Perrspectives - Bringing light to Darkness

Month: August 2007

August 22, 2007
Bush, Giuliani Agree on Iraq-Vietnam Parallels

In his address to the Veterans of Foreign Wars today, President Bush offered Americans what can only be called the "premature withdrawal" defense for his endless fiasco in Iraq. Claiming to predict Iraq's future by looking back to Vietnam's past, Bush declared the United States on the brink of victory pulled out too soon and […]

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August 21, 2007
Romney Attacks Himself in Illegal Immigration Ad

With former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani in his crosshairs, 2008 GOP White House hopeful Mitt Romney has begun running radio ads focusing on illegal immigration. Attacking sanctuary cities like Rudy's New York, Romney hopes to galvanize the fired-up anti-immigrant Republican base against Giuliani. As it turns out, Romney himself provided aid and comfort for […]

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August 21, 2007
Michael Vick's Next Career: Right-Wing Pundit

With his plea deal yesterday on charges of running a dog fighting operation, Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick likely brought his NFL career to an end. But Vick's next calling awaits him as soon as he is released from prison. Michael Vick, it would seem, is supremely qualified to be a conservative pundit. Far from […]

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August 20, 2007
Surprise! Petraeus to Testify on 9/11

President Bush has never been shy about falsely linking the 9/11 attacks to his war in Iraq. Now, the Bush White House apparently is planning to reach a new low in symbolic cynicism when it comes to selling its Baghdad debacle. General David Petraeus will deliver his much anticipated Iraq surge progress report on September […]

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August 20, 2007
Report: Foreign Policy "Experts" Reject the Iraq Surge

In the wake of the controversial O'Hanlon/Pollack op-ed endorsing the progress of the surge in Iraq, the liberal blogosphere has been awash in commentary about the mainstream media's narrow reliance on the pro-surge viewpoints of "very serious people" constituting the "foreign policy clerisy." As it turns out, not so much. A new joint report from […]

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August 20, 2007
Rove, Cheney and the Death of the Bush Doctrine

Among the more tragi-comic aspects of the departure of Karl Rove is the media's renewed interest in the Bush Doctrine and its three tenets of no safe havens for terrorists, preventive war and democracy promotion. Last Monday, Rove claimed that the Bush Doctrine would live on and be the President's legacy. And this morning, the […]

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August 19, 2007
Hurricane Dean: Texas Gets Bush's "Florida Treatment"

As the category 4 Hurricane Dean barrels towards his home state of Texas, President Bush is trying to "get out front" of the storm's potentially devastating impact. Their state already declared a disaster area, the Lone Star State will not only benefit from the lessons of Katrina; it looks like Texans may get the "Florida […]

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August 18, 2007
The Unpology: How Republicans Never Say They're Sorry

In 1997, Seinfeld introduced Americans to the "unvitation." The unvitation enables the cynical person to seemingly satisfy the demands of social etiquette by extending an invitation to an event or gathering which they know the recipient will - or must - reject. As we fast forward to 2007, Americans are witnessing Republicans perfect a similar […]

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August 17, 2007
Barking Mad, Giuliani Narcissism Edition

These are just some of the things that made me barking mad this week: Despite the pompous claim by Rudy Giuliani that he was at Ground Zero "as often, if not more, than most of the workers," a review of his mayoral archive showed he was at the Word Trade Center site only 29 hours […]

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August 16, 2007
Media Double Standard on Obama, Giuliani Foreign Policies

Media reaction to the recent foreign policy pronouncements of Barack Obama and Rudy Giuliani provides a case study in double-standards. While Obama received a hellstorm of criticism for his statements on attacking Al Qaeda bases in Pakistan and the use of nuclear weapons, the mainstream media has been essentially silent on the blatantly bizarre and […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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