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Category: Obama Admin.

January 4, 2016
Trump, Guns and Bitter

As 2015 drew to a close, political observers of all stripes were rightly getting raked over the coals for their respective failures to predict the most dramatic development of the 2016 GOP presidential campaign. But when it comes to the unlikely rise and surprising staying power of Donald Trump, President Barack Obama didn't seem taken […]

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January 3, 2016
Israeli Chutzpah Reaches New Level with NSA Spying Allegations
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November 23, 2015
Before Syrian Refugees, America Welcomed Massive Iranian Influx

In the wake of the attacks in Paris apparently carried out by French and Belgian nationals, Republican leaders and a majority of the American people now stand against accepting 10,000 Syrian refugees. While the GOP-controlled House pass legislation erecting new roadblocks to those fleeing the sectarian carnage in Syria, 26 governors (almost all of them […]

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November 22, 2015
Memo to GOP: Bush's Only Regret Was His Tough Talk on Terror

In the aftermath of the bloody attacks in Paris, conservatives are hopping mad that President Obama isn't mad enough. During Obama's G20 press conference, an incredulous CNN's Jim Acosta asked, "Why can't we take out these bastards?" s, Apparently unaware that the President's would-be GOP successors have offered little more than the steps Obama is […]

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November 18, 2015
So You Say We're at War with Radical Islam...

In the wake of the horrifying ISIS attacks in Paris, the Republicans' best and brightest have one shared message for the American people. "We are at war with radical Islam," Florida Senator Marco Rubio declared, while his fellow Sunshine State Republican Jeb Bush agreed, tweeting "Yes, we are at war with radical Islamic terrorism." Former […]

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November 11, 2015
The 800 Pound Donkey in the GOP Debates

On Tuesday night, Fox Business hosted the next debate between the 2016 GOP presidential contenders. All involved hoped to avoid a repeat of the last such event, the CNBC fiasco which left the moderators embarrassed and the campaigns whining. But while the Republicans have been fretting about the debate format, questions, opening and closing statements, […]

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November 10, 2015
How Benjamin Netanyahu Betrayed America

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday visited the White House for the first time since his failed attempt to scuttle the Iranian nuclear deal. And as the news past week once again showed, his first order of business should be to apologize to President Obama and the American people. After all, on the very […]

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October 15, 2015
Between Holocaust and Slavery Analogies, Republicans Choose Both

Former neurosurgeon-turned-2016 GOP White House hopeful Ben Carson raised some eyebrows last week with his declaration that gun control enabled the rise of Adolf Hitler and the annihilation of European Jewry in the Holocaust. But no one who has followed "the biggest fan of Nazi metaphors in politics" should have been surprised by Carson's grotesque […]

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October 2, 2015
Studies: Raise Capital Gains Tax Rates to Lower Income Inequality

On Monday, Donald Trump became just the latest Republican White House hopeful to propose a Treasury draining, tax cut windfall for the richest Americans. But while Trump calls for slashing the top marginal income tax rates at a time of record income inequality, a new study from the Brookings Institution argues that hiking those same […]

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September 29, 2015
John Boehner's Deal with the Devil

House Speaker John Boehner shocked the political world last week when he announced his resignation less than 24 hours after hosting Pope Francis on Capitol Hill. As it turns out, his timing was altogether fitting. After all, Boehner's life had become a living hell precisely because he had a done a deal with the devil […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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