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Category: Obama Admin.

August 15, 2011
For Obama, the Center Doesn't Hold

With his approval rating at a new low over concerns about the still-ailing economy, President Obama hit the road this week to launch what the AP deemed a "counteroffensive." The only question, to continue the stale military analogy, is whether Obama intends to shore up his center or bolster his flank. Because while the Los […]

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August 14, 2011
The Five Jobs Bills Obama Should Send Congress Right Now

As the New York Times reported Sunday, within the Obama White House a fierce debate is raging about what to do next about jobs and the economy. But on the same day Americans learned advisers David Plouffe and Bill Daley are pushing President Obama to put forward only proposals which can pass Congress as part […]

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August 9, 2011
After Wrongly Blaming Clinton, GOP Blames Obama for Blaming Bush on Economy

Reveling in the political opportunity presented by America's economic woes, Republicans are taking President Obama to task for stating the simple truth, "much of it I inherited." While GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney charged, "It's just blame, blame, blame - It's a blame presidency," former Bush press secretary turned Fox News regular Dana Perino complained, "The […]

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August 4, 2011
A Birthday Gift for President Obama

In 2008, I gave my money and my vote to Barack Obama. With somewhat less enthusiasm, I'll do the same in 2012. But on this his 50th birthday, it's time for a gift the President could really use. After his latest capitulation to Republicans in this week's debt ceiling debacle, the presents would include a […]

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August 3, 2011
25 Things We Learned During the Debt Crisis

If nothing else, the debt ceiling crisis provided what Barack Obama is so fond of calling a "teachable moment." Hopefully, that extends to the President himself. After seeing his nominees blocked, his legislation filibustered and popular upper-income tax increases delayed by Republicans who withheld their support from his watered down stimulus and health care programs, […]

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August 1, 2011
The Real Losers in the Debt Deal

The ink isn't yet dry (or even written) on the 11th hour debt deal, but the media are already doing their usual body count of the victors and vanquished. In the Washington Post, conventional wisdom regurgitation machine Chris Cillizza produced the predictable winners and losers list. While the Wall Street Journal and right-wing columnists proclaim […]

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July 28, 2011
Why They Fight

On Thursday, House Republicans will vote on John Boehner's debt plan. But whether they follow his order to "get your ass in line" or not (and 23 have already gone on record saying they won't), Republican hostage takers on Capitol Hill will continue to threaten the United States with default - and economic catastrophe - […]

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July 25, 2011
Republicans Broke It. Will Democrats Own It?

Appearing on Face the Nation Sunday, Illinois Democratic Senator Dick Durbin warned House Speaker John Boehner about his paternity for the economic catastrophe resulting from a Republican failure to increase the U.S. debt ceiling. "If you break it," Durbin told Boehner, "you own it." But as the New York Times was just the latest to […]

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July 19, 2011
For Republicans, Greece is the Word

Well before the current debt ceiling crisis, Americans learned from the elephant's mouth that virtually every GOP talking point is "not intended to be a factual statement." In their perpetual crusade to gut the federal government, Republicans have now distilled their debt duplicity and fear-mongering into a single word: Greece. Earlier this year, Senate Minority […]

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July 17, 2011
Either Way, Washington Prepares to Bring the Pain on the Debt

Whatever the resolution to the Republican hostage-taking of the U.S. debt ceiling, it's becoming increasingly clear it will a painful one. Failure to boost the $14.3 trillion limit by August 2nd, as even some of the GOP extortionists are only now beginning to understand, would produce what Speaker John Boehner admitted would be "a financial […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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