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Lieberman, Anchorage Paper Latest to Disrespect Palin

October 26, 2008

While the outcome of the presidential election may still be in doubt, that John McCain's selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was a disaster is certain. Eye-popping poll numbers, an avalanche of newspaper endorsements and a growing list of turncoat conservatives all cite Palin's staggering lack of qualifications as a critical factor in backing Barack Obama. And adding insult to injury, Joe Lieberman and Palin's home state paper are just the latest to voice their doubts about McCain's running mate - and his judgment.
For the second time since her nomination, Lieberman, the ersatz Democrat and a former #2 himself, offered a less than stellar endorsement of Sarah Palin. Asked Friday about McCain's health and Palin's readiness, the Republican ticket's normally reliable water carrier simply couldn't do it this time:

"Thank God, she's not gonna have to be president from day one, because McCain's going to be alive and well. If, God forbid, an accident occurs or something of that kind, she'll be ready. She's had executive experience. She's smart and she will have had on-the-job training."

Joe Lieberman's obvious fear of a Palin presidency on Day Two was also on display in an interview with NBC's Andrea Mitchell during the Republican convention in St. Paul:

MITCHELL: Do you feel Sarah Palin is qualified to be commander-in-chief if, God forbid, something should happen to John McCain?
LIEBERMAN: Well, you know...let's assume the best. John's in great shape, he's gonna be the president and let's assume that nothing bad will happen. Why should we? But if it does...yes, she'll be ready.

Apparently Lieberman, who has a history of whispering answers into John McCain's ear, stayed silent this time. Like McCain himself, he did not put country first.
On Sunday, the Anchorage Daily News reached the same conclusion. In its endorsement describing Barack Obama as the "clear choice" for President, the Alaska paper had some tough words both for the state's governor and John McCain for selecting her:

"Yet despite her formidable gifts, few who have worked closely with the governor would argue she is truly ready to assume command of the most important, powerful nation on earth. To step in and juggle the demands of an economic meltdown, two deadly wars and a deteriorating climate crisis would stretch the governor beyond her range. Like picking Sen. McCain for president, putting her one 72-year-old heartbeat from the leadership of the free world is just too risky at this time."

With his cynical pick of Palin, John McCain gambled that the Alaska Governor would transform the race by attracting women voters and galvanizing his party's social conservative base. While the outcome of November 4th is still to be determined, it's clear that McCain has lost his bet. And with friends like Joe Lieberman, who needs enemies?
UPDATE 1: On Meet the Press today, McCain feebly stood up for his running mate:

"I don't defend her. I praise her. She needs no defense."

UPDATE 2: On Sunday, Joe Lieberman again undermined Palin by comically reassuring Americans that "I talked to doctors and insurance actuaries. And they tell me based on McCain's age, his health, including skin cancer, he'll live till at least 85. And probably longer."


Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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