From the beginning, the defining irony of the never-ending debate over Obamacare has been this: health care is worst in those states where Republicans poll best. That is, the map of the states with the worst health care systems largely mirrors GOP strongholds in the Electoral College. Red state residents are generally the unhealthiest and […]
It is said that historical events occur twice, first as tragedy and then as farce. But when it comes to Republican presidential frontrunners and comprehensive immigration reform, the results appear to be all farce, all the time. After all, in 2008 a John McCain desperate to win over xenophobic Republican primary voters promised he would […]
Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames. Right now, a heart-breaking tragedy is unfolding in Philadelphia, where desperately ill 10 year-old Sarah Murnaghan is in a race against time as she waits for a lung transplant that is her only hope as she battles end-stage cystic fibrosis. But in Washington, Republican politicians and their media […]
Until this week, Republican Congressman Steven Palazzo of Mississippi's Katrina ravaged 4th district was best known for his opposition to federal aid for New York and New Jersey in the wake of super storm Sandy. Now thanks to his partnership with Florida Senator and 2016 GOP White House hopeful Marco Rubio, Palazzo will be known […]
Over the past few days, Erza Klein and Jonathan Cohn among have debunked the claims by Avik Roy of Forbes that Obamacare will produce a "rate shock" in California. As they noted, Roy conveniently ignored the fact that many people individual market cannot currently buy insurance at any price, let alone at the "teaser" rates […]
Back in 2002, Ann Romney revealed, "I truly want Mitt to fulfill his destiny, and for that to happen, he's got to do politics." As it turned out, Mitt Romney's destiny was to be the husband of yet another political spouse turned cookbook author. As Politico reported: The wife of former presidential candidate Mitt Romney […]
Every year, tax expenditures--Uncle Sam's myriad credits, exclusion, loopholes and breaks--cost the U.S. Treasury over $1 trillion a year. To put that in perspective, that figure is greater than the cost of Medicare, Social Security and national defense. Much larger than this year's projected budget deficit of $642 billion, tax expenditures equal roughly 30 percent […]
Back in 2006, Michele Bachmann announced that "God then called me to run for the United States Congress." Seven years later, He has apparently changed His mind, admitting "I've made a huge mistake." Much like half-term Governor Sarah Palin's explanation of her 2009 resignation ("It's all for Alaska"), Bachmann assured Americans she will be giving […]
Since the overwhelming Republican triumph in the 2010 elections, conservative majorities in states across the nation have implemented draconian new abortion restrictions at a dizzying pace that shows no signs of letting up. So-called "human life" amendments, punitive clinic regulations, "personhood" initiatives, fetal heartbeat bills, mandatory, invasive ultrasound procedures and outrights abortion bans are typical […]
While Americans marked this Memorial Day by honoring the fallen of the nation's wars, Republican Senator John McCain was inside Syria making the case for the next one. As reported in the Daily Beast, McCain slipped across the Turkish border to meet with Syrian rebels. As Josh Rogin detailed, McCain's surprise visit, the first by […]