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Category: Donald Trump

September 11, 2020
FACT CHECK: Was Trump Right to Compare His COVID Response to Winston Churchill During WWII?

Trying to recover from the fallout over his February admission that he wanted to “play down” the imminent Coronavirus pandemic, President Trump today compared himself to British Prime Minister Winston Churchill during the Second World War. Explaining to a rally in Freeland. Michigan that “they wanted me to come out and scream, ‘people are dying,’” […]

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September 5, 2020
After Insulting Half of American Catholics, Lou Holtz to Get Presidential Medal

President Donald Trump announced on Friday that former Notre Dame football coach and current college football analyst Lou Holtz will receive the President Medal of Freedom. “There's a man that's an incredible leader, Lou Holtz,” Trump explained, “I've known him for a long time. He's been a friend of mine.” Of course, Trump is bestowing […]

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March 28, 2020
U.S. COVID-19 Response Must Expand and Federalize Medicaid in All 50 States

Six years before he was outed as the Coronavirus equivalent of a war profiteer, Republican Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) summed up the GOP’s health care plan. “The American system has access to healthcare for everybody,” Burr said, “It's called the emergency room.” Of course, that go-to Republican ER talking point has been a deadly lie since President George […]

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March 7, 2020
Trump Joins Past U.S. Presidents Who "Like the Numbers Being Where They Are"

President Trump ignited a firestorm of criticism following his comments Friday at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). After Trump explained, “I’d rather have the people stay” on the 3,500 person cruise ship anchored near San Francisco with 21 coronavirus cases “because I like the numbers being where they are,” Philip Bump of the Washington Post asked in astonishment, “Which is Trump more […]

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February 26, 2020
Protecting Trump Now, Limbaugh and Kudlow Blamed Obama for 2008 Bear Market

Furious over the Dow’s 1,900 point plunge over the past three days, President Trump held a press conference Wednesday to try to calm markets. Echoing the comments of his National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow that “we have contained” Coronavirus and the American economy is “holding up nicely,” Trump declared the pandemic risk to Americans is “very low” because […]

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February 24, 2020
Two Cheers for Mitt Romney's Lincolnesque Moment

One day after he cast his historic vote to remove President Donald Trump office, Utah Senator and former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney has continued to receive accolades for his principled and lonely stand. But Romney didn't merely buck his Party of Lincoln in becoming the first Senator to ever vote to convict an impeached […]

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December 24, 2019
The Impeachment Letter Trump Could Have Sent to Nancy Pelosi

December 22, 2019 The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Madam Speaker: I wrote you this past Tuesday to protest in the strongest possible terms the partisan impeachment charade you and your Democrat conspirators were about to perpetrate in the House of Representatives. Nevertheless, you persisted. I have […]

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November 26, 2019
Is Trump Trying to Block the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline So His Ukraine Cronies Can Cash In?

After this week's testimony in the impeachment hearings, the contours of President Donald Trump's abuse of power for personal advantage have become crystal clear. Trump violated U.S. law when he solicited the interference of a foreign power in an American election. Looking ahead to 2020, Trump demanded the new Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announce an […]

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October 29, 2019
Barr Turns to Familiar Faces for Bogus Probe of Russia Investigation

This is the legal landscape now before the man who must be identified as the attorney general of the United States: The unanimous consensus of the American intelligence community, the findings of the Mueller investigation, and the bipartisan conclusion of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence all agree that the Russian Federation interfered in the […]

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October 17, 2019
Trump Betrays Kurds One Year After Promising "I Don't Forget" Their Sacrifices for the U.S.

That Donald Trump betrayed America's Kurdish allies in the fight against ISIS should come as no surprise; Trump betrays everyone sooner or later. But Trump's treachery in codifying Turkey's ethnic cleansing of the Kurds across the Syrian border is different in kind and degree. After all, agreeing with President Erdogan that the Turks "had to […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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