Judging from the latest deluge of egregious gaffes, blunders and banality from the conservative chattering class, Stephen Colbert was certainly right that "reality has a well-known liberal bias." President Bush's wildly unpopular war funding veto, the continued entropy in Iraq, George Tenet's revisionist history and the rhetorical mishaps of 2008 GOP hopefuls combined to produce […]
Watching President Bush deliver his promised veto of the Iraq supplemental funding bill yesterday was akin to a bad game of Mad Libs. The President predictably demonstrated his resolve by filling-in the blanks in his speech by resorting to his repertoire of worn-out Iraq talking points, such as "surrender date" and "handcuffing the generals." Now […]
For an administration that claims to place so value on "accountability," the Bush White House once again exempted itself and its allies. On Monday, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice announced that President Bush would reject any Iraq funding bill that included benchmarks for the Al Maliki in government in Baghdad. As it turns out, that […]
On Tuesday May 1st, the United States will mark the fourth anniversary of President Bush's declaration of "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq. But as the carnage continues and the war funding debate rages, President Bush and allies in the conservative amen corners can only offer the American people new and recycled talking points to sell his […]
The Bushboard list of Top 10 GOP Sound Bites has seen another week of movement at the top of the charts. The Iraq war funding debate, the PurgeGate implosion of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and last week's landscape-changing Supreme Court decision combined to produce a new crop of omnipresent Republican talking points. Rocketing to #1 […]
With each passing day, the scandal-plagued Bush White House more and more resembles a 2000 episode of The Simpsons. During a check up, the nuclear power tycoon Mr. Burns is informed by his doctor that "you are the sickest man in the United States. You have everything." (See a video clip here.) But the doctor […]
Among the more enduring mysteries of the current American political scene is the continued popularity of First Lady Laura Bush. For the third time in just under a year, Mrs. Bush insulted our troops and their families. Appearing on the Today Show, the First Lady offered the American people this shining nugget of detachment and […]
Among today's least surprising developments is President Bush's latest expression of support for his embattled Attorney General. Despite Alberto Gonzales' near-death experience before the Senate Judiciary Committee last Thursday, the President proclaimed that his long-time friend "increased my confidence." What is even less surprising, of course, is that George W. Bush continues to make a […]
If April showers bring May flowers, then this month's torrential downpour of Republican gaffes and guffaws promises a rosy future for Democrats. The implosion of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales over the U.S attorneys scandal, the missteps of 2008 GOP presidential contenders, criminality from a new crop of Banana Republicans and the continuing entropy in Iraq […]
With the exploding scandals at the Justice Department and the World Bank enveloping his administration, President Bush voiced "full confidence" in Alberto Gonzales and Paul Wolfowitz this week. But as history has shown, there is no more certain confirmation of the criminality, ethical-wrong doing or imminent departure of a Bush team player than the President's […]