Perrspectives - Bringing light to Darkness

Father Pavone Draws The Angel's Ire

May 18, 2005

Father Frank Pavone assured himself visits from the Avenging Angel in this life and the next for his role in the judicial filbuster imbroglio. The not-so-good father, head of Priests for Life and Schiavo family media parasite, attacked Senator John McCain for "trying to prevent godly men and women" from serving on the nation's courts.
The Angel suggests that Pavone, whose web site offers a prayer for judges, follow Tom Delay's advice to "spend less time on our soapboxes and more time on our knees."

One comment on “Father Pavone Draws The Angel's Ire”

  1. Hot Tub Tom might be surprised at how much time Fr. Frankie has spent on his knees.
    Or maybe he wouldn't.
    Either way, Pavone's not about to tone it down now. He figures that God wouldn't have given him Terri Schiavo if He didn't mean for Frank to finally bust out and make the big time, after all the years he's spent patiently toiling in the fields of the Lord as a frustrated wannabe.
    And now here come de judges with another star vehicle. It's a sign -- a sign, I tell you! -- clearly all part of God's plan for his life.


Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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