Perrspectives - Bringing light to Darkness

Category: Election '24

September 1, 2024
Desecrator-in-Chief Trump Dishonors America’s Warriors—Living and Dead

Long before his shockingly disrespectful and clearly illegal campaign video stop at Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery, Donald Trump had already established himself as America’s Desecrator-in-Chief. For over 30 years, Trump has ridiculed military service, mocked the U.S. armed forces’ living and the dead, and sneered at the wounded and the captured. And when […]

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August 1, 2024
Ask Yourself: Would the Trumps Have Rented to the Harris Family?

I see that some of my friends on social media seem to be echoing the white guy who told black journalists that his black opponent isn’t black. I suggest they (and everyone else for that matter) read this profile of Kamala Harris from five years ago. Harris didn’t merely answer reporters’ questions about her family […]

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July 24, 2024
All Americans Must Denounce This Violent Political Rhetoric

There is much we still don’t know in the wake of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. The shooter’s motives and mental state remain a mystery. Exactly how the Secret Service and local authorities failed to secure the would-be assassin’s location and prevent his deadly fire is still undetermined. An authoritative ballistics assessment of the […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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