That wheezing sound you may have heard this week amid the chaos in Gaza, the carnage in Baghdad and the conflict in Lebanon was the final gasps of the Bush Doctrine in its death throes. Just two years after the President and his neo-conservative allies basked in the glow of their self-proclaimed moment of triumph, […]
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has lied to Congress - again. Raw Story is reporting that despite Congress' passage of the Preserving United States Attorney Independence Act of 2007, Gonzales has once again used the interim hiring authority for U.S. attorneys rescinded by that bill. Sadly, this is precisely what Gonzales promised Congress - under oath […]
In a Washington court room today, Americans learned that the growing conservative campaign of judicial intimidation reached the Scooter Libby case. Judge Reggie Walton, recently appointed by Chief Justice John Roberts to the FISA Court and who last week sentenced former Cheney aide Libby to 30 months in prison, announced that he had received threatening […]
The Campaign for America's Future and Media Matters have jointly released a new data-rich report aiming to undermine the mainstream media conventional wisdom that the United States is essentially a conservative country. The study, "The Progressive Majority: Why a Conservative America is a Myth," relies on opinion research to conclusively demonstrate that across virtually the […]
In Albania this weekend, President Bush learned that there is at least one place on earth where he is still welcome. Massive crowds and adoring throngs in the primarily Muslim nation came out to greet the President in Tirana to thank Bush for his support of independence for their ethnic brethren in Kosovo. But in […]
Over the past week or so, the ever more productive Republican gaffe machine shifted into overdrive. The violence and chaos in Iraq produced prodigious new helpings of conservative revisionist history. In Washington, Cheney chief-of-staff Scooter Libby learned his much deserved fate, while Attorney General Alberto Gonzales awaited a looming no-confidence vote. Even as GOP presidential […]
Just two days after the third anniversary of the death of Ronald Reagan, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill easing restrictions on stem cell research favored by his family. But with President Bush promising to once again veto what he called "a recycled old bill," Democrats will need a new strategy to win […]
God is speaking to Tom Delay again. That's the word from the New Yorker, which details the Hammer's self-described divine inspiration in shedding his sinful ways and motivating his born-again determination to lead a new conservative grassroots movement. As Perrspectives has detailed before, it's hardly the first time Delay compared himself to Christ. In the […]
For one day at least, God is in his heaven and all is right with the world. In Washington, Judge Reggie Walton sentenced former Cheney chief-of-staff Scooter Libby to serve 30 months in prison and pay a $250,000 fine for his perjury and obstruction of justice in the Valerie Plame affair. But while that issue […]
Once again, President Bush confirmed he is no reader of the history books. Just days after a scathing report from the Senate Intelligence Committee detailed how the Bush administration ignored the CIA's dire warnings of sectarian strife and civil war in post-Saddam Iraq, the White House pointed to South Korea as a model for the […]