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Category: Congress

January 24, 2006
Branding the NSA Domestic Spying Scandal

As part of its all-out campaign to defend its indefensible illegal domestic wiretapping program, the Bush administration is turning to one of its tried and true marketing techniques - branding. The product? The "Terrorist Surveillance Program." In speeches this week, President Bush, former NSA program manager Air Force General Michael Hayden and other White House […]

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January 17, 2006
Republican Plantation Politics

On the same day that Republicans howled over Hillary Clinton's use of "plantation", a GOP term of art, President Bush was practicing some plantation politics of his own. In Washington on Monday, the President honored the life of Martin Luther King Jr. by calling for the renewal of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. "We […]

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January 16, 2006
Ralph Reed: Abramoff Crony and Fox News Scandal Analyst

Fox News has nothing if not, as former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright might say, "cojones." Perhaps never more so than on Sunday, when its Big Story Primetime show featured Republican lobbyist and strategist Ralph Reed offering analysis on the Jack Abramoff scandal: 1:00am Big Story Primetime Abramoff Ripple Effect? Republican strategist Ralph Reed speaks […]

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January 7, 2006
DeLay Down, Not Out

Tom Delay, the former exterminator and ethically-challenged Texas representative, has bowed to the inevitable and finally stepped down from his House Majority Leader role. Facing a revolt from his own GOP colleagues in the wake of the Abramoff plea and new revelations of corruption, the Hammer in a letter to House Speaker Dennis Hastert grudgingly […]

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January 3, 2006
Jack Abramoff & the Banana Republicans

With today?s guilty plea by Republican uber-lobbyist Jack Abramoff, the Congressional GOP and its K Street poject may be in for a world of hurt. As many as 20 people in the House, Senate and other Republican circles in DC may be implicated. For all the latest news, documents, legal filings and timelines on the […]

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January 1, 2006
The NSA Scandal Resource Center

The Perrspectives Resource Center has just been expanded to include a new document library for the exploding Bush-NSA Spying Scandal. The NSA Scandal Document Library includes the latest Bush spying scandal news, essential Department of Justice memos and key laws such as the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), the War Powers Resolution, the 2001 Authorization […]

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December 23, 2005
Yoo Da Man

Karl Rove is widely credited with being "Bush's brain." But when it comes to the administration's dangerous and unprecedented expansion of presidential war powers, John Yoo is the President's mouthpiece. Only 34, Yoo, formerly of the DOJ's Office of Legal Counsel and now a professor at the University of California Boalt Hall School of Law, […]

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December 1, 2005
The Republican Rap Sheet

The explosion of scandals engulfing the Banana Republicans is producing a growing body count. In just the last week, California Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham resigned his House seat after pleading guilty to taking over $2.4 million in bribes from defense contractor MZM. Jack Abramoff partner Michael Scanlon entered a guilty plea for his role in […]

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November 23, 2005
Medicare's Prescription for Failure

Last week saw the launch of the enrollment period for the new Medicare prescription drug plan. Judging by the initial reception by beneficiaries, Congress and the market alike, the Medicare drug benefit is off to a rocky start. That should come as a surprise to no one for a program that was designed to fail. […]

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November 22, 2005
The Avenging Angel Smites Schmidt, Woodward

It's been a very busy week for the Avenging Angel, punisher of conservative miscreants. Last week, Bob Woodward, the famed Watergate reporter, confirmed that he sold his soul to the devil. First, Woodward penned two Bush hagiographies in exchange for exclusive access to the White House. Now it it turns out that Woodward, who on […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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