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Category: Iran

March 1, 2013
Bipartisan Resolution Calls for U.S. to Support Israeli Strike on Iran

Among the ideas most thoroughly discredited by the U.S. invasion of Iraq was the notion of "preventive war" to avert supposed future threats. Now, as the nation approaches the 10th anniversary of that disaster, a bipartisan group of legislators isn't just seeking to commit the United States to another preventive war, this time against Iran. […]

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November 30, 2012
Right Ignores Cheney, Halliburton in Attack on Rice's Iran Business Links

Reports this week that UN Ambassador Susan Rice and her Canadian husband Ian Cameron have investments in firms involved with the Keystone XL pipeline project and past energy deals in Iran are drawing scrutiny across the political spectrum. But conservatives eager to link Rice to Tehran might want to think twice. For starters, Rice's holdings […]

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October 23, 2012
To Prosecute Ahmadinejad, Romney Turns to International Court GOP Opposes

Among the more puzzling moments of Monday's final presidential debate was Mitt Romney's call for the prosecution of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on war crimes charges. As it turns out, Romney has been urging the United Nations to indict Ahmadinejad ever since his "close friend" and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu first proposed it over […]

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October 22, 2012
Romney's Ever-Shifting Red Line on War with Iran

Among the six topics CBS' Bob Schieffer has announced he plans to cover during Monday's night's third and final presidential debate is "Red Lines - Israel and Iran." With Election Day just 15 days away, that discussion cannot come soon enough for American voters. After all, while the Obama administration has consistently declared it will […]

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August 6, 2012
Romney's Financial Ties to Iran, China Back in the News

Conservatives on Monday were predictably orgasmic in response to the Washington Post report that Obama campaign adviser David Plouffe earned $100,000 in speaking fees from a firm which did business with Tehran. As it turns out, the Republicans accusing the President of being "soft on Iran" are suffering from a bad case of premature condemnation. […]

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June 18, 2012
Romney: I Do - and Don't - Need OK from Congress to Attack Iran

On Sunday, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney made two stunning statements about Iran. First, Romney managed to unlearn the entire history of the Cold War by claiming the United State "cannot survive" the advent of a nuclear Iran. Just as jaw-dropping, Governor Romney told Face the Nation that as President he would not need authorization […]

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May 1, 2012
Growing Dissent in Israel Poses Challenge for Romney

"We will not have an inch of difference," Mitt Romney declared in January, "between ourselves and our ally Israel." While that unprecedented pandering may have helped Romney slightly narrow the massive Democratic edge among Jewish voters, the cost of his blank check to his good friend Benjamin Netanyahu is starting to rise. In just the […]

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March 27, 2012
Romney's Number One Enemies List is a Long One

On Monday, GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney blasted President Obama's open mic comment to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he'll have more "flexibility" to deal with issues like missile defense after the November election. Predictably, a "disturbed" Romney denounced Obama's remark as "alarming" and "troubling." But what is surprising is that Governor Romney went on to […]

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March 17, 2012
China Joins Iran as the Bain of Romney's Existence

Mitt Romney likes to talk tough about China. In an op-ed last month, Romney charged that "President Obama came into office as a near supplicant to Beijing," adding, "his administration demurred from raising issues of human rights." Unfortunately for the former Massachusetts Governor, that tough talk was immediately tempered by word that his financial advisers […]

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March 6, 2012
Ronald Romney Forgets Iran-Contra

For the second time in four months, Mitt Romney has penned a tough-talking op-ed on the Iranian nuclear program. But this time, the almost certain GOP presidential nominee has introduced a new riff to his constant refrain that "If we re-elect Barack Obama, Iran will have a nuclear weapon. If you elect me as president, […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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