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Pat Roberston's Second Term Agenda

May 3, 2005

On ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos, CBN mogul and 700 Club host Pat Robertson offered a short summary of his policy preferences for the second Bush term.
The former presidential candidate weighed in across a range of issues concerning God and man. On the raging controversy over the judiciary, Robertson claimed that judges are a greater threat to the United States than Al Qaeda. He stated that only Christians and Jews should be judges and in essence called Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg a communist. Robertson went on to note that the Asian tsunami was not an act by God (contradicting his earlier claims that God spared hia Virginia headquarters from hurricanes in 1985 and 1995 and that the gay lifestyle would "bring about the destruction of your nation").
So what do Pat Robertson and his friends in the American Taliban want in a Bush second term? Perrspectives has an overview:

Update: Surprisingly, the debate over the judicial filibuster has revealed that Pat Robertson and friends do believe in a theory of evolution after all.

13 comments on “Pat Roberston's Second Term Agenda”

  1. It isn't blasphemy against God. These men of faith are deceived and are not following the God of the Bible, but are following the God of this World.

  2. Yes Loretta these are men of faith but the question is what they ACTUALLY believe in. They are very visible people that preach the word but when it comes to the personal choices in their lives they hide them from view because most of what they do goes against what comes out of their mouths. They lead but are false and it takes people to really care enough about their values and beliefs to question those that they choose to follow and see who they really are and not just accept words because that is all they are...words. Belief and faith need proper actions also.

  3. Loretta,
    When they start teaching what Jesus taught (love enemies, take care of the poor and the widows, love justice, etc.) then you can call them men of faith. Hate-mongers do not qualify. John said it so well when he said if you hate your brother (ask Abel who is your brother) then you don't love God.

  4. These men are practictioners of what I call Right Wing Religeosity. It's no closer to Republican bed rock principles that it is to Christian principles.
    They should be listened to and accepted as what they are, zealots of idea that has no place in a Democratic society.

  5. "This is blasphemy! How can you slander these men of faith??"
    Well, I explained this all once before . . .
    Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
    Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
    And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

  6. Loretta:
    Sometimes men of faith ARE monsters. Martin Luther, in "Schem Hamphoras und seine Luegen," laid out a blueprint for the treatment of European Jews that resembles nothing so much as the Holocaust -- all males are to be killed, and all Jewish females, without exception, to be put to slavery in Christian households; their fields are to be sown with salt, their houses and synagogues burned, and their non-Biblical texts destroyed. Luther likewise gloated over the gory and sad death of his contemporary, Ulrich Zwingli, who had never had an unkind word for Luther and who had been inspired by him. St. Anselm -- yes, a philosopher and a Pope -- claimed: "I confess that if I have burned synagogues with women and children in them, I have done so only because I could not tolerate a place where Christ was not worshipped." John Calvin, faced with the appearance in the audience of his freethinker college roommate, Servetus, had him arrested, and, not willing to cover his own hands with blood, turned him over to the Inquisition. Need I mention Torquemada of the Spanish Inquisition? Need I mention the followers of Joseph of Volotsk, who imprisoned and tortured to death the followers of Nils of Sora, called "hesychasts?" Need I mention Savanarola, who nearly single-handedly destroyed the Florentine Renaissance? David Koresh compelled multiple child marriages for himself while demanding that the rest of the congregation be chaste, much like the successors of Thomas Muenzer in the Muenster rebellion.
    Why, Loretta, should things have to reach the point of monstrosity or catastrophe before we begin to hold up men of faith to the same standards of decency and consistency that we do everyone else?

  7. Dear Loretta,
    Before criticizing the authors on this site, you might well want to review the parts of the "gospels" making mention of their biblical-time counterparts. Anything come to mind? No? Still a blank? How about two notable words for your Google search: "pharisee" and "saducee?" You remember what ol' Eashoa or Yeshua (depending on the source) bin Youssef himself had to say about them? (Even know who Eashoa or Yeshua is?)
    How about spending less time listening to these modern-day Hitlers and more time learning the real message behind your sacred book, even if, as I hope, each answer causes you to ask even more questions.
    Enjoy your reading.

  8. Correction to my previous text: I was of course not referring to the authors having written here, but of the modern-day Hitlers named Falwall, Robertson, etc. Sorry for the slip-up.

  9. Correction to my previous text: I was of course not referring to the authors having written here, but of the modern-day Hitlers named Falwell, Robertson, etc. Sorry for the slip-up.

  10. This chart is clever satire, and delightful as such.
    I do have an objection of sorts, however: the real agenda --as you well know-- is horrific enough:
    Although this-- their stated agenda --is almost a parody itself, unfortunately these people are quite powerful and altogether serious.
    My favorite parts of your extensive and valuable site are the news and analysis you provide.
    For example, some of Santorum's acts are goofy as what you describe: but more dangerous, and intended to benefit a distinct minority of interests.
    Getting that news out about that, in my opinion, is highly valuable. With respect,
    Thom H.


Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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