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Surprise! Petraeus to Testify on 9/11

August 20, 2007

President Bush has never been shy about falsely linking the 9/11 attacks to his war in Iraq. Now, the Bush White House apparently is planning to reach a new low in symbolic cynicism when it comes to selling its Baghdad debacle. General David Petraeus will deliver his much anticipated Iraq surge progress report on September 11 itself.
ThinkProgress describes the seeming schedule non-coincidence:

The timing of Petraeus' testimony was first revealed by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) this morning in a conference call with conservative bloggers. According to the National Review's Jim Geraghty, McCain said he had "been told" Petraeus would testify on the 11th:
"The calendar I've been told is that Petraeus testify 11th. We're off September 13 and 14 for Rosh Hoshannah. The Senate debate will begin September 18th."

This is just the latest chapter in the ongoing saga of Iraq war deceit and duplicity by the Bush administration. Despite the 9/11 Commission's conclusive finding that Al Qaeda and Saddam had no operational relationship and Bush's own past admissions that "we've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with September the 11th", the President persists in semantically linking the two. The latest example came just last month in the run up to the roll out of President Bush's fraudulent Iraq surge interim progress report. "The same people that attacked us on September the 11th," President Bush proclaimed on July 10, 2007, "is a crowd that is now bombing people, killing innocent men, women and children, many of whom are Muslims."
By this late date, we should expect nothing less from President Bush as he makes his last gasp attempt to peddle his fiasco in Iraq. The Petraeus report mandated by Congress apparently will not be authored by Petraeus himself, but by the White House. And given the Bush administration's repeated - but unsuccessful - efforts to have Petraeus testify only behind closed doors, the White House needed to pull a rabbit of out a hat in order to manage the fall-out from the unfolding disaster in Baghdad.
Which is where the bogus 9/11 link comes in handy. Again.

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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