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Malkin Rages Over "Los Rangers"

May 7, 2006

One day after Cinco de Mayo, the puerile Michelle Malkin was once again on the culture warpath. The target of her outrage this time? Baseball's Texas Rangers, who donned uniforms on Friday bearing the text "Los Rangers."
While I'm no supporter of the Rangers pandering to their growing Hispanic fan base, I find the virtriol and venom that Malkin and her fellow travellers offer over the jersey episode both fatiguing and ironic. After all, a previous owner of the Texas Rangers was none other than George W. Bush. But it was this Malkinism that seems to most fitting:

Can you imagine if someone proposed changing the Rangers' jerseys to "Confederate Rangers" to celebrate Confederate Heroes' Day?

Actually, I can imagine many potential proponents of veneration of all things Confederate in sports, virtually all of them leaders of the Republican Party. For example, Virginia Senator and 2008 GOP presidential hopeful George Allen supported "Confederate Heritage Month" while governor of the state. (Allen also famously displayed a Confederate flag and noose at his home.) Missouri Governor Matt Blunt ordered the Confederate flag flown during a ceremony at the Confederate Memorial State Historic Site in Higginsville. In addition to his tribute to the legendary segregationist Strom Thurmond, Trent Lott addressed the the Council of Conservative Citizens, a successor to the White Citizens' Councils of Jim Crow days. Lott's fellow Mississippi GOP stalwart Governor Haley Barbour sported a Confederate lapel pin during his campaign. And freshman South Carolina Senator Jim Demint said of his state's Confederate flag, "it should stay right where it is." (For more on Republican nostalgia for the Confederacy, see "Confederacy of Dunces.")
At the end of the day, the Rangers engaged in an act of well meaning if ill-advised political correctness with their jerseys. But in Michelle Malkin's camp, the good guys apparently wear white uniforms - and hoods.

One comment on “Malkin Rages Over "Los Rangers"”

  1. Can you imagine if someone proposed changing the Rangers' jerseys to "Confederate Rangers" to celebrate Confederate Heroes' Day?
    down south where i lived a while, on MLK's birthday, the (needless-to-say) all-white Frats on such campusses as 'The Old War-Skool" and "Ol' Miss' hold Lee-Jackson parades.
    that apart, if anything, in affairs continental and national, with regard to the USA, Mexico is far, far, far more sinned against than sinning. Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, and California were outright stolen, in a treaty that ended a trumped-up war incited by USer greed and nationalistic fervor.
    Magalalalalaladingdong: *************


Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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