The specter of indictments in the Valerie Plame CIA leak case came in to greater focus today with the debut of a web site by special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald. The launch of the site is fueling speculation that next week brings a flood of documents from Fitzgerald, including possible indictments for Rove, Libby and the […]
Category: Republicans
One of the recurring themes at Perrspectives is the growing Achilles Heel of the conservative movement. Dormant for two presidential elections, the yawning chasm between economic and social conservatives is reemerging, and with it, a serious threat to the Republicans' majority status. In the wake of its Schiavo disaster and the revolt over the Harriet […]
Anyone who thought indicted Congressman Tom Delay would pass quietly into the night learned otherwise this week. The former House Majority Leader unleashed a full-scale assault against Travis County DA Ronnie Earle in court, on television and on the Internet. In so doing, Delay showed he is both ethically-challenged and media savvy. The legal challenges […]
On Sunday night, former FBI head Louis Freeh introduced his salacious new Clinton tell-all book, My FBI, on CBS 60 Minutes. For Freeh, the book is an opportunity not only to cash in, but to lash out. Scolded by the 9/11 Commission and savaged by the critics of his tenure at FBI, Freeh is now […]
The judicial philosophy of Harriet Miers, President Bush's surprise choice to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court, remains a mystery. But what little is known about Miers suggests she is a political operative with some extreme views if not extreme qualifications. In a nutshell, Miers fails Perrspectives' "Three Strikes Test" for the Supreme […]
The cavalcade of Republican corruption continues unabated. Only days after the first of two indictments of Tom Delay and the commencement of an SEC investigation into insider trading by Bill Frist, the PlameGate investigation is heating up once again. The Washington Post reports that special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald may pursue criminal conspiracy charges against Karl […]
The recruiting woes of the American military continue unabated. The AP reported today that the U.S. Army just completed its worst recruiting year since 1979. The shortfall for the all-volunteer force was among the most dramatic, both in absolute numbers (7,000) and as a percentage of the target (80,000), since the United States ended conscription […]
With Tom Delay indicted and Judith Miller released from jail, the bubbling pot of Republican corruption, cronyism and skullduggery is reaching a boiling point. Ever the schadenfreude merchant, the Perrspectives Document Library is only to happy to offer the essential documents and materials for the Delay, Rove and other festering scandals of the Banana Republicans. […]
It's been a bad day for the Banana Republicans. First, House Majority Leader Tom Delay was indicted. Then, the SEC announced it is launching a formal investigation into Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's insider trading scandal. For today at least, God is in His Heaven and all is right with the world. Let's start with […]
During a week when Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean tried to rally his party in a quixotic effort to block the confirmation of John Roberts, Republicans at all levels of government may have given him the keys to Congress. For Democrats, ending the epidemic of GOP corruption, patronage and cronyism has to be one […]