Perrspectives - Bringing light to Darkness

The Top 10 GOP Sound Bites: Rewriting History Edition

November 14, 2005

The past week has seen another shake-up in the Top 10 GOP Sound Bites.
After the President's shameless Veterans Day speech, the smash hit "Rewriting History", performed by George Bush, RNC chairman Ken Mehlman and National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley, jumped to the top of the charts. Kay Bailey Hutchison's ode to Scooter Libby, "No Underlying Crime," dropped two places to #3, while Scott McClellan's ballad "Ongoing Investigation" held firm at #2. For the first time since January 2002, George Bush's hard-rocking "Axis of Evil" fell off the charts altogether.
Here is the latest list of the Top 10 GOP Sound Bites:

4 comments on “The Top 10 GOP Sound Bites: Rewriting History Edition”

  1. this chart is excellent... first time I've seen it
    I'd like to see something similar for the MSM stories. The left really needs to buy some media so we can fight back against real estate billionaires (Mort Z), power mad australians (Murdoch), and the ever present Times who try to control public discourse.


Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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