The Party of Hate
In Washington, House Minority Leader John Boehner is struggling to rebrand a downtrodden and disheartened Republican Party in time for the 2008 elections. It's no wonder. Its agenda stymied and burdened by an unpopular war and an even less popular President, the GOP is being pulverized in the polls. And with its evangelical base splintered and big business supporters jumping ship, the only message seemingly uniting Republicans is disdain - of immigrants, of blacks, of gay Americans and above all, Muslims. The GOP is now the Party of Hate.
Boehner's task in recreating Newt Gingrich's marketing magic in the 1994 Contract with America is a daunting one. After all, heading into 2008, the Republicans are saddled with a bad product. The current Republican brand combines an unpopular President George W. Bush, an unpopular war in Iraq and unpopular positions across the gamut of domestic issues, all tainted by the GOP epidemic of corruption. The face of the GOP is now neither Lincoln nor Reagan, but Bush, Libby, Delay, Abramoff, Cunningham, Ney, Stevens and Fletcher. The enduring image of the Party is not Bush in a flight suit, but a Most Wanted Poster. And now the people who brought you Abu Ghraib, Terri Schiavo and Hurricane Katrina can only offer $100-a-barrel oil, a housing crisis, a credit crunch and saber rattling with Iran.
To help him in his Herculean task of marketing the Edsel that is the Republican Party, Boehner called on Richard Costello, the brain behind GE's famous "We Bring Good Things to Life" campaign. Sadly, in the era of George W. Bush, the GOP brand has been reduced to incompetence, greed, closeted gay bashers and utter disregard for the law.
The result, as I predicted in 2005, is schism and crack-up. First evident in the wake of the GOP's disastrous interference in the Terri Schiavo affair, the carefully crafted alliance between economic and social conservatives is coming apart at the seams. As the Wall Street Journal noted in October, "Some business leaders are drifting away from the party because of the war in Iraq, the growing federal debt and a conservative social agenda they don't share." And despite signs that evangelicals may yet rally around the candidacy of the pro-choice, twice-divorced and occasionally cross-dressing Rudy Giuliani, the leadership of the religious right remains split in the 2008 GOP race, creating the prospect their faithful supporters may stay home on Election Day.
Its privatization agenda dead, the GOP has morphed into the party of big government conservatism, massive deficits, self-defeating American unilaterlism, and, above all, fear. All that remains to unite the fractured Republican Party and its amen corner is hatred. Of immigrants. Of African-Americans. Of gay Americans. Of Muslims here and around the world. Bereft of ideas and increasingly rejected by the American people, the conservative movement's profound identity crisis leaves it certain of only one thing: hatred of the other.
Nowhere is this dynamic clearer than in the debate surrounding immigration reform, where the xenophobia of the anti-amnesty right has been transformed into demonization of Hispanics Americans. President Bush's proposals, which enjoyed broad Democratic support, are dead, stillborn thanks to overwhelming Republican opposition in Congress and the massive mobilization of right-wing radio.
When Bill O'Reilly claims immigration reform advocates want to "change the complexion" of the United States and Michael Savage calls the National Council of La Raza "the Ku Klux Klan of the Hispanic people," it helps ensure that Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo (who labeled Miami a "third world country") and not John McCain are more in line with GOP primary voters. It also helps explain the decision of virtually all of the Republican White House hopefuls to skip the September 16 Univision debate in Miami.
This politics of hate may endear Giuliani, Romney et al to their party's hard right, but could also produce devastating defeats for Republican candidates among Hispanic general election voters. Coming on the heels of the July snub by the major GOP hopefuls of the convention of National Council of La Raza, Republican prospects among Hispanic voters are quickly dimming. John Kerry carried only 53% of the Hispanic vote in 2004, but by 2006, Democrats won 69% support among the nation's 43 million Hispanics who went to the polls. As NCLR's Cecilia Munoz put it in September, "It's not just that they are not coming. It's that some of them are visibly insulting us." (It's no wonder the GOP had a change of heart and will now attend a rescheduled Univision debate on December 9.)
Meanwhile, the GOP's race-baiting of African-Americans, so central to the Republicans' "southern strategy" since 1968, continues unabated in ways large and small. From the casual use of the "tar baby" slur by Tony Snow, Mitt Romney and John McCain to Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour branding African-American looters in New Orleans "subhuman," Republicans seem quite comfortable trafficking in the not-so-subtle language of racial intolerance. As the 2006 ad ("Call Me") in the Tennessee Senate contest depicting Harold Ford as a Mandingo playboy debauching the white women of the South showed, race-baiting can still help get Republicans elected. And just to be on the safe side, draconian voter ID laws in Georgia, Missouri, Indiana and Arizona are designed to keep minority voters from ever getting inside a voting booth.
Predictably, these Republican tactics are helping to ensure the African-American community remains monolithically Democratic. The Republican presidential candidates sent a clear message to the GOP base - and black voters - when they skipped NAACP and PBS events this summer. (The GOP can't win for losing when it comes to reaching out to black voters. During a July 2005 speech to the NAACP, former RNC chair Ken Mehlman confused victim and villain in the dragging death of James Byrd, one of the worst hate crimes in recent history. Mehlman described Byrd as "a racist killer in east Texas, who the president brought to justice.") In 2006, Democrats maintained their traditionally high level of support, winning the votes of 89% of African-Americans voters. That will no doubt continue.
In word and deed, the GOP crusade against gay Americans is a strategic centerpiece of 21st century Republican political strategy. Despite the seemingly endless parade of Mark Foley, Jim West, Ted Haggard, Ed Shrock, Larry Craig and a host of other once-closeted conservatives, Republican demonization of gay Americans and the "homosexual agenda" is the reddest of red meat for so called "values voters."
The tactics and rhetoric of the gay-bashing are right are tied at the hip. In 2004, same-sex marriage ban ballot measures in key battleground states helped bring Karl Rove's four million new evangelical voters to the polls, ensuring President Bush's reelection. (Ironically, the same tactic failed the GOP during the 2006 mid-terms in the wake of the Mark Foley scandal.) Congressional Republicans uniformly opposed the Employee Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which last week passed the House 235-184 despite GOP maneuvers to bury the bill. President Bush, of course, has vowed to veto the bill protecting the workplace rights of gay Americans, on the spurious grounds that it threatens "the sanctity of marriage."
Then, of course, there are the words of the Republican leadership and its echo chamber. Ex-Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) and his one-time Texas colleague John Cornyn equate same-sex marriage to polygamy and bestiality, with "man-on-dog" and "man-on-box turtle" analogies. Columnist Ann Coulter, a Mitt Romney supporter and fixture on right-wing media, calls John Edwards a "faggot" and Al Gore a "total fag." There is a continuum of hate that runs from the fringe of the conservative movement directly to the Republican leadership; the distance from Fred Phelps to the Republican National Committee is a short one.
And in the wake of 9/11, Muslims are the latest group to receive the venom of the Republican Party and its conservative amen corner. Bush sycophant and Giuliani adviser Daniel Pipes called for the profiling of Muslim-Americans. Blogger and commentator Michelle Malkin urges World War II-style internment measures, likening the Muslim community now to wrongly imprisoned Japanese-Americans then. CNN host Glenn Beck demanded of Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim elected to Congress, "prove to me that you are not working with our enemies." Picking up on Beck's theme, Virginia Congressman Virgil Goode warned only his immigration position could prevent the specter of "many more Muslims elected to office and demanding the use of the Quran." Idaho Republican Bill Sali followed suit, mau-mauing the Muslim Ellison after the delivery of a Hindu prayer to open a session of Congress, claiming "they are not what was envisioned by the Founding Fathers."
But that pales compared to the language being used towards Muslims around the world by President Bush and his would-be successors. Continuing to play on Americans' fears in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani and Mike Huckabee have adopted the "Islamofascism" talking point.
Beyond its usefulness in fear-mongering, the dangerously misguided "Islamofascism" formula serves three purposes for the Republicans. First, as Mitt Romney repeatedly demonstrates, it conveniently conflates all Muslims - Sunni and Shiite, friend and foe, guilty and innocent - into a single unified threat. (Romney's math? Al Qaeda in Afghanistan = Hamas in Gaza = Hezbollah in Lebanon = Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.) Second, the Islamofascism moniker is designed to help the GOP equate the fiasco in Iraq (and the next one in Iran) with the just war fought by the Greatest Generation in World War II. And last, the term provides a not-so-subtle Holocaust allusion to friends of Israel by implying that the next existential threat to Jews comes from Adolf Hitler's supposed protege in Tehran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
It is interesting to note that while Bush was quick to drop his 2001 "crusade" language, those Republicans seeking to replace him in the White House continue to ratchet up their rhetoric of civilizational struggle against Islam and Muslims. As Mike Huckabee, darling of the religious right put it just last week:
"I think I'm stronger than most people because I truly understand the nature of the war that we are in with Islamo fascism. These are people that want to kill us. It's a theocratic war. And I don't know if anybody fully understands that. I'm the only guy on that stage with a theology degree."
Hate is not only a core value for the supposed values voters of the right. It is also an indispensable tactic. For example, in the span of just a few weeks, Rush Limbaugh led the conservative charge against kids' health insurance (S-CHIP) and action to fight global warming by attacking the children bearing the message. And when Limbaugh attacked as "phony soldiers" Iraq veterans opposed to the war (even comparing a Purple Heart recipient to a suicide bomber), Georgia Congressman Jack Kingston sponsored a House resolution commending him. And so it goes.
Contrary to a cherished conservative myth then and now, liberals don't "hate America." They simply want the United States to fulfill its promise and shorten, as Bruce Springsteen aptly described it, "the distance between American ideals and American reality."
But more and more, it is the conservative movement and its Republican Party that appear to hate Americans. Or at least, selected groups of Americans. As John Boehner is finding as he desperately labors to create a new brand and message for his party, in 2007 the morally and ideologically bankrupt GOP appears to have nothing left but its hate. To quote George W. Bush at the 2000 Republican National Convention, his is the party that has nothing to "offer but fear itself." They have become the Party of Hate.
Jon: Excellent, as always. You've really captured the essence of this latter-day Fascist front we call the "GOP".
One quibble: I think you may have misstated in your introduction to paragraph 5:
Its privatization agenda dead, the GOP has morphed into the party of big government conservatism, massive deficits, American isolationism ...
I HAVE to assume you actually meant something like American "unilateralism". Isolationism -- the traditional Republican stance opposing foreign interventions is hardly characteristic of these belligerent NeoConNazis.
Of course, we are now incredibly isolated from the rest of the world and its opinions. But isolation-ism seems a long-vanished tenet for the vast majority of nominal Republicans.
Excellent catch. You're absolutely right that "unilateralism" (and not "isolationism") is what I meant to convey.
I made a change above to reflect that.
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yol yakindan koy kenardan
Nice post,good website.
thks alot
White America and the “NRA” DO NOT have clean hands in the Arizona shooting! There need to do nothing to screen idiot and criminals from getting guns led to these murders in Arizona! White America live in fear of everything and end up many times killing someone in their family! By white Americans continually voting in Republicans that vote to do nothing to protect Americans! These incidents will happen! Republicans promote guns and the “NRA” that arms criminals and white men that murder their children and wives! Hate and divide the protocol of the Republican Party and their Tea Party sidekicks are also to blame! Sarah Palin is also to blame for putting crossfire and a map on the very District that was attacked! Her irresponsible decision put her in the blame corner! The nut that murder 6 and injure 14 was working on hate and mental illness! This incident must bring America to talk about white on white crime! White Americans must be re-educate and taught what America needs to be the greatest! IT IS NOT GUNS!!!
Dr. Phil
Today you brought victim of the Arizona shooting to your show. 20 people shot 6 dead in that incident! All white Americans one just 9 years old! The story has been on every news program from the date it happen! The word hero is thrown around and the 9 year old white female is turn into a patriot angel and GOD like person on earth. The country morns her death as do I. But I must use your words Dr. Phil “what you don’t acknowledge you can’t change”! Where is the discussion on guns in the hands of the mental ill? Where is the discussion on white on white crime? Where is the discussion on locking your guns up and away from children and nuts? Where is the discussion on political hate talk that promotes violent? Where is the discussion on white racism and white hatred! Ayiana Jones 7 years old first burn by a flash bomb then shot dead by a white Detroit police officer! She is just DEAD! You did know show on her death! Sean Bell dead because a white cop thought he heard one of the three black men state “ Lets get a gun”! Five police officers fire 50 bullets at the unarmed black men while they sat in a car! 19 bullets in the passenger and another 4 bullets in the body of the backseat passenger. THEY LIVED! Sean Bell a day he would marry dead! No gun ever found on the unarmed black men nor in the car! You Dr. Phil did no show on these innocent black Americans! Kathryn Johnston 92 year old senior citizen gun down by three white Atlanta GA. Cops! 39 bullet fire 6 hit their mark killing the 92 year old. Then the coward cops handcuff and planted a gun in her hand and drugs in her home! Totally innocent American dead for negligent and total disregard for human life! Dr. Phil you did know show on her life!
Ron Reagan the son of the former late President Ronald Reagan. Release his book and wrote that his father suffer system of Alzheimer while President. All the white pundits act as if they knew nothing and never heard the rumors! They totally forgot the Diana Sawyer interview with the late President Reagan on Good Morning America! Where Reagan stop the interview several times! Many times forgetting what he was doing and not knowing how to answer the question! Then there was the Reagan Contra Hearing! Reagan was totally lost! Living a lie seem to be what the white control media is all about! Protecting white America image seem to be the agenda of the white control media! Not upsetting white America with negative new about white people seem to be the agenda of the white control media! Reporting nothing but negative about minorities! Keeping white America believing blacks are the Boogie Man and whites are the morally good people! I believe this behavior hurts white people more then any other race of Americans! The lie that white people’s Boogie Man is a black man. Perpetuate and permits white females to have a false security around there white male murderer! CAUSING THEIR DEATH!!!!!
Am I the only American that thinks that Republicans are responsible for the downfall of economic horrible condition? And white people are willing to give power back to proven failure! White people gave America Nixon (resign as a failure) Reagan ( suffer from Alzheimer and refuse to resign) Bush (1) liar( READ MY LIPS) Bush (2) stupid ( Started a war in Iraq for nothing) causing American troops deaths for NOTHING! Turn a surplus into debt! Am I the only person that wonder why white people listen to Bill O'Reilly? A man that paid off a female not to sue him for sexual harassment and in my opinion a PERVERT! A man that has no respect for woman and NEVER really apologize to the woman he harassed! A man that has made racist and demeaning comments about all Muslims! On his show O'Reilly question President Obama's morals! And talked about convicted felons that he claims President Obama associate with. If O'Reilly believe what he is saying nobody should sit down with him as a PERVERT on his PERVERT SHOW! Am I the only one that wonders why white people are listening to Glenn Beck a alcoholic and a racist! This man facts are made up of racist innuendos! Hate and divide is the programs agenda! Am I the only person that wonder why Rush Limbaugh is not denounce by every American especially white Americans? After his statement that he wanted President Obama to fail and the country to fail! Am I the only person that saw the double standard when Boston Mass. resident voted in a Senator they thought was against President Obama Universal healthcare reform plan for all Americans! BUT Boston Mass. has state run Healthcare! Am I the only person that saw a racist double standard when Senator Obama's pastor was demonize and condemn . Call a racist and un American! A man that is a former Army and Navy veteran. Took care of former President L. Johnson while hospitalize! On the other hand Mitt Romney's church teaches that all black people are evil! He sat in his church over 15 year and continue to so and was NEVER denounce or demonize for doing so! He NEVER was told to get out of his church and denounce his pastor! Am I the only person that see Governor Christie of New Jersey as a bully and a idiot that in his first year in officer lost 400 million for New Jersey! Eliminated a project that laid off 6 thousand dollars and would have employed 40 thousand citizen! Does anyone but me wonder why white American call Governor Christie a hero!
Over 15 million jobs lost under former President G.W Bush. Under President Obama two million jobs lost 750,000 create! BUT that two million is the result of the 15 million under Bush! Many of those 15 million jobs where factory jobs that left to re-open oversea! Those factory employee supported the Delis the Cleaners the grocery stores etc! That went under because the Republican administration under Bush allowed American jobs to go oversea! Those jobs are the 2 million! Now President Obama is told to be Rumpelstiltskin! Create jobs with American businesses that are non-American and full of greed and oversea! The Republican Party sold America OUT! Then turn a surplus into debt then started two wars (Iraq & Afghanistan)! The Iraq war after wrong information! Causing the needless deaths of American troops. 4,400 and counting for NOTHING! Bush is now selling his book without a care in the world! The white control media is blaming President Obama for the job condition in America! When they know it was the Republican administration under Bush that cause the problem! 9/11 happen under Bush! Yet white Americans turn power back to Republicans! Making the Obama’s recovery of Republicans mess!
The idiot Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is preparing for a rebuttal to Pres. Obama's State of the Union speech . She'll speak on behalf of the racist Tea Party caucus. But it's another speech she gave on Friday that has a lot of people talking, where she flubbed the facts on U.S. History. We're Keeping Them Honest. Plus, see why the folks behind the hit TV show "Mad Men" are being added to our 'RidicuList'. This idiot while Americans are fighting and dying is speaking against the country and President Obama! It is an outrage and a insult to minority American troop fighting and dying in two wars! Only to find out that when they return home to the United State a innocent UNARMED 7 year old black American citizen! Can be burn and shot to death by white American police officers. American troop will return to the United State to find that a 72 year old white senior citizen can be taser by a cop and knock to the ground and threaten to be taser again! All because she refuse to sign a ticket! Or a pregnant black woman driving her 7 year old child to school. Less then a block away she is stop for speeding she also refuse to sign the ticket! She was pulled out of her car taser three times while her son looked on screaming! They will return to find that three police officer kick in the door of a 92 year old senior citizen then shot her 6 time and shoot at her 39 killing her! Then planted drugs in her home and a gun in her hand. After finding out the WRONG home was raid! They will return to find out that in Philly cops can be caught on videotape beating and kicking and calling 4 INNOCENT American citizen racist slurs and are given a slap on the hand and a party paid by union fund! AGAIN... While American troops are fighting and dying for the liberation and human rights of Iraqi citizen. In America when and if they return they will find if they live in Arizona they will need papers to walk ,drive a car to live in their country. They will find that DWH( driving while Hispanic) is a way of life for Hispanic American citizen! They will also find that in Arizona ethnic study is not allowed in Arizona schools! If they are returning to Texas they will find that the school administration is changing American history to reflect a more conservative history! American troops will find a anti-American Tea Party full of hatred of the government FOR NO REASON other then the fact their is a black President! They will find that racist like Rand Paul want to re-write history and change the Civil Right Bill giving private company the right to keep black Americans OUT! They will find that a Governor Palin the idiot that quit her job is a spokesperson for a racist group attacking the President job and his administration. They will return to find that Fox News is attacking with hatred the United State of America and the President Of the United State daily! Just like the terrorist they are fighting oversea! Again all this is happening while American troops are fighting for the United State of America! SHAME ON US ALL FOR NOT BEING OUTRAGE!
Michele Bachmann the IDIOT!!!
Talk about pure stupid and total ignorance about American history Congresswoman Michele Marie Bachmann and Republican Sarah Palin. Give all white women a horrible name! Michele Bachmann in her response to President Obama “ Nation Address” mis-stated American history about American Founding Fathers! For her information former President Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner and pure racist! Jefferson disliked seeing women take political roles, Historian Richard Morris wrote, "Abigail Adams excepted, Jefferson detested intellectual women. Annoyed by the political chatter of women in Parisian salons, he wrote home expressing the hope that 'our good ladies ... are contented to soothe and calm the minds of their husbands returning ruffled from political debate.'" While President, Jefferson wrote that "The appointment of a woman to office is an innovation for which the public is not prepared, nor am I. According to historian Stephen Ambrose: "Jefferson, like all slaveholders and many other white members of American society, regarded Negroes as inferior, childlike, untrustworthy and, of course, as property.
Jefferson published his views that blacks were inferior to whites in his book, Notes on the State of Virginia, saying blacks were inferior "in the endowments both of body and mind." ! Supervising and owning hundreds of slaves, including their children, Jefferson believed that blacks were equal to lazy animals and were inferior to whites in reasoning, mathematical comprehension, and imagination. This was Jefferson's rationalization for their condition of slavery. In effect, Jefferson believed that the difference between blacks and whites was "fixed in nature", and was not dependent on their freedom or education.
Jefferson could see no way for African Americans to live in American society as free people, saying "Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. [But] the two races...cannot live in the same government." For a long-term solution Jefferson believed that slaves should be freed then deported to African colonies. Otherwise, he feared war and that in his words, "human nature must shudder at the prospect held up. We should in vain look for an example in the Spanish deportation or deletion of the Moors. This precedent would fall far short of our case."[
Video from the "Dr. Phil" television show of a white Alaska mother forcing her adopted son to drink hot sauce and take cold showers prompted a police investigation that has led to charges of child abuse against the mother! This case got me to thinking about abuse America witness and say NOTHING! Things like Judge Judy a judge that yells at American citizen. Call litigants names and disrespects senior citizen calling people lazy if they receive disability! She is not a doctor! Judge Judy continue to disrespect American citizen without of being discipline or fire! On COPS” many time cops go overboard and abuse suspects. Without care of the camera without fear of being fire! This example of what goes on everyday in America when police officers don't get their way or in this case the "you will respect my authority" or I'll take you to jail as did Deputy Dane Winn of the Bentonville Sheriffs Department did. In America you have the right not to talk to a police officer or answer any questions they ask except for your name, date of birth and address and all this information is on your drivers license and can be given to the police office and you never have to say a word. Politician have time to make it illegal and fine black people for saggy pants! But politician are silent when American citizen need protection under the law from law enforcement! Many people in authority watch these judge shows and COPS and say NOTHING!!!!
Mitt Romney is the worlds biggest Republican hypocrite next to Senator John McCain and the quitter Sarah Palin! First this is the Governor that President Obama model the healthcare reform plan after. That Romney propose and pass for Boston Mass.! But today Romney criticize President Obama healthcare reform plan for all Americans! But Romney wants to be President of all Americans! BUT HE DOES NOT WANT ALL AMERICANS TO HAVE HEALTHCARE!!!! When former President G. W Bush sent Americans to fight and die for nothing in Iraq! He didn’t eliminate Boston Mass Residents! Where is equality for all Americans???? When Romney appear on “The View” the hosts of “The View” DID NOT asked hard questions!
LIKE: 1.Why do the citizen of Boston Mass. deserve healthcare and the rest of the country does not!
2. Why is it OK for Mitt Romney to sit in a church that discriminate and calls black people less than…FOR 15 YEARS!
3. Why didn’t the media attack Romney church like they did President Obama.
4. Why wasn’t Romney wife and children attack like Ms. Obama!
5. When Romney spoke about the Constitution! Why wasn’t he asked: Where was the Constitution when blacks where being hung from trees and no one ever charge? Why did America need a Civil Rights Bill” if the Constitution was already written?
Americans must get real about how this country was started! Why it got in the horrible condition it is in! We Americans must also tell the truth about American history! FRIST TRUTH: The majority (WHITE PEOPLE) where the first Americans to receive a Welfare /Affirmative Action Program in America. In the form of slavery! Government approve! Which cause the extreme have not and the extreme haves! So the statement “pull yourself up by your boot straps” DOES NOT APPLY TO THE MAJORITY”! Whites where able to secure financial security for theirs elves and their families! The majority (WHITE PEOPLE) where able to secure land and property for their selves and their family! By denying minorities Americans the right to secure wealth and property! This practice continue TODAY indirectly by red lining minority neighborhood! SECOND TRUTH: White racism has disrespected every institution in America! The Constitution and non-whites! THAT IS A FACT!!! The results is 90% of America wealth is own by 1% of America’s population! White greed is destroying America’s economy and becoming the greatest! The result of white racism has rank America 17 in some area and 34 in others! White racism plus being the majority of America’s population equal disaster! THIRD TRUTH: The need for a “Civil Rights Bill” was belittling the Constitution that should had protected all Americans civil rights! America’s Government and America’s judicial system is full of white racism and unequal treatment and discrimination!
Now some people will read this and call it racist WRONG!!!! I love all GOD’s people! BUT we as a people can’t change what we don’t acknowledge! If all Americans come together we can be the greatest country on earth!
NOTE: If you believe the Republican Party and the white control media President Obama has done NOTHING in the two years he has been President! LIE LIE LIE!!! There plan is to lie to the public and demonize President Obama effort for recovery! Like the stimulus package that Republicans voted for under Bush/Cheney and President Obama increase! Or immigration a plan was wrote up by Senator John Mc Cain and Senator Teddy Kennedy! Now Mc Cain is against a plan for immigration under President Obama! Republican hold up unemployment benefits for American citizen JUST BECAUSE! President Obama put together a plan for small businesses and Republican that said all along we need a plan for small businesses vote against President Obama's plan!
1. President Obama change healthcare better then any of the 43 pass Presidents! Got a bill past that seven decade of politician could not do! Healthcare benefits cover adult children under their parent policy until 26 years of age! Before you where cut off at 22years old!
2. President Obama is closing the prison in Cuba prosecuting inmates that former President Bush claim where trying to kill Americans!
3. President Obama is closing down the needless war in Iraq bringing American troops home! A war started for NOTHING causing over 4,400 Americans troops deaths for NOTHING under Bush!
4. President Obama is investing billions into sending Americans to college thought taxes cut and funding
5. President Obama has successfully negotiate with Russia reducing arms for a better America and a better world for the future.
6. President Obama has started talk with other country on Global warming for a better America!
7 President Obama sign a stimulus package that kept millions American from losing their job kept police and firefighter employed company in businesses and stabilize the country headed for a recession!
8. President Obama gave $4,000 deduction if you purchase a new energy efficient new car !
9. President Obama gave tax deduction to American citizen that purchase energy efficient applicants.
10. President Obama sign a bill to start off shore drilling that will bring jobs to Americans! And reduce dependents on oversea oil! Because of BP oil spill President Obama secure 20 billion…when the cap was 75 million!
11. President Obama approve 30,0000 more troops in Afghanistan and smartly put a time table on their return home. Even after the idiot Republican called him stupid for setting a deadline! SHOWING TRUE LEADERSHIP! He has a plan Bush & Cheney DID NOT!
12. President Obama pass the best credit card reform bill in America history!
13. President Obama put more regulation on the banking industry then any other President before him!
14.President Obama put together a plan for small businesses and Republican that said all along we need a plan for small businesses vote against President Obama's plan!
15. Under President Obama fraud in healthcare has been expose and many people prosecute and the Buddy System under past Presidents crush!
16. Under President Obama he over turn don’t asked don’t tell for the military!
Both the “HBO” special REAGAN” and the documentary on “PBS” The American Experience. That documented the Reagan Presidency! LIED! Or told half truths! Shamefully both neglected to tell that former President Reagan and Oliver North sold drugs to support the Contras! August, 1996, series in the San Jose Mercury News by reporter Gary Webb linked the origins of crack cocaine in California to the contras, a guerrilla force backed by the Reagan administration that attacked Nicaragua's Sandinista government during the 1980s. Webb's series, "The Dark Alliance," has been the subject of intense media debate, and has focused attention on a foreign policy drug scandal that leaves many questions unanswered.
This electronic briefing book is compiled from declassified documents obtained by the National Security Archive, including the notebooks kept by NSC aide and Iran-contra figure Oliver North, electronic mail messages written by high-ranking Reagan administration officials, memos detailing the contra war effort, and FBI and DEA reports. The documents demonstrate official knowledge of drug operations, and collaboration with and protection of known drug traffickers. Court and hearing transcripts are also included. Both “HBO” and PBS left that part of history out!
If ever reporting the news was not only wrong but a straight up LIE! Looking at Fox and Friends these idiot reported that public schools score lower than Catholic schools! Not only can’t nobody state that truthfully! Catholic school are not as monitor as public schools. They can terminate children that are slow learners they can also fire teachers at will etc! Then the idiots of Fox and Friends stated that there is NO violence in Catholic schools! BULL! Over 100,000 and counting children male and female have been molested and some even murder. Just yesterday a Priest was arrested for hiding other Priest from authority. That have molested children !! There have been many Nuns that have aborted baby illegally after having sex with Priest and students! Fox and Friends entire staff should be FIRE!
What began during Bush & Republican leadership as a "credit crunch" and an "economic downturn" is now being characterized as a "long, severe recession." Once upon a time, such a crisis was known as a "depression" before Americans became squeamish about such stark language. Or on the other hand NOT wanted to say Republicans are horrible leaders! As with our reluctant semantic retreat from "credit crunch" to "recession," the reality of another Great Depression will probably not be acknowledged until years after the fact. But ignorant Republicans and their racist Tea Party, by doggedly pursuing the same mistaken policies of the 1920s and '30s, have made a full-blown depression — lasting years, not months, and featuring catastrophic failures in entire economic sectors along with chronic double-digit unemployment and monetary malaise — all but inevitable. In fact, the parallels between the run-up to the Great Depression and today's Republican economic havoc are stunning. But thank GOD for President Obama who has stabilize the country and making a turn around! This was done without the help of Republican support! Coming into office President Obama with two wars and a debt of 14 trillion dollars. The Iraq war for nothing causing the needless deaths of 4,400 and counting! All create by horrible Republican leadership . Or the lack of! Republican Mike Huckabee was on Fox and Friends Saturday” and was asked how to improve social issue in America! The idiot response was ‘single parent are responsible for poverty in America. If they would marriage the men they have baby with that would reduce poverty! There are many factors which contributed to the financial panic which took place during the Presidency of Martin Van Buren, all of which led to an economic depression 1837. That didn’t have nothing to do with being marry! Nor did any period of American historic depressions! Just take black Americans. Black are in disproportionate number incarcerate, murder by white cops and black male unemployment is 16.5% and in some area 35%! So if these unwed black women marry their baby daddy! It would in many cases be poor and poverty stricken men and women MARRY! It would do nothing to reduce poverty! As prove 61% of America poverty are white Americans. Of that 61% 33% are marry! AND STILL POOR!!! STILL LIVING IN POVERTY!!!!! Republican Huckabee like many other Republican have NO solution for Americans problems but ridiculing President Obama!
Protecting white cops when there are clear abuse of American citizen is part of life for American citizen in America! Especially black Americans citizen! Putting up with TV judges disrespect of American litigant with name calling and yelling! Has become a part of American justice system! The show COPS shows many incident of abuse of American citizen. No one say NOTHING! So it becomes part of our American justice system! But now it’s white coaches that are caught on video knocking a student to the ground. This white coach gets a pass! Outrageous and pure sick to agree that the white coach gets a pass to assault a student! Stupid! Where is the white leadership in America? Assault is assault is assault! To put your hand on another person is WRONG! It does not matter if it is sports! The video shows the team running a rebounding drill and O’Connor screaming at Kravchuk. The coach then knock his player to the ground and kick him while he is down. As Kravchuk walked away bleeding, O’Connor is shown cursing at him.
“Get the f**k outta here. Get the f**k outta here,” he screamed as he kicked Kravchuk out of practice. Kravchuk injured his wrist and has not been able to play with the team.
“It was totally out of line for my coach to do,” Kravchuk said. “We were just doing a drill and the next thing I know, I was on the floor.” This is sick! Where is the white leadership speaking out against white on white crime? Or abuse of authority? Fox 29 New is reporting that a white doctor said it’s OK for underage teens to drink alcohol at home! What a moron what a idiot! But he is white and criticism toward white American morality is non-in-void! This sick stupid doctor are telling people to break the law OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!
There is no greater power in the world today than that wielded by the manipulators of public opinion in America. No king or pope of old, no conquering general or high priest ever disposed of a power even remotely approaching that of the few dozen men who control America's mass media of news and entertainment.
Their power is not distant and impersonal; it reaches into every home in America, and it works its will during nearly every waking hour. It is the power that shapes and molds the mind of virtually every citizen, young or old, rich or poor, simple or sophisticated.
The mass media form for us our image of the world and then tell us what to think about that image. Essentially everything we know -- or think we know -- about events outside our own neighborhood or circle of acquaintances comes to us via our daily newspaper, our weekly news magazine, our radio, or our television. The media in America is controlled by the white majority! So therefore it is many times bias and racist and misleading! THAT IS A FACT!!! The shame of it is many times NOT FAIR & BALANCE! Many time the white control media tells half truths and many times has selective memory. Like in the case of former President Ronald Reagan. A PISS POOR PRESIDENT!!! Many white reporters witness Reagan mis-steps and memory lost and never reported it! The white control media on Reagan 100 birthday made Reagan out to be greater then he was! Never did they mention the fact that his son said his father was suffering from Alzheimer during the time Reagan was President! That is major news but played down by the white control media! The white control media is protecting former President G.W. Bush and his administration! Bush should be in prison for murdering innocent Iraqi citizen and American troops for NOTHING! But both Bush and Reagan are white and get a pass! Just think what the white media would do to President Obama. If he was as stupid and destructive as either of those white men! The white media reports on anything negative when it comes to minorities in detail! But forget details when reporting on white Americans! Like in the case of Bill O’Reilly interview with President Obama! You would think that O’Reilly was more important then the President! He disrespected the President by interrupting him many times! Bill O’Reilly is a pervert and should have been in prison. For his treatment of the woman that brought charges against him for sexual harassment. This immoral lowlife statement that he didn’t think black people new how to use utensil in a restaurant! That to me makes him a total racist idiot! The white control media never reports on white on white crime 92% but never forgets to report on black on black crime 94%! Nancy Grace feature a white on white crime nightly on her show. But never mention white on white crime! That makes her part of that lying evil white control media! The white control is fast condemn Muslim men treatment of their women. But never report on the many white women murdered by their white boyfriends and husbands in America!
America is seeing the results of a male only white only ruling country! The results of living in a white racist mentality run country is detrimental to all Americans! Hate and divide DOES NOT WORK! Discrimination DOES NOT WORK! Raising the cost of houses in America just to keep minority Americans out! HAS WORKED AGAINST ALL AMERICANS!!! Voting white only DOES NOT WORK!!! Reagan and Bush 1 and 2 DID NOT WORK FOR THE COUNTRY!! Sending American military to Iraq FOR NOTHING …WAS WRONG!! 4,400 Americans lost their lifes FOR NOTHING!!! Bush 2 turn a surplus into 13 trillion dollar debt! Started two wars NOT PAID FOR! Sending American jobs oversea was done by many white Presidents! This practice was and is detrimental to all Americans! Today problem can be directly link to white racism white greed and white hate and divide mentality! Today whites are seeing that attacking the first black President is base on that racist mentality that has stop this country from being the greatest country on earth! The white control media and the white TV host of Fox News are White American Verbal Terrorist AGAINST AMERICA!! Today more then ever this country needs white leadership base on respecting all GOD’s people! We as American have live a LIE! All male all white is best WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! GOD create all men equal and the white man said he was WRONG!
Former Democrat President Clinton left office with a 800 billion dollar surplus! Republican President G.W. Bush receive that surplus and turn it into a 13 trillion dollar debt! During the time Bush was in office destroying America. With his horrible decisions. NEVER did you hear from Hannity, Palin, Beck and Rush. Claims of run away spending against the Bush‘s administration! NEVER!!!! Republicans pass a prescription plan NOT PAID FOR! Started a war in Iraq for NOTHING ( 4,400 and counting military dead for NOTHING)….. NOT PAID FOR! Started another war in Afghanistan with no plan….NOT PAID FOR! There was over a trillion dollars of taxpayer money to date under Bush! Not accounted for in Iraq! Republican today continue to charge President Obama’s administration with spending out of control! To date President Obama’s administration spend 1.5 Trillion dollars in two and a half years! The different between Bush and Obama most of that money was to stop the financial downfall Bush and the Republicans create! (1.) Stimulus Package 750 billion (2.) Unemployment 10 billion (3.) Military 300 billion! All necessary to keep America running! Unlike the Bush administration President Obama is spending money on the American people! To date 500 billion has been paid back from the stimulus package. In the end the stimulus package will earn America 300 billion in profit! To date know one ever talks about the 350 billion dollar stimulus package Bush spent. Nor how did it help or where did it go! Yet President Obama (who is clearly for all Americans) is criticize and called names! For doing the right thing for America! The last time a Republican President had a balance budget was under former President Eisenhower ! The last time the government was shut down was under Republican controlled house! There is so much evident to show how irresponsible and unprofessional Republicans are! Republican model is to take from the poor and the middleclass and give to the rich and super rich! There other model is when you have nothing to say resort to hate and dividing the country!
All my life I have heard how great America is! In 1958 when I was born in many states blacks where being hung by white mops JUST BECAUSE! Segregation was the way of life for American blacks! Police brutality against minorities was what the police departments was train to do! The judicial system was racist by design! The Korean War permitted separate sleeping arrangements between blacks and whites in the military. Blacks where treated like third class citizen fighting and dying for their country! For the very white American that brutalize and discriminate against them! Hate and dividing the country was the rule white live for. The very privilege whites got at birth blacks had to fight and die for! When I enter the school system busing was just ending. And unequal funding for black schools started! Riot broke out in many city after the murder of Martin Luther King! I was 8 years old. So far I’m not seeing the greatness! Then WACO where the American Government murdered 74 American! And the Philly murder of 11 MOVE Americans and burning down over a hundred homes! Those things don’t make America great! Military homeless men and women don’t make America great! Then there was continue black beating and murders by white police and white mops! When I enter the Marine the day I arrive a white Marine murdered a black Marine. Because he thought the black Marine was talking on the phone to a white female! While in the Marine piss poor white Marine where promoted over blacks! Then out of the Marine I became a Correction officer. By now 1980 and if ever you want to see racism 101. Discrimination 101 enter any prison in America! White inmates are treat better then black inmates! So Today nothing really has change! The Great American claim has no merit! Many thing are getting worse! Yes America has it’s first black President! President Obama’s church was attacked his Pastor! Which led to him leaving his church of over twenty years! Claims was made that Obama associate with terrorist! 43% more death threats then any other President! Called a socialist and a racist. Fox News is dedicated to criticizing and attacking anything President Obama said or thinks! Disrespected as he address the Nation by a white politician! That shouted “You lie! So what makes America GREAT!!!!!?
Former Republican President G.W. Bush receive a 800 billion dollar surplus from Democrat President Bill Clinton! Bush then turn over a 13 trillion dollar debt to President Obama! Two wars and a prescription plan NOT PAID FOR by the Bush‘s administration!!! From day one of President Obama Presidency Republicans made a point of criticizing anything and everything President said or did! The 750 billion stimulus package was demonize by the Republican Party! Even given the fact that it stop the financial downfall and gave many Americans a tax cut! The 350 billion stimulus package under Bush! To this day has never been explain…What did it do? Where did it go? Unemployment was under attack! Claims where made by Republicans that President Obama said the 750 billion dollar stimulus package would bring national unemployment down from 10% to 8%! It started at 10% when Obama took office! Then went down to 9.8% …9.6.%….9.5%….9%. Today it’s at 8.7% going toward 8%! Soooooooo Now Republican are talking about black unemployment! Healthcare was first talked about by Republican Senator McCain. Then he along with all Republicans voted against President Healthcare Reform Plan! Didn’t matter President Obama got it pass! 32 million Americans now have the opportunity to receive healthcare! Seven decade of Presidents tried and fail! The Republican Healthcare proposal would have only cover three million Americans! The midterm election white American decided to believe Republican rhetoric and lies. They slowed down the recovery process! White Americans did that to vote against the first black President! Without any merit without a care that it would hurt them and the rest of America! Today eight of the Republicans that won seats in the midterm election is under recall! Recall from the same white Americans that voted them in! Hate and divide is not working for Republicans! Attacking union, teachers firefighter and police is not working for Republicans! Voting base on racism and pure hatred is not working for America!
Everybody has opinion on why capitalism is failing America! Daily pundits are spewing the same rhetoric about why the economy is where it is at. AND THEY ARE WRONG!!!! Not one pundit blames the true problem and that is white racism and The White Buddy System” ! These evils have hurt the country and many Americans! Capitalism can't live in a country that is not fair not equal and not productive! Today 1% of the American population owe 89% of American wealth ! The rich and super rich did very well under Bush Cheney. But are doing much better under President Obama ...So what are they complaining about? Now I must say before going on! I'M NOT RACIST!!!!!! I am identifying a American problem that is not acknowledge!
Capitalism plus “The White Buddy System” kills capitalism for all Americans. Capitalism plus “white racism” stop all equality stops all Americans from growing their wealth! When former Republican President R. Reagan gave American businesses the right “fire at will without reason”. American minorities might as well had just applied for welfare and employment! Today as a result of Reagan decision national unemployment is 9.1% but 17% for black Americans! Capitalism just becomes a word not a principal for minorities! In the beginning white Americans had a unfair and bias and racist start! A Affirmative Action program for whites only was establish in the beginning!
During slavery whites got to increase their wealth with a government approve welfare system for whites only SLAVERY! At the same time blacks where property and seen as less then human and unable to increase their wealth! Many white Americans became very wealthy because of slavery and today that wealth still exist. The majority ( white people) always helped other majority stay a head by denying minorities! Then after slavery was abolish white who were use to disrespecting and using black labor and not pay for it invented “Sharecropping”. What happen with that white farm owner would allow a black family to live on their property. Worked their land and at the end of the season they would cheat the black people. By charging then room and board and charging them for renting equipment to work their land! As a result many times blacks would owe the white land owners!
Ones again Capitalism becomes a word not a principal and totally worthless to American minorities! Former President Bush left President Obama in 2008 “a financial crisis” in the United States that was a systemic fraud in which the wealthy capitalists stole trillions of public dollars. No one was jailed for this crime, the largest theft of public money in history. Instead, the rich forced people across the to pay for their “crisis” through punitive “austerity” programs that gutted public services and repealed workers’ rights. Austerity was named “Word of the Year” for 2010.This documentary explains the nature of capitalist crisis, visits the protests against austerity measures, and recommends revolutionary paths for the future.
Special attention is devoted to the crisis in Greece, the 2010 G20 Summit protest in Toronto, Canada, and the remarkable surge of solidarity in Madison, Wisconsin.
It may be their crisis, but it's our problem.
Capitalism uses racism to justify slavery and war, and to legitimise military occupations and colonialism. It seeks to create division in the working class, to turn us against each other when we should be uniting and fighting the system as whole. Capitalism is so intertwined with systemic racism in its distant historical origins and contemporary history that it has been a mistake for analysts and activists to try to separate them. To the present day. Capital today still often comes “dripping from head to foot, from every pore, with blood and dirt.”
CAPITALISM CAN NOT WORK IN A COUNTRY THAT HAS WHITE RACISM Everybody has opinion on why capitalism is failing America! Daily pundits are spewing the same rhetoric about why the economy is where it is at. AND THEY ARE WRONG!!!! Not one pundit blames the true problem and that is white racism and The White Buddy System” ! These evils have hurt the country and many Americans! Capitalism can't live in a country that is not fair not equal and not productive! Today 1% of the American population owe 89% of American wealth ! The rich and super rich did very well under Bush Cheney. But are doing much better under President Obama ...So what are they complaining about? Now I must say before going on! I'M NOT RACIST!!!!!! I am identifying a American problem that is not acknowledge! Capitalism plus “The White Buddy System” kills capitalism for all Americans. Capitalism plus “white racism” stop all equality stops all Americans from growing their wealth! When former Republican President R. Reagan gave American businesses the right “fire at will without reason”. American minorities might as well had just applied for welfare and employment! Today as a result of Reagan decision national unemployment is 9.1% but 17% for black Americans! Capitalism just becomes a word not a principal for minorities! In the beginning white Americans had a unfair and bias and racist start! A Affirmative Action program for whites only was establish in the beginning! During slavery whites got to increase their wealth with a government approve welfare system for whites only SLAVERY! At the same time blacks where property and seen as less then human and unable to increase their wealth! Many white Americans became very wealthy because of slavery and today that wealth still exist. The majority ( white people) always helped other majority stay a head by denying minorities! Then after slavery was abolish white who were use to disrespecting and using black labor and not pay for it invented “Sharecropping”. What happen with that white farm owner would allow a black family to live on their property. Worked their land and at the end of the season they would cheat the black people. By charging then room and board and charging them for renting equipment to work their land! As a result many times blacks would owe the white land owners! Ones again Capitalism becomes a word not a principal and totally worthless to American minorities! Former President Bush left President Obama in 2008 “a financial crisis” in the United States that was a systemic fraud in which the wealthy capitalists stole trillions of public dollars. No one was jailed for this crime, the largest theft of public money in history. Instead, the rich forced people across the to pay for their “crisis” through punitive “austerity” programs that gutted public services and repealed workers’ rights. Austerity was named “Word of the Year” for 2010.This documentary explains the nature of capitalist crisis, visits the protests against austerity measures, and recommends revolutionary paths for the future. Special attention is devoted to the crisis in Greece, the 2010 G20 Summit protest in Toronto, Canada, and the remarkable surge of solidarity in Madison, Wisconsin. It may be their crisis, but it's our problem. Capitalism uses racism to justify slavery and war, and to legitimise military occupations and colonialism. It seeks to create division in the working class, to turn us against each other when we should be uniting and fighting the system as whole. Capitalism is so intertwined with systemic racism in its distant historical origins and contemporary history that it has been a mistake for analysts and activists to try to separate them. To the present day. Capital today still often comes “dripping from head to foot, from every pore, with blood and dirt.”