They say everything is bigger in Texas. That's certainly the case when it comes to the mega-failure that is the Lone Star State's 46th ranked health care system. Six million people or 24 percent of all Texans--and 30 percent of those ages 18 to 64--have no health insurance. Twenty-two Texas counties are among the nation's […]
On Tuesday night, CNN Out Front host Erin Burnett officially joined the ranks of Barack Obama's inquisitors with her special, "The Truth about Benghazi." But for two years, she's been serving as the network's fear-monger about the U.S. national debt. "It has been 730 days since the U.S. lost its top credit rating," Burnett complained […]
In recent weeks, pollsters and pundits have been wrestling with a seeming contradiction at the heart of the country's abortion debate. On the one hand, the United States is a pro-choice nation, with consistent majorities of Americans voicing the belief for two decades that abortion should be legal in some or all cases. On the […]
For the first time in years, passage of the farm bill is producing conflict and controversy on Capitol Hill. But even as House Republicans demand $20 billion in cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) that would remove five million people from the food stamp rolls, the Government Accountability Office offered yet another example […]
Florida Senator and obvious 2016 GOP White House hopeful Marco Rubio used a Fox News op-ed last Thursday to publish one of the most comical acts of budgetary extortion in recent memory. Demanding that Congress shutter the federal government rather than pay for the implementation of the Affordable Care Act in its next short term […]
Former Vermont Governor and Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean may like to claim he represents "the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party," just not on health care. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, the one-time 2004 frontrunner turned K Streeter warmed conservative hearts by declaring "the Affordable Care Act's rate-setting won't work." Sadly for […]
The past week brought two big waves of Obamacare news. In the first, Maryland became just the latest state to announce that its new health care exchange will deliver lower than expected insurance premiums beginning in 2014. In the second, a slew of contenders for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination took the op-ed pages to […]
During the 2012 campaign, Republicans Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan proposed what might be called "tax cuts for cowards." That is, Romney/Ryan proposed slashing tax rates for the wealthy and corporations, partially offsetting the trillions in lost revenue by promising to close some of the hundreds of loopholes and tax breaks that cost Uncle Sam […]
With Congress set to adjourn for the summer, Republican leaders are hoping to reprise the recess of 2009, when furious Tea Partiers armed with incendiary signs, bogus GOP talking points and occasionally guns (though not the truth) ran roughshod over town hall meetings nationwide. But along with their streams of sound bites and planted questions, […]
During the 2008 presidential campaign, Republican John McCain famously struggled to explain at what point an American could be considered rich. When Pastor Rick Warren asked McCain at the Saddleback Church presidential forum "where do you move from middle class to rich," the $100 million man who had lost count of how many homes he […]