Perrspectives - Bringing light to Darkness

Obama-Lieberman Genealogy Revealed

March 9, 2007

Two week ago, I wrote about the many ironies surrounding the revelation that slave-holdings ancestors of the late legendary segregationist Strom Thurmond once owned the great-grandfather of civil rights activist Al Sharpton.
Now, hot on the heels of news that Barack Obama's white relatives were themselves once slaveholders, Don Davis at the Satirical Political Report hilariously reveals that Obama's Egyptian ancestors owned Joe Lieberman's forbearers:

An archaeological dig in Cairo, conducted at the behest of Jesus Tomb producer James Cameron, turned up ancient manuscripts confirming that Obama's Egyptian ancestors enslaved the family of Elijah Lieberman, Joe Lieberman's "great-to-the-300th-degree" grandfather.
Perhaps most surprising is that the Lieberman family apparently remained slaves well after the Jews' exodus from Egypt, since Elijah refused to join Moses; instead forming an unholy alliance with the Jews' mortal enemy, the Pharaoh.
According to the Egyptian records, Elijah Lieberman said that "those who criticize the Pharaoh do so at the nation's peril," and castigated Moses and his minions for "cutting and running through the Red Sea, especially without even leaving time for the bread to leaven."

For a good laugh, check out Don's "Holy Moses! Obama's Ancestors Enslaved Lieberman's!"


Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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