Perrspectives - Bringing light to Darkness

Month: April 2012

April 30, 2012
Republicans Wouldn't, Couldn't, Shouldn't Get Bin Laden

Here are two helpful reminders for apoplectic conservatives. Until Barack Obama shows up on a U.S. aircraft carrier in a flight suit and an over-sized cod piece, no GOP loyalist can criticize him for boasting about the operation that killed Osama Bin Laden. And no Republican can claim that "other presidents and candidates like myself" […]

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April 27, 2012
Romney Needs Big Shovel to Bury Bin Laden, Iraq Flip-Flops

Echoing Teddy Roosevelt's famous line, Vice President Joe Biden used a major address on foreign policy Thursday to "promise you the President has a big stick." That provides a sharp contrast to the big shovel Republican nominee Mitt Romney will need to bury the embarrassing flip-flops in his foreign policy past. After all, the same […]

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April 26, 2012
The Coming Right-Wing Clash over the "Half That Pay No Taxes"

In recent years, few Republican talking points have been regurgitated as often as the myth that almost half of Americans pay no taxes. Just last week, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor complained "we have to question whether that's fair," insisting "you've got to discuss that issue." And that could be a real problem for some […]

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April 25, 2012
Romney's "Vision" Blind to Economic History

On Tuesday night, the GOP's presumptive presidential nominee Mitt Romney threw down the gauntlet. Declaring the election is "still about the economy - and we're not stupid," Romney warned that "President Obama and I have very different visions." After claiming that "government is at the center of his vision," the Republican offered the Romney Vision: […]

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April 24, 2012
Introducing America's Second MBA President

The Republican presidential nominee has an MBA from the prestigious Harvard Business School. He made millions in the private sector and earned notoriety for running a high-profile sports enterprise. The GOP's man is promising massive tax cuts which would deliver the lion's share of their benefits to the very richest Americans, himself and his family […]

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April 23, 2012
Republicans Call Kettle Black

While all eyes in the Beltway were focused on innocent dogs and stay-at-home moms, Republicans have been unveiling their strategy for the 2012 presidential race. President Obama, they claim, is responsible both for failed GOP policies and the unprecedented Republican obstructionism designed to prevent him from fixing them. The fall-out from the Bush recession, the […]

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April 22, 2012
Even After Bush Scandals, GOP Still Politicizing Civil Service

This was a very bad week indeed for employees of the federal government. The shameful Secret Service prostitution scandal, the GSA's Vegas boondoggle and the grisly pictures from Afghanistan rightly brought bipartisan condemnation from Democrats and Republicans alike. But you'd never know it reading the headlines from the AP, The Hill, the Washington Post and […]

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April 20, 2012
Romney Steals Thatcher's "Labour Isn't Working" Campaign Strategy

In Ohio this week, Mitt Romney stood before a banner reading "Obama Isn't Working" and blamed the President for the shuttered plant he used as a backdrop. As it turns out, there are only two problems with this picture. Sadly for Romney, the drywall firm in question closed in June 2008 when George W. Bush […]

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April 19, 2012
Romney's Noblesse Non Oblige

There's nothing wrong with being born with a silver spoon in your mouth. It's what you do with that good fortune that matters. And that is at the heart of Mitt Romney's problem with the American people. With his proclamations and policies, the same man who denounces President Obama as "out of touch" and "Marie […]

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April 18, 2012
Romney's GOP Allies Boast the Rich Will Always Dodge Higher Taxes

Since Barack Obama first announced his still-popular proposal to let the Bush tax cuts earners for the top two percent expire, Republicans have regurgitated a series of tried if untrue talking points to keep the wealthiest Americans from paying one more cent to Uncle Sam. As the data clearly show, tax cuts don't "pay for […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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