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Jon Stewart Warned McCain About "Crazy Base World"

February 29, 2008

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart tried to warn him in 2006, but John McCain didn't listen. Battered by all sides over his embrace of End Times Pastor John Hagee, John McCain is finally experiencing the blowback from his pandering visits to "crazy base world."
First, a little history. As he prepared for his presidential run, John McCain in the spring of 2006 sought to repair his frayed relationship with the religious right. On April 2, 2006, McCain appeared on Meet the Press and retracted his famous 2000 claim that the late Reverend Jerry Falwell was an "agent of intolerance." On May 13, 2006, McCain delivered the commencement address at Falwell's Libery University. There, the two men walked on stage together, where Falwell then praised his former foe, "the ilk of John McCain is very scarce, very small."
But weeks before McCain journeyed to Lynchburg, Virginia to deliver that speech, he traveled to New York to appear on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. There, Stewart jokingly warned McCain about the risks in pandering to evangelical GOP voters through his looming rapprochement with Falwell:

STEWART: You're killin' me here. I feel like it's a condoning of Falwell's kind of crazymaking to some extent to have you go down there, and it strikes me as something you wouldn't normally do. Am I wrong about that?
MCCAIN: Jon, I've spoken at a lot of schools, I've spoken to schools whose specific policies I may disagree with - Ivy League schools don't allow military recruiters, I don't agree with that. I'm going there to speak to the students at his invitation, and I can assure you that the message will be the same that I give everywhere.
STEWART: You don't think that it helps to sort of reassert Falwell as the voice for a certain group of people, say evangelicals or the Christian Right? Isn't it the kind of thing that maybe if you don't go there, it helps to keep marginalizing guys like that, or do I misunderstand politics? No? Maybe I misunderstand things.
MCCAIN: Jon, I try to, as I said --
STEWART: Why do I feel like I'm about to get grounded?
MCCAIN: Listen, I love coming on your show. Young people all over America watch it. I love to travel around the country and speak at colleges and universities. Look - they're all parts of the Republican Party. I respect them; I may disagree, and I'm sure that I've had disagreements with them. I'm not going to change -
STEWART: You're not freaking out on us? Are you freaking out on us? Because if you're freaking out and you're going into the crazy base world - are you going into crazy base world?
MCCAIN: I'm afraid so.
STEWART: All right, sir. You know we have great regard for you here, and I hope you know what you're doing there, I trust that you do. When you see Falwell, do you feel nervous, do you have vomit in the back of your throat - what does it feel like?
MCCAIN: No, but I'll give him your love.

(The video of the exchange is available here.)
Fast forward two years and John McCain no doubt is feeling the bile rising. Under attack from the left and right for embracing Hagee, an anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic advocate of accelerating the Second Coming of Christ by triggering Armageddon in a death struggle with Iran, John McCain today could offer only a feeble defense. "In no way did I intend for his endorsement to suggest that I in turn agree with all of Pastor Hagee's views, which I obviously do not."
As Jon Stewart warned him, this is what happens when John McCain goes to crazy base world.

3 comments on “Jon Stewart Warned McCain About "Crazy Base World"”

  1. I ask everyone reading this comment to write their Representatives to reverse this decision. Boycott the USAF recruiting stations, prevent USAF recruiters from visiting our high schools and colleges, and request that the names of your children be removed from the high school lists that are provided free from our school districts to the recruiters. Also, write your Representatives to reduce the USAF's portion of the defense budget. This decision is as STUPID as when the USAF wasted MILLIONS of Dollars buying blue tiger stripe camouflage uniforms for their personnel deploying to Iraq. This is a sad day for America when we allow the USAF to sell our country out to a foreign company. I wonder how much money the Secretary of the USAF and his generals made from this decision? I wonder how many of the generals involved in this decision have already coordinated a job with EADS after they retire!


Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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