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Category: Media

March 2, 2013
Romney Was AWOL on Sequester Deal He Now Criticizes

History will record that Mitt Romney was a pimple on the ass of American politics: painful while here and forgotten once gone. Now the pustule has resurfaced. As part of his brief "Thank You Tour," Romney is using appearance on Fox News Sunday to attack President Obama for "berating Republicans and blaming and pointing" over […]

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February 26, 2013
Republicans Cheer as Woodward Moves from Plame Game to Blame Game
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February 20, 2013
Memo to Media: GOP Debt Ceiling Hostage Taking Responsible for Sequester

As the federal government nears the March 1st deadline to avoid the $1.2 trillion, ten year budget sequester, the media are breathlessly playing the blame game. While House Speaker John Boehner continued to decry "the Obama sequester" in a Wall Street Journal op-ed titled "the President is raging against a budget crisis he created," John […]

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February 12, 2013
Media Forget Bush's "Aggressive" and "Partisan" 2005 State of the Union Address

With Barack Obama's 2013 State of the Union address just hours away, the media conventional wisdom machine is already busy warning about an "aggressive" and "partisan" speech from the reelected President. Despite four years of unprecedented Republican obstructionism, Politico alerted readers to beware a speech that is "less a presidential olive branch than a congressional […]

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February 11, 2013
Chris Cillizza, Conventional Wisdom Regurgitator

When it comes to political commentary and analysis, the only thing worse than conventional wisdom is no wisdom at all. But each day, Washington Post writer and MSNBC regular Chris Cillizza walks that fine line between the banal and the inane. And with his latest stenography on the budget, the national debt, President Obama's cabinet […]

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February 8, 2013
Powerline, Free Beacon Praise Bush's "Stroke of Genius"
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January 28, 2013
Lincoln's Heir

One sure sign of the success of Barack Obama's second inaugural address on Monday is that right and left shared a common assessment of its impact. Conservatives decried the "amazing" speech (Charles Krauthammer) as "among the best of the past half-century" (David Brooks) precisely because liberals found Obama's "expansive case for progressive governance, grounded in […]

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January 20, 2013
Rice Joins CBS News

Rice may be out as Secretary of State, but soon she'll be on your television screen. Not, that is, UN Ambassador Susan Rice, but former Bush National Security Adviser, Secretary of State and rumored 2016 GOP presidential candidate Condoleezza Rice. Joining her former Bush administration counter-terrorism colleague Juan Zarate, Rice will be a regular contributor […]

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January 19, 2013
Love, Not Guns, the Lesson of Selma for John Lewis

Just days after the chairman of Gun Appreciation Day tried to misappropriate the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., the always execrable Rush Limbaugh pointed both barrels at the civil rights movement. Just in time for the weekend jointly marking King's birthday and President Obama's second inauguration, Limbaugh asked: "If a lot of African-Americans back […]

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January 17, 2013
The Stupidest Debt Chart of 2013

While Congressional Republicans are threatening to trigger a U.S. default if their debt ceiling blackmail is not paid, their allies in the conservative blogosphere are deploying the same chart to attack President Obama's supposedly out-of-control spending. But their horrifying picture of the yawning gap between in federal receipts and outlays between 1999 and 2012 isn't […]

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Jon Perr
Jon Perr is a technology marketing consultant and product strategist who writes about American politics and public policy.

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