As Condoleezza Rice reminded Americans this week, nothing succeeds like failure for the members of George W. Bush's national security team. Addressing a $15 million dollar Republican fundraiser, Bush's former National Security Adviser and Secretary of State blasted the Obama administration's handling of the Ukraine crisis, declaring "When America steps back and there is a […]
Earlier this week, Republicans politicians and pundits, bloggers and bosses couldn't contain their glee over a spate of polls showing the public's disapproval for the Affordable Care Act. But as I warned just yesterday, Obamacare's conservative saboteurs might soon contract a severe case of premature elation. After all, the experience of President Bush's badly bungled […]
As they have for months, conservatives are trumpeting polls showing Obamacare's difficulty in winning the hearts and minds of the American people. While The Hill reported "four years later, Democrats wait for ObamaCare popularity bounce," the far-right Townhall celebrated a spate of negative surveys, including a 53 to 41 disapproval score in the latest from […]
The Supreme Court on Tuesday will hold oral arguments in two cases (Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. and Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. v. Sebelius) challenging the Affordable Care Act's requirement that insurance plans cover contraception. But with the Court's precedents and the legislative history of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) seemingly in the […]
Mitt Romney may be the happiest man in America today. After the recent documentary Mitt, some people concluded that there was more to Romney than the image of the cold, calculating parasite who pioneered schadenfreude as a wildly successful business model. And with Vladimir Putin's annexation of Crimea, Mitt has taken to the airwaves and […]
Politics, it is said, ends at the water's edge. Or at least it did until January 20, 2009. Sensing yet another opportunity to bludgeon President Obama, the usual suspects on the right have fanned out across TV screens and op-ed pages to blame him for Russian aggression in Ukraine. John McCain, who defended President Bush […]
Last week, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan announced that his party would not offer a "singular alternative" to the Affordable Care Act. For good reason. Four years after they first declared they would "repeal and replace" Obamacare, the CBO concluded the most recent House GOP trial balloon would increase the national debt and cause […]
That Paul Ryan's one-man crusade against poverty has gotten off to a laughably bad start should have surprised no one. After all, his various "roadmaps" and GOP budgets have called for giving massive tax cuts for the rich, slashing non-defense discretionary spending to its lowest share of the U.S. economy in generations, privatizing Social Security […]
Wyoming Republican legislator Troy Mader made headlines this weekend with news that he stands by his 1987 book, The Death Sentence of AIDS: Vital Information For You and Your Family's Health and Safety. Ironically, the very same year Mader called for a quarantine of AIDS victims, President Ronald Reagan publicly rejected that kind of dangerous […]
A hearing this week before the Senate Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging shows what happens when Republican obstruction of the Affordable Care Act moves from the ridiculous to the sublime. When Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) tried to demonize the single payer Canadian system by asking Dr. Danielle Martin how many people die on Canadian […]