19, 2012
Romney, Ryan Budget Plans Fail to Meet Boehner's GOP Debt Demands

"When the president told me yesterday that he wanted a clean increase in the debt limit," House Speaker John Boehner said this week, "It almost took my breath away." It shouldn't have. After all, Congress raised the debt ceiling 17 times under Ronald Reagan and seven more under George W. Bush, including a "clean" increase […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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