Perrspectives - Bringing light to Darkness

Month: December 2007

December 12, 2007
The Verdict is In: Romney Speech a Double Failure

The verdict on Mitt Romney's over-hyped speech on "Faith in America" is in, and the results are not pretty. It's now clear the address was a double failure. As a statement of political philosophy, Romney's new religious test proclaiming the exclusion of Muslims and atheists from the American community was rejected by most commentators (save […]

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December 11, 2007
Perino, Bush and the Unlearned Lessons of the Cuban Missile Crisis

On Saturday, White House press secretary Dana Perino confessed her ignorance regarding the 1962 Cuban missile crisis and the Bay of Pigs fiasco the previous year. Of course, it should come as no surprise that the chief spokesperson for President Bush would confuse John F. Kennedy's signature national security triumph with his greatest foreign policy […]

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December 11, 2007
Lessons of Colorado: Tony Perkins and Right-Wing Terror

In response to the tragic church shootings in Colorado, Family Research Council head Tony Perkins naturally pointed the finger of blame at the "secular media." The senseless massacre of several deeply religious people by one of their own reflected, he claimed, "hostility that is being fomented in our culture from some in the secular media […]

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December 10, 2007
Top 10 Moments in Mike Huckabee's Extremism

As former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee catapults to the top of the 2008 Republican presidential race, amazed media on-lookers ponder his meteoric rise. The authentic, charismatic former minister, they say, is swaying disheartened conservative voters, especially the legions of evangelicals in Iowa and other states, disillusioned with President Bush and unimpressed with his potential successors. […]

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December 9, 2007
Reagan Debunked Huckabee's AIDS Bigotry - in 1987

Like all of the 2008 Republican White House hopefuls, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is quick to claim the mantle of Ronald Reagan. But when it came to the AIDS crisis, President Ronald Reagan was positively enlightened compared to the extremist Senate candidate Huckabee years later. As it turns out, everything Mike Huckabee argued in […]

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December 8, 2007
Text of Bush Letter to Kim Jong-Il Released

In a dramatic reversal of policy, President George W. Bush this week sent a personal letter directly to North Korean leader Kim Jong-il. According to the text of the letter obtained by the AP and other media outlets, Bush urged Kim to come forward with the details of his nuclear plan. "I want to emphasize," […]

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December 7, 2007
Bush Dishonors the Legacy of Pearl Harbor

The anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor gives us an opportunity to remember our tragic loss that day, and reflect on the almost unimaginable sacrifices that generation of Americans made to protect the liberty of all who followed. But as I first suggested in 2005, our observance now includes a new ritual. With each […]

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December 6, 2007
Mitt Romney Creates His Own Religious Test

In his overdue and over-hyped address today on "Faith in America," GOP White House hopeful Mitt Romney sought to disarm evangelicals' fears about the role of his Mormon faith, fears that threaten his campaign's prospects in the lynchpin state of Iowa. But while he likely failed in that task, Romney assuredly succeeded in redefining the […]

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December 6, 2007
Controversial Romney Article Restored to New Republic Web Site

On the day of Mitt Romney's make-or-break speech regarding his Mormon faith, Americans would do well to consult the New Republic for background reading. Over the past year, the magazine in print and on its web site has explored in detail the implications - real or imagined - of Romney's faith on his campaign and […]

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December 5, 2007
Huckabee Proclaims Ignorance of Iran NIE, Evolution

Mike Huckabee is quickly learning that the frontrunner's life isn't always an easy one. After first brushing off questions Tuesday about his creationist beliefs, the former Arkansas Governor went on to display complete ignorance of the new National Intelligence Estimate on Iran now dominating the news and debate in Washington. But while Huckabee might be […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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